Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I Have To Remember It Is Tuesday

 For my friend Sam whose father is in the hospital with a possible heart attack. I hope that he is better soon Sam and I hope that your taking care of yourself during this stressful time. xoxoxoxxo.

 Hello Everyone,

 I hope that those of you that celebrate Memorial Day took a few minutes from your day to say a prayer of thanks for our soldiers, those that have fallen and the men and women who wear their uniforms in our country and on foreign soil.

 I am really tired this morning. I had to get up early because I have to go to the doctor and set up my next round of tests for the colonoscopy and the endoscopy. I am having them both done at the same time and I want to talk to him about trying a new medication for the ulcers that I have. I am not looking forward to doing either of them. But it is the only way to see if the ulcers are healing at all.

 I just read one of my favorite blogs, and the gardening bug has hit and what a wonderful way to spend the long weekend, out with the flowers and weeding and planting with your hands in the dirt. I really miss my house but on the other hand I have to be honest and say that keeping up 2 acres of land was beginning to take it's toll. We had pine trees and they can be so beautiful but also very messy. Of course the other trees were show stoppers too but the clean up never seemed to end, especially in the fall, but I miss my Canna's and my mums and roses and all the rest of my beautiful gardens. I guess that sometimes it is time to move on. My patio garden didn't make it this year. Money was and seems always to be so tight lately. I needed to put the money into necessities rather than wants this year. That is just the way that life goes so I am content knowing that to have our bills paid and food in the house is more important than the things that I want.

 My daughter Karyn came over and she cooked 2 meals that insured that I didn't have to cook this weekend. I was only allowed in the kitchen to refill my coffee cup! I am very happy to know that I have such a loving child. She works so hard but always finds time to help me by doing such sweet things. It really is so nice to have someone take care of things for me. She even got the boys into the kitchen to clean as she cooked. My daughter is a WHIZ in the kitchen but she is not known for being tidy. The girl can use every spoon, pot and dish in the house! But the end results are so worth it!

 I have just had a look at my calendar and boy am I off. I don't go to the doctor until June 2nd.... Man I am really out of it! I am so glad that I doubled checked..... sheesh... well that means that I can cuddle with Cisco a bit longer today!

 So now that I know I am not in a rush, I need to take care of a few things, such as getting another cup of coffee!
 It is going to be a hot and sticky day here today.Humidity is up to 90% and it is supposed to hit the mid 80's which would be awesome if it wasn't for the humidity which will make it feel closer to a 100 degrees out there.

 You all have a great day........ BB

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

No New Scrap Page Today


 No new page today as I hurt my hand. I have done a couple of pages but they have been slow going, so I will share this today for all of our wild life. Did you know that birds cannot digest bread or crackers? They do not have a gall bladder in which to break down the food and the bread swells inside their intestines. Just thought that I would pass this information on as I know lots of people will take day old bread out to feed the pigeons and other wild birds. I did not know this until I bought some parakeets for my kids and the lady who raised them told me why bread was bad for the birds. I had just forgotten about it until I seen this and thought that I would share.

 So what is my news for today? Well I sprained my left wrist. I have no idea how. I just woke up and could barely move my hand. I thought that I probably slept on it and it would get better but as the day wore on the pain began shooting up my left arm and my fingers were swelling and it hurt really bad.
 I was over at my daughter's house. I had planned to spend a few days with her but she and my son Jonathan started googling my pain and decided that I needed a trip to the Emergency Room because it could have been a silent sign of a heart attack. I finally gave in and decided to go.
 Once there my blood pressure was really high and my pulse rate was 130 so they threw me back into a room and immediately drew blood for enzymes to check and then worked to get my blood pressure down. They said pain could have been the cause of the high blood pressure but all tests came out well so I am glad that I went ahead and gone in.
 As my wrist and hand was swelling and hurting really bad, they surmised a sprained wrist. I just don't know how I did it, but they put ice on it and alternated it every 20 minutes or so and then put a splint on it and I was freed and sent home. It was way to late to go back to Laurie's so I came home.
 It is much better today. I can actually move it but I took the splint/brace off because it was becoming uncomfortable. I will be putting it back on as soon as I finish this post.

