Sunday, October 30, 2016

Zombies And More!

Is everyone ready for these 2 Zombie Hunters? Meet my great nephews Zachary and Bryce. They are on a mission and I feel much safer knowing that they are out there protecting me! I had fun working with this photo. The looks on their faces are priceless to me! I love how the little one, Bryce is cutting his eyes!
 And if your in the mood to listen to some music, I have some for you!

 Dark Lady by Cher.... I was going to do Steve Miller's Abracadabra but chose this one instead. I have to do my little great niece and granddaughter who decided to be Witches this year so I will save that one for tomorrow.

 And here are a few other pages that I did yesterday.

 This is Jaylen and Kaleb. Both are my great nephews. Brothers to the Zombie Hunter Zachary. I am so glad that they had a great Friday Night downtown at the event hosted by the business's in my home town. I sure miss these little rascals and I have one more that is just 2 months old. He is so sweet. I hope to visit them when we have our Thanksgiving, which is coming up really darn fast! Here is Jaxen in his first Halloween costume!

I am not sure what he thinks of all of this going on, but I am sure that our littlest super hero made out just fine. Then the real event begins tomorrow night. I am so glad to see the cities trying to keep our children safe with school and town events such as Trunk Or Treat. I am also glad to see where people will give out non food items such as erasers, pencils, stickers, and other little things. One of the stories I read online was about a dentist who gave out pre-packaged dental floss, toothpaste and tooth brushes. I am not sure that brought smiles to many kids faces however, but it is a nice gesture!

 And here are the Creepy Creatures once again. I see that Kaleb decided to be a Evil Clown this time around.
 And this is the Winner of First place. This little one is My Great Great Nephew! He is so cute and his mama did a great job designing his costume....

 I am very glad that the kids were able to participate and fun had by all, kids and adults alike.

 This is my latest scrap page that I did for a challenge. These are my great nieces Alyssa and Kennah. They have this gorgeous view, at least until harvest. I would love to look out my doors and windows to see this gorgeous view.  I named it You Are My Sunshine.

I am not sure what is going on with my program but I chose the wording to be in a darker yellowish orange with a drop shadow. It looked fine when I did the page but when I uploaded it, the color came out yellow. It has been doing this to me for a while now so I am thinking that I need to put in a ticket and find out why it is doing this. Also I have had several people tell me that there is a white line at the bottom of the page. I am aware of this. It is part of the frame. I also changed the color of the frame but it did not work either so... Well anyway, isn't that a gorgeous view to wake up too?

 Other than doing scrap pages for my family, 2 birthday cards and a challenge page I am not doing much of anything.
 I do have some news to share....
 When I do a page from now on I am going to have to use a water mark or a signature mark. I really hate to do that and wish that people could just be honest as I think that it blemishes the pages that I work hard on but at the same time people steal your work and pass it on as their own so this is really for my protection.

 Also did you know that now if you use kits from one designer to do a page for another designer that it is required to link the kit and store to the designer that made the kit that your using for another page. One designer said to link all kits to the every page. Another said that you only have to do it if your using a kit to make a page for designers. That is really hard to do because sometimes I take a bit from one kit, and a bob from another. You get the picture right? Can you imagine how much linking that one has to do for a simple page. I really am thinking of dropping out of all my CT teams. They are requiring more and more and more.
 We are doing them a favor letting them use our pages for advertisement and yes they give us the kits to use and some of them are really not worth it in the long run. As long as they do not design the elements themselves and just go and purchase a whole bunch of them at a CU store, then they sell the kits for their prices to make a profit, in the long run we are really just getting a kit that can cost as little as $1.50 or maybe $2.00.
 To do a quality page, it takes time. Then you have to submit them to the forums and then they want you to post at a whole lot of places and links and that takes even more time so what is the deal with not being able to satisfy these designers. Sure they want quality pages, but I have seen some that are really beautiful and be asked by the designers to take them down and redo them. Come On Now....
 Here is an example that I found for this CT Designer... I think that she asks an awful lot. Not me. I am not about to do all this for some free kit. There are too many places out there to get free kits and if I want something I know that there are sales out there that offer kits as little as .55 cents a piece.

Well here you go.... And this place is really a great store but I am not interested in it. But I am not going to knock those who are. It is their choice and my choice says stop.
  But in fairness, this store really is not too bad in what they are asking compared to several others that I have seen. I have shaken my head and thought wow...
 Anyway. I think that I will stay on part time with one designer, maybe 2 and work on my pages for pleasure. I had a great time this weekend just doing what I enjoyed doing. Making kits for the kids.

 So I have still been productive. Yesterday I got up and made a meatloaf, some dried black eyed peas with onions and bacon, cornbread and mashed potatoes. We also had other things in the fridge if anyone wanted something else to go with that. No cooking for me last night.
 But I did take apart my stove and scrubbed it down and really I had to. The peas and the potatoes sort of boiled over as they sometimes can. Not bad, but bad enough that I knew if I didn't clean the drip pans really good then I would have a hard job on my hands for later on.

 Jonathan went to the store for me this morning so I didn't have to get out. I am so glad that he did because my foot is hurting just a tad bit this morning. I really haven't been on it all that much. Anyway while he was gone I emptied the dishwasher and went thru the fridge checking expiration dates and throwing out what needed to be discarded. Then I wiped it down and headed to the patio. I just wiped it down. I will sweep it tomorrow. It actually looks pretty good, but the table had some dust on it and there was a couple of soda bottles to be picked up and etc.

 Today is laundry day. I am going with Jonathan to do the laundry tho. Last time he lost one of my favorite night gowns and a wash cloth that went to my set. I like to do my own laundry whenever possible anyway. I will be so glad after the first of the year when we can get our own. We just want to get a bit ahead before we go into debt for appliances.

 So my son is home, lunch is almost ready and I need to eat and get busy making a page for my darling little granddaughter. She is 2 today! Happy Birthday my darling Celeste! That page will probably be the only one that I do today. I need to catch up on my Netflix Scandal.... and keep my foot propped up today.

 Sounds like a good plan so I will leave for now and talk to you all soon.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Beth, your scrap pages are beautiful. I know the kids will just love them. I think it's great that all local businesses are participating in Halloween treats for the kids. This is a fun holiday.

    Gosh, if you lived close by, I'd hire you to come and clean for me. I don't like housework. I can do it all day, and no one would ever be able to tell just what it was that I had done all day.

    Today it's nice here, or should I say, it was. I'm cooking supper right now. Pogo has his eye on me to make sure I don't forget his hamburger. haha.

    I agree that you should drop most of the CT work. Today's designers are asking for too darn much work for the privilege of using one of their kits. I could not do it.

    Now I have to get back to the kitchen. Can't have that hamburger getting overcooked! Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a super evening my friend, hugs, Edna B.
