Thursday, September 14, 2017

One More Doctor Appointment And I Have A Break

 A page made with the beautiful kit Summer Glory by Kyra. Word art is made with a kit called Day of Hope. I hope that you enjoy it.

 I have been so busy I have met myself coming and going. I have to see my Rhematologist today. Yesterday it was my Gastroenterology. Finally a break until the 22nd.... (I think) I need to check my calendar. I have had it up to my ears in appointments, and eye surgery on the 27th. I am really dreading that one.

 I need to get dressed and go and take Cisco out. He and Jonathan got in a argument this morning. It seems that he does not want to get out of his warm bed to go out to potty. Jonathan said "Fine, You can just stay there till lunch". Cisco actually snapped at him. I don't think that it is pain related. He just doesn't want to get up in the mornings. He use to wake us up, now we have to prod and plead with him to get up!

 Well I just took Cisco out and the man at the end of our apartment building was standing outside his door minding his own business and Cisco wanted no part of him standing there. Even tho I had a good handle on him he was barking so ferociously the man motioned that he was going back inside lol. Once he was in the safety of his apartment Cisco trotted off as if he owned the world and went to potty. Reverse situation on the way back in lol. I do hope that Cisco did not traumatize the man!!! He is so protective so I can't hold that against him!

 Neither one of us had a good nights rest. I think that sometimes I become so tired during the day that I just cannot sleep at night. When I do sleep I don't rest well as I either dream strangely or I toss and turn but worse is when I can't fall into the good deep sleep. Just the light sleep that means my eyes are shut but my mind is racing. I know that has a lot to do with everything going on in my days. I have had all these appointments, then I have just been so busy with other things.

 I just canceled my Rheumotology appointment today. I am just not up to going. It is not a very important one, just a 3 month follow up. I just didn't feel up to going. I am just so tired. I don't know if it is allergies or a summer cold but what ever it is it is taking a toll on me. Cisco is back in his bed sleeping right now. I should go and do the same. At least try.

 The boys are off to work and I am home alone with Cisco. I will be right back. I have something to do right fast. Well my decision has been made for me. I took my temperature and it is 100.9 so that answers that question. Allergies do not cause fever. So I am off to take some Tylenol and go back to bed....

 Be sweet everyone and have a great day.... BB

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Prayers For Florida

 Hello Everyone,
 I thought that I would try and do something a bit more cheerful to try and help take my mind off of the people that are going thru Hurricane Irma. She came into the Florida Keys at a Category 4 but is now a 3. This is still a very dangerous storm. I am very worried for everyone. All the poor people that endured in the Caribbean and can still be impacted to some degree by Hurricane Jose. It is so very worrying.

 This page is a bit Christmas (y) slash Winter(y). One of my favorite kits, it is called First Frost by Moo Scraps. I have had it a couple of years now. Not one to buy kits, I did buy this one. It was just so pretty, the colors and I love the picture of the kids playing in the cold snow. 

 My night was late. I didn't mean to stay up so late but I am watching a series that I am really enjoying and before I knew it the clock read 2:30 a.m. so I turned the tv off as bad as I didn't want to. I wanted to watch the next episode as they always end with some kind of cliff hanger and this one was no exception. 
 Still I thought that I needed to go to bed. On my way to bed I seen Cisco on the floor in the corner by my bed. Odd because he had been there most of the day. So I tried to pick him up and he whimpered. So I held and tried to cuddle and took him to his bed. He laid down and I tucked him in but I couldn't sleep. I got up at least 20 times to check on him. I finally was convinced that he was okay since he was sleeping. 
 The boys said he was fine this morning. He went out and ran around the potty area, barked at a squirrel and was kicking his feet up and he has been playing with his toys this morning. I hope that it was just his arthritis acting up since he has done this with change of weather. 

 News here is short as usual. But I have a few things to share. My son Matthew is no longer engaged and he is no longer working for the railroad. He moved back to Texas and took a job here. It seems that he will be learning a new trade that he finds interesting so I am hoping that it works out. Glad that the engagement is OVER.... That was never going to work out! I hope that he really listens to me about getting involved with these girls!

 My brother in law that has cellulitis is still not doing well. I think that he should go back to the hospital but that is just my opinion and they didn't as for my opinion so I stayed out of it. (Mostly).... I did ask if he needed to go back and my sister said "He doesn't want to go back and some of the swelling is going down so he is better."