 This is going to be a rant. I will try and make it short. But I get worked up when I get ticked off and I am ticked off.
 Our apartment complex has gone to a lot of trouble to make a beautiful walking park with pergolas and  stone walk ways with BBQ grills and a place for our dogs with potty stations and they planted trees and such pretty roses and other flowers.
 What has me ticked off is that the people here have no respect at all. If they walk their dogs no one is cleaning up after them which makes it very unhealthy for our animals. The maintenance crew has to come in every morning and clean up the dog poop and all the litter from the people. Coke bottles, water bottles, paper, trash, and so forth.
 This is the kids mostly. No one seems to monitor their kids here and there are so many of them I don't know who they belong to.
 They throw rocks at my apartment and I did find the one that was doing it but he didn't speak English so that was a problem and of course he ran off as soon as I started telling him that I was going to report this to the office.
 The BBQ grill door is warped and when I took Cisco out this morning I seen that the under carriage was filled with rocks. They have pulled all the petals off the rose bushes, threw big old rocks in the gardens and there was trash all over the place, even tho we have trash bins. Pizza boxes, candy wrappers, along with the bags that they put out for our potty area all littered on the grounds.
 Why don't people watch their kids?
 Everyone wants to complain about the crime and violence in our country committed by the younger generation but it is how they are raised. When parents let their kids do things destructive when they are young, what is to stop them when they are older? Then they in turn have kids that they don't discipline and there you go. A vicious cycle that just keeps on going and going and going.
 So I am going to the office today and having a talk with the managers. I think that I am going to suggest that they put out video cameras and stop this nonsense. Knowing these people here tho, they will probably just break the cameras.

 I guess that the people that was fighting so much were made to move. It is now just a man and woman and their children which are very quiet and hardly hear anything from them. I guess that the other people were friends or relatives of theirs. Anyway they are gone... Hallelujah.  It has been really nice in the back without them coming and going and fighting like they were.

 Well time to put my brace back on. I can feel a twinge of pain in my wrist so I better not over do it. You all have an awesome day. BB

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Another Challenge

 Hi To Everyone,

 This is a page that I did for a word play challenge. The word theme was Word Play. I chose a series of word games. I had a very difficult time with this page as my hangman and the crossword behind it kept disappearing from the page if I moved it just the slightest or if I added an embellishment or anything. It took about 2 hours to do this page. My original took only about a half hour from start to finish but since everything kept disappearing from the page I had to keep going back and fix it. I finally just got it to this point and just left it.
 Then I shut down my laptop in hopes of letting it reset the issues and I have my fingers crossed as it all seems to be working pretty good right now.

 I am really tired today. It has been one of those days where my energy has just bottomed out. I did do my laundry and I also did a load of kitchen and bathroom towels and wash cloths. I have them all dried and folded and put away.

 Nathan goes back to work tomorrow so I am going to miss my helper. He really helps me with Cisco. My fur baby hasn't been feeling well at all. We might have to talk to the vet and take him in. I thought that his tummy issues may have been that he had so many treats over the weekend but I don't think that has anything to do with it now. He isn't eating, but he is drinking. He is sleeping much more than usual and he doesn't want to play. I will keep my eyes on him and see how he is doing. If he doesn't have any interest in playing with Jonathan when he gets home then I know that it is something not quiet right. Nathan says that he is just really tired because we had really bad storms last night and Cisco was highly upset. I didn't hear anything. I slept like a log.

 We watched a really interesting documentary last night on the Amish being Shunned. I had watched it the night before but wanted the boys to see it and I also wanted to watch it again as there were parts that I couldn't see really well on my tablet.

 I made a really good dinner last night so we ate our meal while watching the program. Everyone eats at different times around here but last night we seem to have all been ready to eat at the same time. I am not cooking tonight. Instead I am going to have a bowl of soup and going to bed. So until next time you all have a great day or evening in your corner of the world. BB

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy Tuesday And I Am Still Awake

 Hi Again,

  I have tried to get over and update my blog and somehow never made it. I have just been busy but if you should ask what it is that I have been doing, I wouldn't really be able to tell you. Just snippet of things here and there.

