Sunday, October 30, 2016

Zombies And More!

Is everyone ready for these 2 Zombie Hunters? Meet my great nephews Zachary and Bryce. They are on a mission and I feel much safer knowing that they are out there protecting me! I had fun working with this photo. The looks on their faces are priceless to me! I love how the little one, Bryce is cutting his eyes!
 And if your in the mood to listen to some music, I have some for you!

 Dark Lady by Cher.... I was going to do Steve Miller's Abracadabra but chose this one instead. I have to do my little great niece and granddaughter who decided to be Witches this year so I will save that one for tomorrow.

 And here are a few other pages that I did yesterday.

 This is Jaylen and Kaleb. Both are my great nephews. Brothers to the Zombie Hunter Zachary. I am so glad that they had a great Friday Night downtown at the event hosted by the business's in my home town. I sure miss these little rascals and I have one more that is just 2 months old. He is so sweet. I hope to visit them when we have our Thanksgiving, which is coming up really darn fast! Here is Jaxen in his first Halloween costume!

I am not sure what he thinks of all of this going on, but I am sure that our littlest super hero made out just fine. Then the real event begins tomorrow night. I am so glad to see the cities trying to keep our children safe with school and town events such as Trunk Or Treat. I am also glad to see where people will give out non food items such as erasers, pencils, stickers, and other little things. One of the stories I read online was about a dentist who gave out pre-packaged dental floss, toothpaste and tooth brushes. I am not sure that brought smiles to many kids faces however, but it is a nice gesture!

 And here are the Creepy Creatures once again. I see that Kaleb decided to be a Evil Clown this time around.
 And this is the Winner of First place. This little one is My Great Great Nephew! He is so cute and his mama did a great job designing his costume....

 I am very glad that the kids were able to participate and fun had by all, kids and adults alike.

 This is my latest scrap page that I did for a challenge. These are my great nieces Alyssa and Kennah. They have this gorgeous view, at least until harvest. I would love to look out my doors and windows to see this gorgeous view.  I named it You Are My Sunshine.

I am not sure what is going on with my program but I chose the wording to be in a darker yellowish orange with a drop shadow. It looked fine when I did the page but when I uploaded it, the color came out yellow. It has been doing this to me for a while now so I am thinking that I need to put in a ticket and find out why it is doing this. Also I have had several people tell me that there is a white line at the bottom of the page. I am aware of this. It is part of the frame. I also changed the color of the frame but it did not work either so... Well anyway, isn't that a gorgeous view to wake up too?

 Other than doing scrap pages for my family, 2 birthday cards and a challenge page I am not doing much of anything.
 I do have some news to share....
 When I do a page from now on I am going to have to use a water mark or a signature mark. I really hate to do that and wish that people could just be honest as I think that it blemishes the pages that I work hard on but at the same time people steal your work and pass it on as their own so this is really for my protection.

 Also did you know that now if you use kits from one designer to do a page for another designer that it is required to link the kit and store to the designer that made the kit that your using for another page. One designer said to link all kits to the every page. Another said that you only have to do it if your using a kit to make a page for designers. That is really hard to do because sometimes I take a bit from one kit, and a bob from another. You get the picture right? Can you imagine how much linking that one has to do for a simple page. I really am thinking of dropping out of all my CT teams. They are requiring more and more and more.
 We are doing them a favor letting them use our pages for advertisement and yes they give us the kits to use and some of them are really not worth it in the long run. As long as they do not design the elements themselves and just go and purchase a whole bunch of them at a CU store, then they sell the kits for their prices to make a profit, in the long run we are really just getting a kit that can cost as little as $1.50 or maybe $2.00.
 To do a quality page, it takes time. Then you have to submit them to the forums and then they want you to post at a whole lot of places and links and that takes even more time so what is the deal with not being able to satisfy these designers. Sure they want quality pages, but I have seen some that are really beautiful and be asked by the designers to take them down and redo them. Come On Now....
 Here is an example that I found for this CT Designer... I think that she asks an awful lot. Not me. I am not about to do all this for some free kit. There are too many places out there to get free kits and if I want something I know that there are sales out there that offer kits as little as .55 cents a piece.

Well here you go.... And this place is really a great store but I am not interested in it. But I am not going to knock those who are. It is their choice and my choice says stop.
  But in fairness, this store really is not too bad in what they are asking compared to several others that I have seen. I have shaken my head and thought wow...
 Anyway. I think that I will stay on part time with one designer, maybe 2 and work on my pages for pleasure. I had a great time this weekend just doing what I enjoyed doing. Making kits for the kids.

