Thursday, September 29, 2016

I Lied

 Well I Lied.... Yesterday wasn't my last post for a few days after all... Here I am again. Trying to hold on and hold it together.
 My daughter called. She has just purchased her airline tickets for her and my three grandchildren. They fly out tomorrow night. My heart is breaking in half. What is left of it anyway. The other half is shattered.
 I know that it is for the best. It has been a very very rocky few months, their future wasn't secure and the uncertainty was difficult to deal with but now that it is a reality it is hitting me. And hitting me hard.
 Being a family is very important and so I am sure that their move is doing what they think is best for their family but oh boy does it hurt this Mama's heart!
 I have promises of lots of phone calls and letters but it is not the same. Still I will adjust.

 Time to make dinner and time to pull myself together.... again..... BB

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about your daughter and the kids moving out to California. I have children in Virginia and Florida, and oh boy, it hurts not to be able to see them all the time, to hug them and know that they are all right. But that is what we parents do. We raise our children to move on out and go their own ways. Even if those ways aren't anywhere near us.

    When the blues get you down, just give Cisco some extra hugs and cuddling. It's not quite the same, but he will just love it!

    Do call me or send me an email with your new address. Pogo needs to know where to send things. haha.

    Now I have to get back to the supper that I'm cooking for my little guy. Pogo sends woofs and a great big lick to Cisco. You have a super evening, hugs, Edna B.