 Saturday was my daughter Laurie's birthday. My baby girl turned 30. I cannot get over it. 30 years old! No way, it seems she was just born a little while ago. But she is a mom of 3 kiddos of her own. It was a good weekend. She and the kids came and it was so good to have them here but Lands Sake... I am still recuperating lol. I guess that goes hand in hand with kids.

 My house isn't as baby proof as I thought that it was. Oh Edna, you should get a semi kick out of this story!
 Before the kids got here I tried my best to put some things up so the baby couldn't get into certain things. One of them was the box of Milk Bones that Pogo sent to Cisco. I put them way back in my closet and up on a plastic bin. Out of reach. Also out of mind and I put the container of Milk Bones up on a closet shelf so the older kids wouldn't be tempted to get them and give to Cisco.
 Later on Sunday afternoon my daughter and I went into my bedroom. I stopped and said... Oh Dear, someone has been in my closet and my heart was in my throat because I had put my medicine up on a shelf and couldn't imagine who would have gotten into my closet. I opened the door and who was there? Cisco and Dante, the baby. He had crawled up on a box, had one hand holding for balance and another in the Milk Bone box and pulled out a hand full of bones... A big grin spilled all over his face... Oh yes, Cisco the guilty party was in the closet too. He said... "Puppy" and dropped them down to Cisco who was in Milk Bone heaven.
 Earlier in the day Jonathan and Karyn had walked Cisco and said that he had diarrhea. I was concerned because he had not had anything different from his diet... (Little did I know that he was getting treats and Lord knows how many treats he had over a course of night and day.) lol.
 So the box of Milk Bones went to the top shelf as well.
 I suppose that Cisco is back to normal as he has been his old self. I just have to remember to keep the treats put up when he is here. How that little stinker knew that they were there I have no idea, but he did.

 On Saturday night I was trying to get him to go to sleep. Several attempts but the first try was earlier. We watched Goose Bumps.  At 2:00 am he was still going strong. Patsy calls me every night usually and when I was at his house he would want my phone and I would tell him that I was talking to Patsy. Well  of course he had to talk to. That night he kept trying for my phone. "Call Patsy" he would say and I would make excuses, like Patsy is asleep like you should be, but right when I was trying the first time to get him down about 10:30 or 11:00 Patsy did call and he just had to talk to her. So they talked and he told her all about the puppy and the Popsicle's that Na-Na had. Now at bedtime he tells his mama... "I talk to Patsy". She says no and it is a good thing that she does not have Patsy's number as he would be calling her all the time like he does me!
 Adrian was so sweet. He is 9 now and he doesn't like anyone to see him snuggling or cuddling. He thinks he has to be a big boy or perhaps it embarrasses him, but the first chance with everyone outside with Cisco and Karyn and Laurie at the store, he came and actually got into my lap. Wow has he grown! We talked and talked and he loves hearing me tell the story of when he was born and how special that day was. How I was there, cut the cord and carried him to his mama and how later I was able to carry him down to the special nursery and how everyone couldn't get over how beautiful he was. And he really was. His head was shaped perfectly. He had the prettiest complexion of any new born I had ever seen and he just snuggled and giggled until the boys came in with Cisco and that was the end of that!

 Cathy climbed into bed with me and we crocheted on her blanket. It is almost finished but she wants it bigger. I don't have any more pretty yarn to make it bigger. All I have left is some ugly brownish orange and some ikky yellow. So I am going to buy some pretty yarn and make her a throw. Karyn wants me to make her one for Christmas. She wants hers in an ocean blue. Cathy at first said pink, then purple and then she said Na-Na any color you like will be my favorite. So I will try and get both yarns because Cathy's birthday is in November and it will be a perfect time for her to have it.
 And Laurie wants in on the act. "Mom teach me how." I was like.... Laurie I am not that good at anything but scarves and afghans. But I promised so I will.