 So I have still been productive. Yesterday I got up and made a meatloaf, some dried black eyed peas with onions and bacon, cornbread and mashed potatoes. We also had other things in the fridge if anyone wanted something else to go with that. No cooking for me last night.
 But I did take apart my stove and scrubbed it down and really I had to. The peas and the potatoes sort of boiled over as they sometimes can. Not bad, but bad enough that I knew if I didn't clean the drip pans really good then I would have a hard job on my hands for later on.

 Jonathan went to the store for me this morning so I didn't have to get out. I am so glad that he did because my foot is hurting just a tad bit this morning. I really haven't been on it all that much. Anyway while he was gone I emptied the dishwasher and went thru the fridge checking expiration dates and throwing out what needed to be discarded. Then I wiped it down and headed to the patio. I just wiped it down. I will sweep it tomorrow. It actually looks pretty good, but the table had some dust on it and there was a couple of soda bottles to be picked up and etc.

 Today is laundry day. I am going with Jonathan to do the laundry tho. Last time he lost one of my favorite night gowns and a wash cloth that went to my set. I like to do my own laundry whenever possible anyway. I will be so glad after the first of the year when we can get our own. We just want to get a bit ahead before we go into debt for appliances.

 So my son is home, lunch is almost ready and I need to eat and get busy making a page for my darling little granddaughter. She is 2 today! Happy Birthday my darling Celeste! That page will probably be the only one that I do today. I need to catch up on my Netflix Scandal.... and keep my foot propped up today.

 Sounds like a good plan so I will leave for now and talk to you all soon.... BB

Friday, October 28, 2016

It's Friday!

 Hi Everyone,
 Today is Friday. It is 1:20 in the morning here and I have been busy doing computer work. Cleaning out old files and moving things around. It was time that I sat down and did it. It has been a while since I cleaned out my folders.

 I made this scrap page a year ago. Some of you may have already seen it on Facebook. Last year my sisters Linda and Susanne and a friend Paula went to Europe for a month. They had a blast. They caught trains and buses and did a lot of walking. One of their favorite places was a vineyard and they posted pictures of every one that they visited.
 I came up with this page for them as stopped one day and had a wine tasting. I couldn't make the wine glasses look as good as I wanted to so I decided to just save the image as was and extracted it and worked from that. ( I know that they had to eat too lol). So this is the page that I decided to share for today.

 It is late here, but I laid down around 5 this evening. We had a Halloween Party at the club house and I had planned to go. I over slept. I called my daughter and she needed some cash so I had Jonathan pick me up after work and we took her some money and I even bought them dinner. The party was almost over by the time that we made it home so I didn't get to go.

 I love it here. I cannot tell you what a difference this place is from the last. Right outside my gate is the laundry center. They will even wash and dry and fold your clothes for you. But we can do that ourselves. There is also one here on property but they are single load washing machines. Next door you can wash from a single load to a triple load. 45 minutes and we are done. We will eventually get our own washer and dryer. I do miss that from our old place as we had a washer and dryer but this is just as convenient and we are not too unhappy about it.

 Now that we have been here a few weeks, almost a month next week, we have had time to weigh the pros and cons. A con.... Okay so I am 5 foot and zero inches. I am a shorty. My shower head is geared for a very tall person. It is just a basic shower head. I had the fancy one at the other apartment called a rain shower. I have to say that I do miss it. But the pros is... this tub is a garden tub and it is large and roomy and it is not slick porcelain. It has grip padding in the bottom. The doors are wide enough if I ever have to have a wheel chair to get to and from the other parts of the house. If I wasn't such a shorty then my bath would be perfect.

 The other con is that my closet shelves are at least 7 feet high. It is dangerous for me to climb up on a chair to put things away. But I have a tall son and a tall son in law so that is alright but I did put in a work order to have them lowered.

 We have a trash compactor at the back of the property. We can take our garbage there if needed but we have to load it into the car and drive there to do so. But Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays all we have to do is set it outside our door and between 5:30 and 7:30 someone comes and picks it up for us. So far that works out really well for us. They even pick up boxes as long as we break them down.