 My friend Patsy with the shingles I am happy to report is doing much better. She has not had to have a pain pill in 3 days. She said that the pain is still there but not as intense as it was and that she can deal with it now without the pain medication so I am proud to hear that.

 I have a slight cold. The first day I really felt rotten but other than needing a new supply of tissues, I am alright. A lot of this is allergies. I am allergic to Cottonwood Trees. Now is the time that they start budding so it is expected. 
 We had awesome temps over the past few nights. I have really enjoyed them. 59F is great sleeping weather! We have the sun shining today with some puffy white clouds floating by and the sun is peeking in and out a bit. No rain in store for us from what I have heard. Just a pretty day.

 I am going to see if I can find something to share and then I am going to make some lunch. 

I love this quote. We cannot understand people so let them try and understand us.... It might at least give food for thought... 

 I loved John Lennon.... I loved his thoughts and opinions. I found this quote on the internet. It is not mine. Just borrowed. 

 And with that my friends I wish you all a great day and start to a new week. BB

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Midnight Magic

 My layout for a fall scrap layout. I used two of Caroline Blue's images and a kit that I bought from DT before it shut down called A Fall Ride. I was just playing around basically while I was on the phone with a friend.

 I forgot today that the club I joined was bringing my produce. I got a lot of stuff actually. 2 heads of cabbage, onions, yellow, white and purple along with some garden onions, sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes, oranges, a couple of grapefruit and some squash and egg plant. No apples... darn it...  Some lettuce and a bag of green beans. I am sure that I forgot a few items. Not bad for this little Farmer Market club.

 Tonight Karyn is coming over to make Fish Taco's with Mai Mai. I am so glad that she is not going to use Talipia.  The last time she made them I got so sick. It tasted like a piece of the fish in mine was rotten so it has put me off eating them for a long time. But she is using a better fish this time so I will gladly give it a try. I might just end up eating the black bean and corn salsa lol... I can make a meal out of that!

 So laundry did not get done yesterday. Jonathan hasn't felt well the last couple of days. Yesterday he just slept a lot. I think that he is just tired. He has been doing an awful lot the last week or so. He did go out and get me a treat last night. I asked for popcorn. It has been ages since I have had any so it was a pleasant surprise for me. He bought me the mini packages so I wouldn't waste a whole bag. A mini bag is just the perfect snack size for me. He also bought me the original so I didn't get a lot of salt or the butter.
 He bought for himself the midget tootsie rolls! That little stinker... But I was happy with my popcorn.

 My sister is writing a book and OH is it Good. She is just on the rough draft but she calls me and reads me a chapter here and there and I am always so ready to hear it. The story line is about share croppers in the late 30 and 40's. She has a knack for writing, but it is going to take a while to polish it up and add more description and all the rest that goes into writing. She is doing this more for the enjoyment of writing than she is anything else. Others have told her to send it in for publication but I am not sure that she wants to delve into that area. But I think that she has a really good chance of making something out of this book. I really do.

 I use to write short stories all the time. In the 5th grade we had to do a screen play and I won first place. It was a very big deal for a shy and self conscious kid such as myself back then. I will never forget that. I kept that copy for years until a tornado came along and destroyed our home and along with so much else we lost, that was lost as well. But I can remember most of it. Isn't it funny some of the things that we can remember today, but the older that I get the more vivid my younger memories are and yet I am so forgetful lately on day to day things.

 I have my kitchen cleaned and really all I need to do today is just my laundry. I still have enough to get me thru. I have a dental appointment for my impressions tomorrow so I have my clothes laid out and ready for that. I dread getting up so early in the morning tho. I have become used to sleeping in. I do have to get up and check my insulin, eat and then I can go back to bed. Lately it has felt so blissful just to rest.

 Hurricane Irma is kicking up big in the Atlantic. Hoping she turns and stays off shore but some of the projections are not being so positive of that right now. Still a bit too soon to see what she does but Harvey was such a disaster. I just pray for all in the path of Irma now. I don't know if Harvey is done or not. I have not heard.

 That's about all that I have for today. Everyone have a nice day and take care.... Hugs to all... BB

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sunday Night And Early Night For Me.

 Hi This is an older scrap layout. This little fairy is just too sweet so I dug her out of my archives and decided to post this one today. I used most of everything on this page from Caroline Blue and the fairy as well. I recently went to her site and I guess she isn't doing anymore scrap freebies anymore. I really was disappointed. The blue flowers came from my friend Robyn Kidd in a personal kit she made for me.