 They left Sunday around 7:00 and I was in bed and asleep by 7:30. It was a great visit until I realized that I didn't get any pictures. Laurie even put on a really pretty dress and did her makeup and everything and still we somehow forgot to take pics. Laurie chose peach pie and vanilla ice cream instead of a cake. And as I had to have my eye exam she even made the lasagna. Sheeesh hers was better than mine lol.

 Everyone including my kids said... "Mom you can't have an eye exam today, it is Sunday. Your confused. Finally Karyn said, "Alright Mom I will take you but it is a wasted trip." I didn't argue with her I just got in the car. Imagine her surprise when I walked into the vision center and told them I had an appointment and they directed me to the back! Karyn just looked at me and shook her head and said... Who Knew they were open on a Sunday!
 So my insurance will pay up to $200.00 for a pair of glasses. Cool.... I found some that I really liked and they fit well and they were $68.00. I didn't even notice the bling on the side of them until I was leaving the frames I had selected and set them on the desk. They are pretty and tried several pairs and different venders before I chose that pair. All is in the computer. I just have to go in this week so they can run my insurance since they couldn't verify it on a Sunday. But everything is ready to go once I go in.

 Came home, played with the kids, ate dinner, played Uno and then we colored or at least Cathy, Dante and I colored. We had a great evening but around 10:00 we were all ready to crawl into our beds except Dante. That's when I bribed him with a movie on Netflix. Imagine my surprise when the movie was over and he crawled out of bed and decided to play hide and seek. Laurie and the boys were watching a movie so I played with him some more, let him run around and then Patsy called.

 So this is the end of my blog. It is almost 6:00 am now. My eyes are finally getting heavy and before I go I will share the birthday page of Laurie I made for her. I didn't do a traditional page as she has since birth marched to the beat of her own drum. This page fit her personality a lot better than a traditional page.

 So this is my baby girl, a photo taken a couple of years ago. The kit is from Tiny Turtle or Dreaming with Bella. Not sure as she opened her own store but I got the kit for 49 cents so it was a win win for me.

 Good Day to Everyone....... BB

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Dazed And Confused!

 Hi Everyone,

 Meet my friend Cory. Cory had his birthday the other day and I missed it somehow, so I tried to make up for it today by creating him a scrap page/card. Not only is Cory a very talented young man, he is also competed in World Championship Poker Tournaments. Cory is also a musician and has his own band and is at this moment recording another album. He has a deep voice that I really love and I listen to his music all the time with the free downloads that he sends to me and I am grateful that I met Cory.
 Cory has had a lot of challenges and by looking at this photo above you can tell that he is in love with the guitar that he is holding and trying out. I know that he would love to see what it looks like but everyone has described it to him. You see Cory is blind. But you would not know that if you didn't know him. He is very accomplished.
 Cory I wish you a very happy Belated Birthday!

  I had my endoscope done this morning. They moved my appointment up from 7:15 am to 4:45 am... so I was a very sleepy girl. But I got up and was there in plenty of time. Once I was checked in I waited in the waiting area until they called me back.
 It wasn't long before they had me hooked up to a heart monitor and blood pressure cuff and then they attempted the IV.... now for some reason my veins do not like IV's. Nope, my veins collapse or they roll or they just close up. Jonathan stayed with me while I squeezed his hand as the sweet nurse tried to get the IV in. After 2 sticks she stopped. I am calling in the Big Dog she told me.
 The Big Dog was named Mark and he gently shook my hand and ran his fingers over it several times and thumped the heck out of it and said....... found one and in one stick the IV was in...... sweet and quick. Wish they could all be like that.

 Things moved pretty fast from that point on. They put a nice warm blanket on me and I met with the anesthesiologist who explained what he was going to give me and then after that another gentleman came in and introduced himself as Jimmy and told me that he would be administering the drug that would give me a little nap and he wheeled me back.
 I met with my doctor and he explained again the procedure and then went off to do what doctors go off to do before procedures that is really surgery.
 I had no time to see what they were doing. One girl told me to lay on my left side and as I was rolling over Jimmy was putting a numbing agent into my IV and she said open your mouth and while I was doing that he injected me with the medication and Ohhhhhhhh I nearly jumped off the bed or would have if I could. It burned so bad.
 He said I know it burns and she said... No don't bite and that was it... I woke up suddenly with Jonathan standing over me smiling and saying Hi Mama.
 Talk about Dazed and Confused! It was like no time had passed at all.