 It has been quiet here up until this past weekend when we had new neighbors move in upstairs on the other side of the building. I do not expect them to be here very long because they are loud. They have had security here twice already. It is in our lease agreement that if there are multiple instances then it is a breach of contract and reason for eviction. They are not supposed to double park and they do. I seen a tow truck out here tonight. They will not be very happy tomorrow.
 I can understand it if these were kids or even young adults being a little loud now and then but these are middle aged people who do not speak English. I don't recognize the language. Another thing is that they never bring their garbage down to the area where it is to be picked up. They lean over the stairs and drop it. No that is not going to work either as the bags are busting open and causing a mess. I was outside last night when the company was picking up our garbage and the man seen for himself what they were doing as he almost got hit with a bag of flying debris.
 So I really do not think that they will be here much longer. The rest of the complex is really quiet.

 I love the fact that there is so much to do here. Tonight they had a Halloween Party and Movie and contest for the kids and families. I was going to go but our plans changed when my daughter called. I can't wait to see what is on the calendar for next month. Last Saturday they had Breakfast at the club house. And there was more activities that we could have attended.

 I really do love it here. No carpet in the main parts of the house really make it nice. We sweep Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and mop on Tuesday and Thursdays. I usually dust what little furniture that we kept on Friday. I love my kitchen. It is easy to work in and my dishwasher is awesome. Nice appliances and double the storage in my other apartment. My bedroom is smaller than the one that I had, but since I didn't bring several items with me when we moved it all fits really well.

 I am working hard on getting it looking good so I can take pics to share. First things first. We have a no nails policy so I have to get some special hangers in order to hang my pictures. I only have 2 that I am a bit leary of hanging. But I will figure something out there.
 I guess my favorite place in the house other than my room is my patio, We have a corner apartment and I have a small garden area outside my bedroom door. The crepe myrtles are still lovely. They have lost their blooms and a few leaves are falling but for the most part they are still green and pretty.

 Lots of places for Cisco to roam. He has his favorite places but we have sometimes taken him to different areas just to be able to get him some exercise. The man next door to us is never home or so it seems. If he is home then it is really late in the evening and he is very quiet. Never hear anything from any one except the 4 people that just moved in recently. I am assuming that they are couples. 2 men and 2 women.

 I have met 2 ladies that walk their dogs, thankfully at different times that we take Cisco. He just doesn't play well with others, little brat dog. One lady has a beautiful lab. His name is Logan and he is a love. The other is a white dog, not sure of the breed. Part lab and something else. Her name is Sierra. She is a service dog. She is just gorgeous. I didn't ask what she does for service as it would have been rude, but they are awesome dogs. Their owners seem really nice to and they pick up after their pets too.

 Well I have been at the computer for almost an hour so I am going to share some Halloween Smiles and call it a night.. or day... for me I am going to bed so night it is. Enjoy the Smile File.

 I really loved this idea! I thought that it was cute.

Ooop's even the Witches have rules lol.......

 OUCH!!!! Sorry but I really chuckled over this one....

 And this is the last I have to share for now... I hope that you have a smile on your face.... Have a Blessed Day and I will post when I can.... BB

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Panic Attack Is Not Good...

 Well once again I found myself out of the loop of trying to blog. It has been a trying week for me. This morning I guess it finally caught up with me. At 5:01 am I awoke with my heart racing, my body shaking, not to mention drenched in sweat.
 I recognized the makings of a panic attack. Not good and now I am calmer thanks in part to my medication but at the same time I also think that it also has to do with the fact that I am not having coffee this morning, but some soothing chamomile tea.
 Who knows why or when these things occur. It totally caught me off guard. If I was dreaming with strange dreams again then I don't remember what they were about. That might be a good thing. But I have had some really strange dreams lately.
 I have been busy with some things that I haven't wanted to deal with. That in it's self is enough to cause an episode. Triggers that I am not totally aware of, but at the same time triggers none the less.
 And I have been sick. I have bouts of being so sick I cant get out of bed to bouts of throwing up my toenails to bouts of low grade fever then I am ok and then the cycle repeats it's self.
 The doctor (What does he know is my sentiments at the moment) call it a Viral Syndrome. What does that mean exactly? I have had it several times. My best guest is that it is a virus that no one knows what it is but that it will go away on it's own when it is ready to.

 I had to share my little Halloween Seasonal Witches that I came across from the internet. I really haven't felt up to scrapping many pages lately. I did one of my grand daughter this morning and sent it off to her mom.
 I can't believe that in 3 days my little girl will be 2 years old! I wish that I could share her pictures with you here but I promised that I would not share them over the internet for safety reasons. Which I understand perfectly. I mean really in this day and age I can understand the significance of safety when it involves our most precious children.