 Today has been a lazy day. I have really just didn't do very much of anything. Jonathan and I are doing laundry tomorrow so we got that all ready to do and I cleaned the kitchen and my bathroom. And I picked up some things that needed put away. So I really haven't done a lot.

 I ordered Jon and I dinner tonight.  I had coupons for our favorite take out place. Buy one entree and get the other free. So we got some beef and rice and soup for each of us. Total came out to less than 5.00 dollars a piece. It was a good deal. He bought me lunch two days in a row so this is my treat but the last one of the month. Thank goodness for coupons.

 On Tuesday I get my first order for my produce. I can't wait to see what all I get with this club that I joined. We were going grocery shopping but I told Jonathan to hold off until we see what we get then plan meals around that. I have chicken and hamburger int the fridge. I also have several packages of frozen vegetables but it will be so great to have fresh.

 My mom used to can from our garden, I canned fruit jams and jelly's and beets and also did a lot of Ice Box pickles. I have some canning jars so I might have some good stuff to can but I really don't know. Also canning is hard work and everyone has to be careful because if you don't do it right then botulism can set in and I don't want to poison anyone. Just feed them lol. So my canning days are a bit rusty.

 I need a shower too. I should do that before our dinner arrives. They said an hour so I might have time to do that and to make my bed. My plan is to settle down in front of my TV and watch my show. Then I can go to sleep and rest.

 On that note I will say goodnight.... Take care everyone, BB

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Trouble Maker's

 Hello Everyone,
 It is such a lovely Saturday here, I decided to do a scrap page with my sister's Susie, Linda and Kay! When these 3 get together, you know that they are going to wreck havoc.... those 3 Trouble Maker's... LOL. This is a Quick Page from Miss Edna and the embellishments and background from a kit called Ocean Breeze by Rosie H.

 Like I said earlier, it is a lovely Saturday. It will get hot today but it is cooling down at night. In the 80's today and it feels so nice unless your in the sun of course and then you will want to find shade but still nice enough to enjoy the day.

 Yesterday I had to go to the SSA office for a review. I needed to have it done because it was going to cause me some significant financial issues. We were there from 9:30 until 4:30 so I had to call and reschedule my echo cardiogram and my ride transportation. It was a pain. That place is just awful. They had to send me to 4 different people to get a review done. Did you know that here in Texas at least, I have to have a review every year to make sure that I am paying my fair share! My fair share does not include household cleaning items, or personal hygiene items. Why not. They still have to be bought!
 People need garbage bags, laundry soap, toilet tissue etc.... but no it is not calculated. They only give you shelter expense and they had me only paying $245.00 for shelter...
 I had to appeal it so I stayed to appeal it rather than to fill out paper work and wait for an answer and a good thing that I did and that I had Jonathan with me because the questions were so confusing and he was able to help me answer them as he can speak on my behalf if he is with me.
 Anyway long story short is that they fixed it or they said that they did. But they say one thing and do another.

 So today is a lot less stressful than yesterday. Jonathan and I were mentally and physically exhausted when we left. We stopped for some fish and chips and came home. We ate and both of us were in bed by 6:00 pm.
 I watched one episode of Haven before I turned the tv off and went to sleep. Jonathan was right behind me. He slept thru the night but I forgot to turn off the sound on my phone and my niece texted me and then I was awake until Nathan got home. Once he was home I went back to bed but it was late but I did sleep.

 Cisco seems to have this new routine. Playtime with Chickie and LB and a tennis ball. Then he wants his bone to go and hide it and then comes back waiting for another bone. I give him one and he runs away and eats it then comes back with LB and we play some more then he is ready for bed. I am not sure when he eats the second bone but I know where he puts them and they are always gone the next morning lol.

 The last person that I talked to yesterday was so nice. Her name was Molly and somehow we got to talking about Cisco. I said he was my dog and Jonathan said wait a minute, he is really My Dog and I said... I bet that you don't have a single picture of him on your phone. So while Molly went to get some of my paperwork Jonathan looked at his phone and did NOT have a single picture of Cisco. So I pulled out my phone and he stopped me from scrolling when he seen all of my pictures of Cisco and said you win. He is YOUR dog. I said Yep and then he said.... You know it is sad mom when you have all these pictures of Cisco but barely any of your own kids lol... I said Only because you guys throw a fit when I try to take your pictures...