 Now we can talk about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly......... The good is that my previous surgery on my esophagus was fine. What I have is Ulcers. I have one large one in my esophagus and multiple in my stomach, My stomach lining is nearly gone as well. He took biopsies and I will have the results in 7 to 10 days. Probably sooner than that but they want to give a little extra time there.
The good is that I now know what is wrong.
 The bad....... Ohhhhh the pictures, the Ulcers are really bad and they are big and they are pretty scary looking. I have to have this procedure done again in 6 weeks along with a colonoscopy.... Isn't that FUN? I get to have them both done on the same day almost at the same time... hmmm... On my end that is bad. I have had that Go Lightly before and guess what.... there is nothing about going lightly with that stuff.....
 Here is the Ugly..... The medication that I need is $860.00 a bottle.  My insurance will not pay for it so the pharmacist sent paper work to my doctor to fill out and he will contact my insurance and over ride the insurance. That might take a few days. In the mean time I have to really watch what I eat and drink because these ulcers have to heal before they start bleeding etc.

 $860.00.... I almost dropped the phone and I told the pharmacist that was the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard of, but then I thought of my insulin that is $977.00 for 10 pens... 10 pens is a weeks worth. Nearly $4,000 a month for one type of insulin.... $500 plus... for another kind twice a month. I am fortunate to get help with my medicines but I still have co-pays and after I buy what I need medically then my rent and food and portion of electric and pay for my meds, I am lucky to have a few dollars at the end of the month.
 We have tried the cheaper insulin's and they do not work for me. I end up in the hospital on Insulin Drips from Acid Kenotosis so really I don't have choice on the insulin. My cells are resistant to insulin so I have to have this that breaks the cells down to allow the insulin to enter the cells to help control my blood sugars. Not that I don't still have bad days because I do.

 Jonathan took me out to get me some breakfast as soon as we left there. We went to McDonald's. That was fine with me. I really wanted a cup of coffee. I just lazed around the rest of the day and I am still awake. I was going to try and sleep but I got caught up in the antics of Herman and Lily Munster. I watched several episodes and laughed my butt off. I had forgotten how much I had loved that show. That is one of the reasons that I love my Netflix. I can watch a lot of my old oldies.

 I had soup for dinner and a couple slices of cheese. The soup was delicious. Karyn bought it for me. It is a store specialty at our sweet H.E.B. That was the store that I posted all the pictures from a while back. Not that particular store but we have them all over town here. It was a chicken and pasta soup and had the best flavor. I also later on had some sugar free jello and a small glass of milk. about 2 ounces worth. I can't drink a lot of milk but it does soothe the burning in my stomach. I don't know if I should have it or not. I have heard that milk and ulcers are not a good combination, but it is better than soda. Tomorrow I will make some tea. I have some really nice blends so I will make up some for me to drink.

 So other than what I have said here, that is all the news that I have except the weather men and women just cannot seem to get it right on the weather... it is raining again! We are pretty lucky here, for the most part it went by us. We had a hard shower come down for about 20 minutes and now it is just a soft rain. Where my daughter lives really got it hard and heavy and had some pea size hail and back home where my sisters live, they got it really bad. High winds and power outages and heavy rain. I read a report tonight that said we can get isolated showers every day this week. We were up to 94 today. I cannot believe that it is this hot already.

 Ok I got a couple of things to share with you that I got from the internet. Some was sent to me and some I snagged. I hope that you get a chuckle or a warm feeling in your heart.... One is a tiny bit naughty but hey... we are grown ups here.... ( I Think) lol.

I saved this one for last.........

Ooop's I found one more....

 Good night to all...... BB

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Can't Sleep, My Fault

Hello Everyone,

 The page above is for a new friend of mine and her little girl. And every little girl needs to be a Princess every once in awhile. So this is my page for Emily.

