Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Another Challenge

 Hi To Everyone,

 This is a page that I did for a word play challenge. The word theme was Word Play. I chose a series of word games. I had a very difficult time with this page as my hangman and the crossword behind it kept disappearing from the page if I moved it just the slightest or if I added an embellishment or anything. It took about 2 hours to do this page. My original took only about a half hour from start to finish but since everything kept disappearing from the page I had to keep going back and fix it. I finally just got it to this point and just left it.
 Then I shut down my laptop in hopes of letting it reset the issues and I have my fingers crossed as it all seems to be working pretty good right now.

 I am really tired today. It has been one of those days where my energy has just bottomed out. I did do my laundry and I also did a load of kitchen and bathroom towels and wash cloths. I have them all dried and folded and put away.

 Nathan goes back to work tomorrow so I am going to miss my helper. He really helps me with Cisco. My fur baby hasn't been feeling well at all. We might have to talk to the vet and take him in. I thought that his tummy issues may have been that he had so many treats over the weekend but I don't think that has anything to do with it now. He isn't eating, but he is drinking. He is sleeping much more than usual and he doesn't want to play. I will keep my eyes on him and see how he is doing. If he doesn't have any interest in playing with Jonathan when he gets home then I know that it is something not quiet right. Nathan says that he is just really tired because we had really bad storms last night and Cisco was highly upset. I didn't hear anything. I slept like a log.

 We watched a really interesting documentary last night on the Amish being Shunned. I had watched it the night before but wanted the boys to see it and I also wanted to watch it again as there were parts that I couldn't see really well on my tablet.

 I made a really good dinner last night so we ate our meal while watching the program. Everyone eats at different times around here but last night we seem to have all been ready to eat at the same time. I am not cooking tonight. Instead I am going to have a bowl of soup and going to bed. So until next time you all have a great day or evening in your corner of the world. BB

1 comment:

  1. I hope Cisco starts feeling better real soon. It hurts when our fur babies get sick or are in pain. Pogo says to give Cisco lots of licks on his face.

    I can't imagine what caused your layout parts to keep disappearing. That can be very frustrating. Hopefully, it will clear itself up.

    Pogo and I will be getting ready soon to go shopping. It will be fun to get out and look for bargains. Maybe Eddie will want to come with us. We'll see.

    First, I have to wash up the breakfast dishes. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