 I think that I am going to go and watch something on the TV and just relax today. Not sure if we will do anything this weekend or not other than clean and do some laundry. I really need to go thru my closet as they are taking donations for the victims that lost everything in Harvey. I wish I had some toys to donate but we have been donating to several causes. Clothing is next. I don't like to donate money. I never believe that it really goes to the victims. Yesterday when we went to get Cisco's food Jonathan and I donated to the animals. We got a bag of food, a blanket each for the dogs and a bag of treats for the cats and a bag of food. I know that the animals will get these donations for the pets of the hurricane. Of course our shelters need donations as well but we do that all year long. These rescue groups are in need of help for the animals.

 Time for lunch so I will close for now... Have a wonderful weekend....

 I will leave you with this beautiful quote and picture that I got from the internet... BB


Friday, September 1, 2017

Hello September 2017

 I wanted to post a page that I did of my grandson Alex. He is getting so very big. I am not sure where or when this photo was taken but I love it. He looks so grown up here!
 I used my friend Kyra's kit called "Afternoon In September". I thought that it was really great since today is September 1st.

 So I hope that all are doing well. I am ok. I had the eye surgery and today I can go a little while without the eye patch. I am not sure if the one that I have is defective or not. It is uncomfortable and it rubs the top of my eyebrow. It feels like it has plastic stitching that has little stickers at times. The pharmacy has some disposable ones that I think that I am going to get for my next eye surgery which is September 20th. It will be the left eye, then 3 weeks later the right eye, 3 weeks after that some laser surgery and then after that the injections once again. It looks like I am going to have as many visits to the eye specialist as I did with the dentist.

 Speaking of the dentist, on September 6th I have my first appointment for my impressions done for my dentures. I will be glad to get those. Miss Edna told me a few weeks ago that when we go to Florida this year, (If nothing happens) that I will be a new woman hahaha... I can live with that!

 I have several appointments today. My son is my authorized representative so he and I need to go to the Social Security Administration today. He is off on Monday but it is a holiday for us. It is Labor Day so we need to go today and we also need to go over to my doctor's office and pick up some paper work.

 My sisters made it back safely from their vacation in Mexico. I talked to 2 of them. Now I just need to talk to Kay and see how she is doing. I was worried about them flying in due to Hurricane Harvey but they didn't have any problems so I am happy about that. I am sure that they had a good time.

 My friend Patsy has a bad case of the shingles and my brother in law had a bad case of Cellulitis. I am happy to report that both of them are doing better. Patsy said yesterday when I talked to her that yesterday so far has been her best day.
 My sister Sharon called last night and my brother in law Raymond is doing better too. So I am relieved to know this news.

 Matthew flew out to Nevada yesterday morning so he is back to work. He and his little girl video called me. It was so awesome! I forgot I was wearing my patch and she stared at me and said Nanna's a pirate! LOL. She wore an eye patch to for a little while but I was afraid I was scaring her with it on so I took it off  but Mom and Dad told me to put it back on. So I did.

 Cisco is sleeping! He hasn't wanted breakfast yet so if he doesn't get up soon he will get lunch. No need for me to make it now if he is sleeping.

 Ohhh I was going to tell you a story. The state of Texas had to shut down 15 refineries due to Hurricane Harvey. Someone, a stupid someone posted on social media (Facebook I think) that everyone had better go and fill up their cars because we were running out of gas. Texas has plenty of gas, but panic set in. We could not get gas anywhere. Cars lined up even out into the middle of the road!
 So we were worried that Karyn, Jon and Nathan would not make it to and from work today. So Karyn got up around 5:00 am and was able to get gas, and so was my son. Not many cars lined up but sooooooo many stations are completely out because everyone panic'ed and was fueling up everything that they owned, even bringing in gas cans.
 Even tho we have lots of refineries all over the country, Fuel trucks run on a schedule. So they deliver gas one day a week to certain places. These stations usually use around 10,000 gallons a week so if they run out which they did, they have to wait for their regular rotation to be refueled but the news said that they were going to try and refuel as many as they can but their regular contracts have to be serviced first.
 I forgot how people panic over things like this. Just think of what the people on the coast are doing without fuel? Of course they have lost a lot of cars. Last count I heard was 500 thousand were destroyed or under water.

 And while everyone is focusing on Texas and Louisiana right now, poor Bangladesh India is flooding so bad they are loss of life, crops and livestock. They said that they have not seen rains and floods like this in 40 years. This too is breaking my heart.

 Jonathan is home so I will close for now so we can go on with our errands... Hugs to all and have a great day... BB