 I hope that everyone who Celebrated Mother's Day had a lovely day. Mine was very nice. Jonathan made lunch for us, and Karyn and Joe came with our evening meal from one of our favorite restaurants and also brought me a beautiful gift. Wrapped in a beautiful bag with pretty green and blue tissue paper was a robe that I had admired.
  Karyn had gotten me one for Valentines Day and I loved it. I remarked the other day while we were shopping that I wished now that I had another one. So that is what she got for me. It is pink with butterflies and flamingos. It is made of the same kind of material that my other one is and I just love it.
 The first one that she got for me zipped up in the front. This new one snaps up. Best of both worlds and she got me an extra large since I do not like tight fitting clothes and she knows her mama well enough to know that if at all possible I am going to be wearing my comfy gowns and robes while at home.
 Jonathan thinks that I should just get up and get dressed and greet the day. They all cringe when I toss on my robe and take Cisco out... Mom is out there in her robe! Aghast ..... But they do understand that my clothes agitate all of the places where I have had surgery. Pants rub two incisions really bad, and I gave away my sun dresses last fall as they did not fit properly in the bust and the straps kept falling down and I just didn't like the way that they fit me. I will go to the thrift store and find something more my style. Some shift dresses are very comfortable for me. I can do that and hope to find some that will look and feel good on me.

 Laurie stopped by briefly. She was out with a friend and a friend of hers had the kids so they were in the area and stopped by. I was able to spend a few minutes with her which was nice. I got to see all of my kids except for Matthew.He is in Reno. He was able to see Celeste but Alex's mom was being difficult and wouldn't allow him to see Alex even knowing that he was coming. That is so sad. She said it was her day and that she wasn't allowing him to see Alex. She has him every day and Matt has been denied several visits. I told him to document it and take her back to court.
 But he did take Celeste and her mom out for Breakfast. And he will get to spend time with her tomorrow as well.

 It is late and I am tired but I laid down to watch a movie and I got sleepy and ended up falling asleep. Cisco was scratching on the door to be let out and Nathan opened the door and it woke me up and I really thought that it was late but in fact just 8:30 pm so I was up and couldn't go back to sleep. But I am feeling a little tired now so I think that I will close for now and try to lay back down. It is nearly 2:00 am so I should be able to sleep. Tomorrow I can't have anything to eat, only fluids and lots of water until after my test. I will have Jonathan take me to get something to eat as soon as this test is over. Then again I will have nothing to eat but fluids again so there is no food in my digestive track for the endoscope on Tuesday morning. Thankfully that test will be done early.

 I finished my coloring page. I think that I will wait a few days before I start another one. Give my hands a chance to heal from the cramps lol.... I will try and crop it and post it soon. Take care and have a great week since I am not sure when I can post again. BB


Friday, May 6, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

 Hi Everyone,

 Well Mother's Day is almost here again. I did this page and entered it into a contest over at Daisy Trail. I am trying to decide if I want to make the trip home to see my family or not. A part of me wants to go, another part of me wants to bypass the long trip.
  Karyn is going back to pick up Joe from his mom's and can drop me off at my sisters's house. It would be lovely to see them all, but the trip is really a long one. I will probably go. I haven't seen my family in 2 years come July so maybe it is time to pack an over night bag and take the trip. Then again I am so hot nature'd and they keep their house really warm. I am spoiled to my air conditioner and they only have a window unit here and there.
 Plus it will be really late when we get back Sunday Night and I have a CT scan scheduled Monday and then again I have an endoscope scheduled on Tuesday so it might not be a great time for me to travel.

 Last night Jonathan and Karyn took me out to one of my favorite places to eat. We went to Apple-bee's for dinner. Jonathan and I had the bourbon steak, YUMMY and the Asian Taco's for an appetizer and I had 2 margarita's. Karyn accused me of being drunk.... yeah right... NOT.... it would take more than that and I told her that she was just jealous because she was the Designated Driver and had Water!