 I did 2 scrap pages for AudrajScraps this week. They will be in the stores sometimes today I think so I will do my pubs on them when I get the okay to do so. I had a lot of trouble with one of them. The Gothic Girl/Halloween mask. I just couldn't find the right image or the ones that I chose just didn't go well with what I was working with. But it is done and over and I hope that I can get back into my scrapping with some motivation. Sometimes life takes over and it is not so easy to be able to do what I want to. Especially when I am working on pages for someone else. I have dropped off of most of my teams. I still have AudrajScraps and I am not sure if I am even still on the other 2 or not. I haven't done pages in ages for them.

 I have been doing a few other things rather than being on the computer. I have been working on my house a little at a time. I am beginning to be able to find the kitchen items which is a big plus. Now I have to get some hangers for my pictures that I want to hang on the wall. The nail less kind. I found some that I like that is not really expensive and was surprised that on the back it said that they can hold up to 9 pounds. Wow I am impressed. But it just does not make sense that some adhesive and 2 strips of Velcro can hold that much weight. Thankfully I only have 2 pictures that I might have a little reluctance to hang. One is a beautiful picture of a red poppy in the center with small mirrors as accent and a black frame.
 The other is a black and white orchid in a black frame. It is gorgeous and it is large. I have actually been thinking of turning that one into a canvas print. I think that it would be gorgeous. I have several places that I have checked and the prices are really good.

 I thought that I had broken my favorite lamp. I accidentally knocked it and my fan off of my desk and it flashed a big huge red and white light. That was the end of my lamp or so I thought. I changed the bulb but it didn't do any good and then this morning I looked at it and I thought, maybe the bulb that I changed it with might be bad. So it was a good excuse to start unpacking a few boxes marked and labeled as MOM and I found a new package of bulbs. I inserted one and Bingo... My favorite lamp is working again. Whew, I really loved this lamp because of the extra light it gives me at the computer. And I found some other goodies too. It is always nice to find old favorites that were packed away.

 I found some of my moms costume jewelry that had been packed away for several years. Inside are a lot of memories in that small box. It has been a win win for me scoring mom's jewelry and the new light bulbs. I found some of my markers to color with. I just wish that I could find my pencils. I know that I will come across them soon. It is just taking this one step at a time.

 I transferred my medications to a new pharmacy and it looks like there is a problem because I just got a text saying to call for details why medication is not ready for pickup. Hmm and I have been on hold for 8 minutes..... Ok well I guess I better get off here because I am slowly slowing down and losing my energy. Time for some breakfast and I finally got to talk to someone that said that they had to order my medication and that it would be ready for pick up after 3:00 pm today. So that is alright. I was expecting something like an insurance problem.

 Have a great day everyone. I am certainly going to try and make mine wonderful.... BB

Thursday, October 20, 2016

This Week Has Flown By.

 Hello Everyone,
  This page is made with a Celtic Knot Mask from my friend AudrajScraps. I have used it several times and it remains one of my favorites. And this is another one of my pages made from the same image.

 Sadly I have not really felt up to scrapping anything much so having this to play around with has been a little fun for me.

 I have heard great things about my daughter and grandkids settling into their new home in California.
 The first day I got these pictures....

 At the airport waiting to board their flight to California. For such cranky kids that day, they sure do have big smiles on their little faces. We made sure that they had dinner before they left but none of the kids seemed to be hungry so food was left on plates.
 Cathy had been crying because she could not take her Dalmatian Stuffed Animal on the plane with her. It in truth is almost as big as she is and so I have Spot with me. Not much comfort to her to have left him behind. She cried herself to sleep.
 Adrian was not happy when he left either. He clung to me and I to him. He was telling me that he didn't want to leave me. Even as we were saying goodbye as we were buckling them in, he reached for my hand and said. "NaNa please don't forget me...." As if I could ever forget my precious boy.
 Dante on the other hand fell asleep after his bath and was a terror. I can tell in the photo that he is so sleepy. No shoes... One was lost so we managed to put socks on him. I am not sure if the socks made it all the way to California or not. Since the day he was born he would never keep socks or shoes on.

 I might of shared this one already. Their first day in their new home. Cathy is wearing boots! Dante of course is barefoot... and the text under the photo was... "It's Snowing"....  I really love this picture of the kids.

