Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Panic Attack Is Not Good...

 Well once again I found myself out of the loop of trying to blog. It has been a trying week for me. This morning I guess it finally caught up with me. At 5:01 am I awoke with my heart racing, my body shaking, not to mention drenched in sweat.
 I recognized the makings of a panic attack. Not good and now I am calmer thanks in part to my medication but at the same time I also think that it also has to do with the fact that I am not having coffee this morning, but some soothing chamomile tea.
 Who knows why or when these things occur. It totally caught me off guard. If I was dreaming with strange dreams again then I don't remember what they were about. That might be a good thing. But I have had some really strange dreams lately.
 I have been busy with some things that I haven't wanted to deal with. That in it's self is enough to cause an episode. Triggers that I am not totally aware of, but at the same time triggers none the less.
 And I have been sick. I have bouts of being so sick I cant get out of bed to bouts of throwing up my toenails to bouts of low grade fever then I am ok and then the cycle repeats it's self.
 The doctor (What does he know is my sentiments at the moment) call it a Viral Syndrome. What does that mean exactly? I have had it several times. My best guest is that it is a virus that no one knows what it is but that it will go away on it's own when it is ready to.

 I had to share my little Halloween Seasonal Witches that I came across from the internet. I really haven't felt up to scrapping many pages lately. I did one of my grand daughter this morning and sent it off to her mom.
 I can't believe that in 3 days my little girl will be 2 years old! I wish that I could share her pictures with you here but I promised that I would not share them over the internet for safety reasons. Which I understand perfectly. I mean really in this day and age I can understand the significance of safety when it involves our most precious children.

 I did 2 scrap pages for AudrajScraps this week. They will be in the stores sometimes today I think so I will do my pubs on them when I get the okay to do so. I had a lot of trouble with one of them. The Gothic Girl/Halloween mask. I just couldn't find the right image or the ones that I chose just didn't go well with what I was working with. But it is done and over and I hope that I can get back into my scrapping with some motivation. Sometimes life takes over and it is not so easy to be able to do what I want to. Especially when I am working on pages for someone else. I have dropped off of most of my teams. I still have AudrajScraps and I am not sure if I am even still on the other 2 or not. I haven't done pages in ages for them.

 I have been doing a few other things rather than being on the computer. I have been working on my house a little at a time. I am beginning to be able to find the kitchen items which is a big plus. Now I have to get some hangers for my pictures that I want to hang on the wall. The nail less kind. I found some that I like that is not really expensive and was surprised that on the back it said that they can hold up to 9 pounds. Wow I am impressed. But it just does not make sense that some adhesive and 2 strips of Velcro can hold that much weight. Thankfully I only have 2 pictures that I might have a little reluctance to hang. One is a beautiful picture of a red poppy in the center with small mirrors as accent and a black frame.
 The other is a black and white orchid in a black frame. It is gorgeous and it is large. I have actually been thinking of turning that one into a canvas print. I think that it would be gorgeous. I have several places that I have checked and the prices are really good.

 I thought that I had broken my favorite lamp. I accidentally knocked it and my fan off of my desk and it flashed a big huge red and white light. That was the end of my lamp or so I thought. I changed the bulb but it didn't do any good and then this morning I looked at it and I thought, maybe the bulb that I changed it with might be bad. So it was a good excuse to start unpacking a few boxes marked and labeled as MOM and I found a new package of bulbs. I inserted one and Bingo... My favorite lamp is working again. Whew, I really loved this lamp because of the extra light it gives me at the computer. And I found some other goodies too. It is always nice to find old favorites that were packed away.

 I found some of my moms costume jewelry that had been packed away for several years. Inside are a lot of memories in that small box. It has been a win win for me scoring mom's jewelry and the new light bulbs. I found some of my markers to color with. I just wish that I could find my pencils. I know that I will come across them soon. It is just taking this one step at a time.

 I transferred my medications to a new pharmacy and it looks like there is a problem because I just got a text saying to call for details why medication is not ready for pickup. Hmm and I have been on hold for 8 minutes..... Ok well I guess I better get off here because I am slowly slowing down and losing my energy. Time for some breakfast and I finally got to talk to someone that said that they had to order my medication and that it would be ready for pick up after 3:00 pm today. So that is alright. I was expecting something like an insurance problem.

 Have a great day everyone. I am certainly going to try and make mine wonderful.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, your day is now going a bit better. I think I would unpack all the MOM boxes until I found all my things. Then I would attack the other boxes, two or three a week.

    Weather here is quite cool, but still copable. The heat hasn't been working properly so I've had to call in a service person to fix the problem. All set now.

    The rest of my day will be spent being lazy, and maybe crocheting. I had planned to do that earlier but life keeps getting in the way. Ah well, so what is new? haha.

    I'm off now. You take care of yourself. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. Hugs, Edna B.