 Then we had to take Nathan over to Laurie's house and she she called me a few minutes before we pulled up to say that the baby was going crazy wanting to see me. Well that didn't last long. We brought Karyn's little dog Foxy with us and I was forgotten as soon as he saw the "Puppy"....  Then when he realized that I was leaving, Oh it broke my heart, as he just started crying and saying "No Go Na-Na, No Go" Jonathan is taking Laurie food shopping tonight so I am going to go over and stay with the kids so she doesn't have to worry about taking them so she can do her shopping and I can spend a little time with them.

 So I met with a new doctor yesterday. He is really nice. He is a Gastroenterology Specialist. He is going to do a scope on Tuesday morning and then I go and have another test done on Friday and after that I will go and see him again to see what plan he thinks might be right for me. I am always nausea's and my food sometimes feels like it is just sitting at the top of my stomach. It has been really awful with all the hiccups and belching and bloated feeling. We want to rule out that it is not my sphincter in my stomach closing again. He doesn't think so because usually the surgery that I had a few years ago is a permanent fix.
 I had to have a complete blood work panel done and it took them over an hour and 15 tries to find a good vein. They even called in the Super Tech and she couldn't get all the blood that was needed either. I was 3 vials short and she said that as bad as she hated to say, I might have to repeat the blood work as without those 3 vials the tests would be incomplete.
 Sunday I am supposed to drink at least a gallon of water and on Monday night the same amount of water, and after 4 p,m. nothing but clear liquids until midnight and then nothing after that for the scope. It is a good thing that Karyn and Jon took me out for dinner last night hee hee...

 Cisco and I have been playing hide and seek. It is one of his favorite games. He burrows up under the cover or pillows and I pretend that I can't find him and will call and call and call him. He will stick out a paw, or his head and burrow back in and I find him and then we start over again. Everyone agrees that I have him spoiled rotten. It is good for the both of us.

 I guess I had better get off line and do a few things that I have been putting off. Cisco needs a bath and I need to change and wash my sheets and clean my room and get things organized in case I do go back home so that it is done and I don't have to worry about it later on.
 Y'all have a great day, and have a great Mother's Day to those of you who live in the States... BB

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Late Check In

 Hi everyone,

 I am doing something new. I am making my own Time Line cover Photos and Profile pictures for Facebook as sets. This is one that I did for my friend Patsy. This will be her Profile picture and this is the for the cover photo.

 Heck they sell these on store sites for up to $3.00 a piece and I ordered one that was for .89 cents and after I got to looking at it I was like... You know, I can do these and I can give them out as gifts as well.... So your warned. You might just get one when your least expecting it.
 This was made with the same kit, I just kind of mixed and matched the elements tho.

 Today is a lazy day. I have to clean the kitchen. I was bad last night and went to bed early, or early for me and watched a little on Netflix and then after that I read the news and that was depressing. I shouldn't have done that, but it is a habit for me. I at least can say that I know some of the things that are going on in the world. Most of it tho is just too depressing for words.

 I have tried to get over to update my blog for the last 3 days. Something has always come up at the time that I wanted to blog and then I would get side tracked. Sometimes I have to wonder if I don't have dementia or something hitting me haha. I get side tracked so easily these days.

 Well after a few weeks of sunny and warm temps, even up to 91 degrees one week, Mother Nature sprung a cold front on us. Down to the 50's one day and low 40's at night. I had to pull out my extra blanket that I have folded and put away. The good news is the rain is gone and they said that we will not see anymore for a good while. I don't know if I am happy about that or not. The rain we will need in the coming weeks for the plants, flowers and trees, but not the wicked storms that we have had. Those I can do without.

 I think that today I will clean the kitchen and then crawl back in bed and just do nothing. I am so tired. I am on a new medication and it is as always kicking my butt. They increased my blood pressure medicine too so that always makes me tired. So I will take advantage of the sleep while I can get it because I know that sooner or later my body will adjust and I will have more bouts of Insomnia. For those of you who have no problems sleeping, I envy you. I use to be able to sleep with no problems but now it is hit and miss. It really throws my body for a loop.

 Well Nathan is on his way to get us some lunch so I am going to close for now and clean the kitchen that I didn't do last night so by the time that he gets back I can have lunch and then have the rest of the day to do what I want to do. Have a great day. BB