 Cathy is a hat girl... the funnier the better. Here she has discovered the joys of giant pine cones.

 Look my little monkey is wearing shoes!!! It looks like the snow has melted!

 The last picture is one of mine. When I moved, my Ivy and another plant that I have no idea what it was had grown so huge that it had taken over my kitchen window. My neighbor always stopped to tell me how pretty the 3 that I had outside were. When I got ready to move I gave them to her. I only took cuttings of my Ivy and I kept the smaller plant that I have no idea what it is and gave her the big one.
 This picture is of the cuttings of Ivy and I cannot believe how much it has grown from just a few cuttings in water. The other plant is really growing too. I took this picture last weekend. Today they have grown even more.

 They are happy sitting on the patio. I will have to bring them in at night soon. I can set them on the table in front of the dining alcove window. They will get plenty of light there.

 The sky's are a pretty white and gray and in some places a dark blue as the rain and cold front slowly approaches. The wind is a little heavy with gusts that have the leaves swirling and flying about. I thought of opening the windows for a bit but I am by myself and still not secure enough to open them while I am alone in case I want to lay down and forget that I left them open.

 Cisco has finally started sleeping with me again... Whoo Woo... I missed my boy. Last night I was watching Scandal on Netflix and he was next to me. I swear he knew what was happening as when a stunning moment in each episode came on he would perk up and throw his head and ears back as if to say...  "What???? Oh No..." He is so funny. Right now he is content. He has had breakfast, out to potty and since we were up so late watching the series he is getting his beauty rest in case of another late night.

 My daughter has been after me to find some kind of series to watch for months now. Normally I watch documentary's and a movie occasionally because I can end it after it is over. With a series I can't do that because I am caught up in the characters and you know how series are. They leave you with the OMGosh what is going to happen next..... questions and so instead of putting down the device your using to watch your series you let it roll over to the next episode.

 Well last night with my foot hurting from some minor toenail surgery that hurt like hell, she called me and said "Mama go lay down, find a series and watch it. I will watch it with you and we can compare notes. It will give us something to do together."
 We had a lot to choose from but settled on Scandal. She has already seen most of it but decided that she needed to go back and see the first episodes as she had forgotten a lot of it. So Scandal it is.
 I am so hooked now. At first I was like... Wait they are talking way to fast. What did he say or she say? Who is this person? etc.... My maiden name is Beene. Imagine my delight to find that one of the main characters is named Beene. I know that it is spelled like this because I had to turn on subtitles in case I couldn't understand what was said. I think that my hearing is a bit off lol.

 Anyway I am really enjoying this series. My daughter Laurie and I got hooked on The Good Wife. We planned all day for Wednesday Nights. We would keep the kids up and wear them out, give them an early dinner and bath and got them to sleep most of the time so we could watch it. Then she moved to North Carolina and it was a few weeks before she and Dave bought a tv. I ended up moving to a rinky dinky town where reception was terrible and cable tv was almost the price of gold so I gradually stopped watching it.

 Then last year I asked Karyn if she had seen it and she said no, so I told her to give it a shot. Our conversations were a lot to do with the show. She kept me abreast of what was going on and the other day she told me about the season finale. She didn't want to in case I wanted to watch it but I told her I had lost interest when one of my favorite characters was killed off the show.
 She said "Mom I was so disappointed in the last episode. It ended alright but that was all. Just alright and I really expected a much better ending."
 But I am not going to spend all my days watching Scandal. I am saving that for my evenings. That is when I enjoy watching things anyway.

 I better get off of here. Lunch time is already here and I think that I am going to have some soup. Have a wonderful day everyone. BB

Monday, October 17, 2016

Gift Cards VS Presents?

 Good Morning Everyone,

 What a gorgeous morning it is outside today. I spent my morning coffee time sitting outside and enjoying the cool morning, watching a few birds fly past. My new place does not offer the same in terms of wildlife. Perhaps because we live closer to the freeway but I don't think that has a lot to do with it. I haven't seen any squirrels or a lot of birds that sit and chatter and no bats. Now the back of the property on the way other side of us have a lot of wooded area. I am sure that is where they are all hanging out.

 So this is a scrap page of me using a Quick Page from Miss Edna, (Thank You Edna) and a mixture of several kits that I have. This is the original picture that I created using a fun program.

 I thought that this was perfect for Halloween coming up.... I added an aged effect to it. I enjoy playing around with images.

