Monday, September 19, 2016

Please Please Please Let Us Get This Apartment!!!

Hi Everyone,
 Digging into my archives for a page. This one was done years ago when I first started scrapping. I was working with 2 programs back in the older days when I first started. I really love that frame. I wish that I still had it but I have lost so much over the years.

 My daughter is giving me her Home Computer. She never uses it and it is only a couple of years old and she has used it a handful of times. She said that it had tons of space. That is so good for me. I was fixing to have to invest in a external hard drive which I really still need to do but it will have to wait.

 It is going to take every dime that we have to move plus some. I have a couple of really unexpected expenses with this move that I was not counting on, but it is what it is. We have cut out the luxury items that we love and or normally do until after the New Year. For me I am giving up my Netflix. It is a $10.00 expense that I can do without right now. I haven't even watched a movie or anything in the past month. So I can cancel it and when we get a bit ahead I will reinstate my account.

 Also we have re-vamped our grocery needs. We are going to be a tad more frugal and some of the things that we buy we are really not necessary. Desserts, candy and Ice Cream will be a treat once a week instead of several times a week. The boys have agreed to drink more water and tea instead of soda and I have already cut back I barely miss it as much now. I still like to have a glass a day but will do my best to cut it down even further, perhaps a glass every other day.
 Bread is another thing that we will not buy as much of as it takes only a little time a day or even every few days to bake some rolls, or biscuits and I have easy bread recipes for loaves of bread. I enjoy bread baking. There is something about kneading the dough that I love. It is relaxing to me.
 More veggies and less meat. Fall is coming on and Farmers Markets are awesome. Especially with the amount of vegetables that I can get vs the frozen things.  Left over veggies will be good in soups and I can make and freeze extra for lunches for me during the week.

 We are going basic for a while too. While we enjoy special shampoos and conditioners and cleaning supplies we don't mind buying the less expensive for a while. Bleach can be diluted a little more in my cleaning. Vinegar is a great degreaser and I can use it in a spray bottle. I can also Buy a large bottle of cleaner and and put a bit in a spray bottle for air freshener. I do that a lot anyway now. I love the smell of the Fabuloso! It is cheap and a big bottle will last us about 3 months and since we have chosen an apartment with hardwood flooring I know that vinegar and water is what to use. No residue and it will not damage the floors.

 I am a hot water girl... I love my hot water for sheets and towels but we decided to just wash our clothes in cold water, except for the whites. At first we are going to have to go to the laundry mat because we have to get our own washer and dryer. There is a laundry mat right down the street and everyone will just have to be responsible for their own laundry right now. I am old school. My mom taught me to hang up my clothes if I only wear them for a few hours at a young age. I have some lounge around clothes I can always change back into when I get home. So my laundry will not be so bad financially.

 Anyway we are having to cut back out of necessity right now. And maybe we have spoiled ourselves some so maybe if we cut back a little more than we take for granted, we will learn the art of appreciation just a little more.

 Take a look at these pics that I got off of the website of where we are planning to move to.

 This is the club house. They have parties here or you can just go and hang out if you want to. I love the old Spanish style and this is only 3 views.

This is the entry way into the main part of the building. When you walk in it is just like, Oh Wow....

Another couple of website pictures. Isn't this pool glorious.. The Jacuzzi and Spa and Hot Tub is inside, close to the club house. There is several grilling areas, water volley ball and a white sand Volley ball area. Even these pictures do not show the entire pool and water features. I have a couple of my own photos to share as well.

I took these with my camera. Really love this little phone camera.

 I don't have any pictures to share of the inside in this post. Karyn took photos of the inside and she sent them to me but I have been so busy that I have not had a chance to download them and believe it or not, it is already 3:30 in the morning.

 I better get myself to bed.  I am tired, but I will share more in my next post.

 Good Night everyone and talk to you soon.... BB

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