 So what can I tell you today worthy in the way of news? Nothing much actually. My foot looks and feels so much better. By the end of the day it is hurting but that is when I just call it a day and usually go to bed with my books or watch a documentary. Right now I am watching The Worlds Worst

 The things that I have learned in the disasters that are History Legends. Do you know that Floods are the number one killer of all? Of all the earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards and the rest, it is the water that is most destructive and the biggest killer. I had to end the episode 10 minutes before the ending. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I will finish it today when I lay down for a while.

 Well I know that we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving for us here in the US to get thru but wow Christmas is just around the corner. I am trying to think of little gifts that I can give that will not break my bank. Luckily I bought a few things along the way this past year. Nothing big but candles for my son in law, special coffees that my son in law likes and for Karyn I got her a really nice purse that she had been eyeing for a while. Hot teas for Jonathan and a packaged box of his favorite body wash, deodorant and cologne. The same for Nathan, (Different Scents) except he will also get a set of ear phones that he likes. Those little buggers are expensive but I caught them on sale. I also seen Jonathan eyeing a movie yesterday when we went out to the grocery store. He was reading the back of it and I asked if he had seen it and he said "No" so if it is still there when I get paid I will grab it up for him. Stocking Stuffer's are easy.

 I know that it seems impersonal to give gift cards to people (Or so I have heard) but I don't have a thing against getting a Gift Card.

 I would much rather send a gift card to someone and let them pick out something that I know that they would like vs buying something that will never be used or wanted for that matter. I know that Karyn and Joe for example love to eat at the Olive Garden and it is usually a big treat for them when they get to go. So why would it be wrong to get them a nice Gift Card to Olive Garden?

 Well a friend of mine said to me... "Beth that is just tacky. It shows that you don't care enough about the person to actually take the time and shop for them. It is soooooooo easy just to stand in line and grab a gift card at the check out stand." So I am not sure if that was a slap in the face or a little wake up call that a Gift Card is indeed tasteless.

 So now I am doubting my gift giving of gift cards. And I shouldn't let people's opinions influence me but if they knew how I struggle every month just to buy the necessities, let alone try to pay the postage on shipping something to someone and hoping that they like what ever it is that I bought maybe they would understand why I thought of doing it.

 Years ago when I had money haha, I had a friend that was undergoing chemo. She had two small kids and on the days that she had her treatments, she was so sick. She had left her husband a couple of years before and lost her job when she found out she had cancer. She and the kids lived in a hotel for a couple of months. Finally her ex started paying child support and she was able to rent a small house. Anyway those chemo treatments kicked her butt.

 I called a restaurant that worked with me to deliver a meal to her family those nights. Anonymously of course. She would call and tell me "Oh Beth, someone sent dinner to my family. It just made me cry that someone would think of doing that for me." At the end of the Chemo treatments I sent her a meal, with a huge chocolate cake and a card letting her know that I loved her. I never told her that it was from me. But I think that she must have guessed it along the way. Still isn't something like that thinking of a person? Isn't that kind of the same thing as giving a gift card?

 I don't know yet what I will  do. I do know that the kids will have good Christmas's. So for them they are getting gift certificates to McDonald's and to Walmart to pick out a gift. When I found out Laurie was moving to California I gave the presents early so they could take it with them when they moved. Laurie was able to get them in them in the bags so she said that she would wrap them for me. I was glad that the kids didn't see them. That is one worry off my mind. Now just 2 more to go.

 Anyway I have another little thing to share and then I have to get busy here. I stopped in the post to make Cisco and I an Omelet and a piece of toast. Oh he really loved his. He licked the plate clean. I get lectures about feeding him human food but you know what? He is a senior citizen. He deserves a treat once in a while.
 He didn't get his bath yesterday. Today will be the day. I will unpack a couple of more boxes today. Right now I have to clean up the kitchen from our Breakfast/Brunch and make my bed.
 You all have a great day and if you don't mind, could you leave some feedback on what you think about Gift Cards. I seriously want to know what you think. I can't get straight answers from my kids. They all say they don't care one way or another and the truth is they really don't but I do have others that I want to buy for.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hi I Am Back Finally!

Hi Everyone,
 I hope that everyone is doing well. It is so nice to be back online. My battery died a few days back and even tho a new one was ordered it didn't fit my pc. So I am just going to have them put the money back on my bank card and in the mean time I am plugged into the main electrical outlet.

 A busy day ahead of me. They are replacing the 3 screens on our apartment today. Some joker came and looked and shoved the screen back into the window and smiled like... it is fixed. I glared at him and said... "Your boss was here on Saturday and said that all these screens had broken or warped frames and will be replaced with new ones. Shoving it back inside the window frame is not fixed nor secure." he left and haven't seen him since. I really don't want to have to call and make a complaint. I don't want to start my day off like that but I have finally learned that I have to fight for what is right.

 Well the move went alright. We navigated the bumps and pot holes. The Electricity was supposed to have been turned on the 3rd. Jonathan delivered a load of boxes and discovered no electricity so he contacted the Electric Company. They had us scheduled for Wednesday and Jonathan said... "No Way" he didn't really argue with the girl on the phone as I think that he should have. She was a rotten and rude representative.  After explaining that he made arrangements for the power to be turned on that day he informed her that his mother was disabled and she tried to give him options for me to stay at a friends or a family members and when she said "Can't she just stay at a Hotel?" Jonathan said yes that was an option if she wanted to pay for it. She didn't want Jonathan talking to a supervisor at all and finally he just kept repeating I have your name and ID number and if we get disconnected I will be calling back and making a formal complaint. She transferred him to a supervisor and we had power at 6:00 pm.
 In the mean time my daughter was here with Nathan and her husband and they were putting away the necessities to make it easier on me. We had enough time to make my bed, put out fresh towels and hygiene items and then run to the store where Karyn and I put together a welcome bag for my friend Patsy. Then we ran by a fast food place and grabbed up some chicken sandwiches and came back and put the bag together and then it was time to head to the airport to pick up my friend Patsy.  It was late but she was hungry so we headed to What A Burger and had a late dinner. I barely ate my sandwich from earlier so we all had a bit of a late dinner and then to the house.

 For the rest of the week Patsy and I just puttered around. We went out to eat next door one day. Here is a photo of us at The Brooklyn Pie Company.

 We went to a Mexican Place (Baby Acapulco's or Baby A for short) on Tuesday night. It has really delicious food but for me the smell had me throwing up. I didn't even get to eat. I could smell a sewer smell. It was not pleasant. Patsy said she couldn't smell it but the rest of us did. We all voted to go somewhere else but Patsy said it was fine where she was and so they stayed. After my second trip to the bathroom to throw up Karyn took me home. I am not keen in ever going back. It was my first and probably my last experience there.

 On Wednesday we just bummed around for food here I think. Gosh I do hope that I fed her on Wednesday but for the life of me I cannot remember what we ate. Isn't that terrible? Oh that was the day that we had a late lunch at The Brooklyn Pie Company. So we just had left overs and such for dinner that night.
 On Thursday Jonathan took us to China Center for some Vietnamese Food. Oh gosh I will never do that again. I almost died as the food was some how contaminated with seafood. I seriously could feel my throat closing and a horrible itch all the way down. I am very lucky to have gotten the allergic medication in time. I have now had the worse experience of my life with this allergy except for the first one. No more Asian food for me ever. They can go to these places and bring me back a burger. If they want to eat it at home then they can sit out on the patio. This was just too close for comfort. But on the bright side, a few photos that I captured.

 This shot was taken just as we were walking out of the Asian restaurant.  We had some pretty clouds forming.

 The little white dot is the moon. My hands were a little shaky as I also had to balance on my cane.

And this is at the entrance of the China Center. This is not the best photo that I have but it will work for what I wanted to show you. We had to leave at this point because my allergy was starting to cause me problems, We didn't get to check out any of the shops and things that we wanted to do. I tried to not go for Pho food. I knew better but Patsy really wanted to go. I am just going to have to be more blunt on this allergy. As the fact that some places do not bother me, others really do and I feel that if I put myself into this kind of danger it is my fault. People have to understand that it can only take one time and I could die. When I hear people say a mild allergy I wonder what they would consider mild but I also have myself to contend with. I KNOW how bad my allergy is and I should have just said I am sorry but I can't go there. I should have never taken the chance. And I accept full responsibility for doing so.

 And on that note I am going to go and have lunch. I had a conversation with the office about the workmanship of my screens. They are not to my satisfaction so the main man came over and agreed and is sending the worker back and then he is going to come and re-check his work. See I am learning already to say.... No I can't accept this"... Not as hard as I thought.

 I am starving so off I go for some lunch.... take care everyone and BB