Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Vintage Elegance

Main stores: Where you can find this lovely kit by Lins_Creations called Vintage Elegance.

 Hi everyone,

 Well you have seen this page here first. I will upload it after a while in the forums and on facebook. I did this page several days ago but have wanted to make sure that I had the store information right before I posted it. I sure hope that the link turns out alright because I am trying to help her win a contest and she has to use the top link so they can track her traffic if that makes sense.

 Nathan got a new job and it is 12 hour shifts and this one is with a permanent company so it s not with one of the temp agency's... YES! We can celebrate that! He will be working from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and so he will be having to get up like at 5 in the morning.
 Since I am such a night owl we talked last night about how I was going to have to figure something out with the computer and being up so late, so I rearranged my bedroom. I moved my big desk down and in front of the window, and out 2 smaller tables where the desk was. Brought in a chair, plugged in a lamp and my computer and guess what? Here I am sitting here looking out my bedroom window while the birds play! Wish I had done this months ago. I just didnt think that I had the room but now I know that this will work out well.

 There really isn't much news today. I had a bad headache yesterday and was so tired from the increase of my medication. I laid down for an hour yesterday afternoon and I guess that little hour revved me up because it was almost 4 this morning before I could relax enough to go to sleep.

So Jonathan did some research on my favorite yogurt and said that he did not want me to buy it anymore. He said that it is GMO. Genitically Modified Organism. Now I am not savvy about this kind of thing so I am going to google it and find out the ins and outs.... but basically my kids asked me not to buy it anymore... hmmm

 I hate to run but I just found out that a friend is willing to take me to wal-mart to get a prescription straighted out that they are having problems with so I will blog more when I can. Have a great day everyone BB

Monday, September 28, 2015

Changes In Life

Hi Everyone,

 I hope that this finds everyone doing well. I have some news to share. The first day of Autumn did not go as planned. I was not feeling well when I went to bed and feeling worse when I woke up the next morning. I called my doctor and got right in. Well he sent me to the hospital to be seen and they ended up admitting me.
 Mostly to do with my heart racing and pulse extremely high and in the end I had very low potassium in my body so hopefully I am back to normal. I have a doctors appointment today so I will have to get this posted and get on with doing a few things before I have to get ready to leave.

 Here are some before pictures to share with you. This is the empty field that I walk with Cisco. It used to be an apartment building but it burned down a couple of years ago. There was talk of re-building, and then that was scuttled in favor of a walking trail and dog park. So here are the before pictures and I will post the after pictures when it gets done. They have been working really hard clearing the debris and lots of people are out here at different times of the day doing work so they are getting it done it seems.

So it is kind of bland right now. It was really pretty at the beginning of spring when the wildflowers and bluebonnets were blooming. From what I hear it is going to be rock and arid dry and drought resistant plants that require little water. I guess that we will see. I am not so sure what it will look like when it is done but the front office has a big artist sketch of it and it looks really pretty. I guess that we will see soon enough.

 I am not sure what was wrong with Foxy this weekend. She was a terror. She would attack Cisco for no reason at all. I am so glad that Cisco started defending himself against her. She has turned really aggressive to him. Karyn said her whole personality towards Cisco changed when she had her spayed. I gave them both a treat yesterday and she didn't want hers but went after Cisco because she didn't want him to have his. So she watched while Cisco got both treats. Not sure what is up with her. We did time outs and scolded her it really didn't seem to help matters at all. We would never spank her but if there was ever a doggie that needed a spanking she needed one yesterday.

Guess I had better get off of here. I have so much to do before I leave and run out of energy.... Have a blessed day to everyone... Oh... how did you all like the blood moon? It was awesome here. We had hazy cloud cover so it wasn't really vivid but we could see enough of it here to make it worth while... Take care everyone BB.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Beautiful Start To The Day

 Good Morning,

 It is still morning here but not for much longer. It is almost 11:00 am. I slept in late this morning. My alarm went off at 7:00 am but for some reason I was still very sleepy so I just turned it off and rolled back over. 
 I had very vivid dreams. I was in my car and I left my sisters house to go for a drive and ended up stopping at this really nice looking bed and breakfast. Inside I realized that the woman that owned the B&B was a friend of mine that I had lost touch with years and years ago. We talked for hours and the Sheriff came by to tell her that someone that she knew had died and had left her a few things. The man was a very simple man. He left her a paper weight of a frog, a book with some dried flowers, a key chain and a silver chain with a gold ring that held several stones that appeared to be diamonds. No one thought much of the ring as he was a very poor man but the ring ended up being very valuable and she could have sold it and paid her way out of financial hardship but of course she didn't do that. She put the necklace on and wore it all thru the dream. When it was time for me to leave I asked her....  "What town am I in?" and she said... "Honey your in Gladmore Kentucky", What a weird dream.
 The next one was rather errie as well. I was taking care of these 2 little boys and it was cold out and I was trying to get them to put on their socks and shoes and a jacket and they told me that they had left them at their house so as cold as it was we walked to their house and I knew that something was wrong because the house was run down, windows broken out, the place hadn't been lived in for years but the boys were so happy to be home that we went inside. The boys were little ghost boys. I woke up right after that and here I am writing about these crazy dreams in my blog. 
 And Yawning as well. I really hope that my coffee kicks in soon lol.

 On Friday the maintenance man  showed up to have a look at our water pressure and finally found the problem with my dishwasher so he ordered me a new one. He said if it didn't come in Monday it would probably be here on Tuesday so that is today... However I am not going to get too excited as of yet because I just saw him working and he has no help. Poor guy. So I guess that I will get my dishwasher when I get it. But if I don't hear anything by today I will call tomorrow to make sure that I am still on the work order.

 So for our Mabon Celebration on Sunday we had for dinner, beef pot roast, roasted carrots and onions, sweet potatoes, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy and yeast rolls. My rolls did not rise the second time so they were a little heavy but good anyway. Karyn baked a chocolate cake with sea salt caramel icing. Oh I forgot that we also had pinto beans and roasted zucchini squash. We had a lot of squash because she had brought some over that needed to be cooked and I had some that needed to be cooked so we roasted some and then we made a casserole out of the rest. Everyone was so full that we could barely move. We have not had a meal like that since around Easter I think. We have had family meals but not that huge. At any rate it was a great day all in all. 
 Even tho I had my alter set up I couldn't get the right kind of light for any pictures and my kids were like... No ... don't take any of me... and one ran to the bathroom, the other to the kitchen, one out side so I was like ok... 
 But tomorrow I am setting up my alter again, this time using my dining room table because I have plenty of light. Here are the gifts that Joe brought me. 

This is my new Challis.  It is very heavy and very pretty. I really like it. I was wanting another one. The one that I have is a small champagne glass. This will do nicely for my large altar and I can keep the one in my bedroom for my smaller altar. 

A nice and simple wooden bowl. I did not have one of these and I am very pleased with this one. I am going to cure it with some linseed oil. 

 This is my altar cloth that Joe and Karyn gave to me. It is not totally open but I will take pictures tomorrow and hopefully you can see more of it. 

 I had a text message this morning from Courtney that said, turn on your data and I did and I have new pictures of my granddaughter Celeste. Such a cutie pie. She is wearing a headband with a bow. She was giving her mama a hard time about getting dressed this morning so we have glamour shots of Celeste in a diaper and bow.... lol... she is such a happy baby.
 I wish that Matthew and she could work out some sort of agreement. She needs both parents in her life.

 Oh did I mention that I have gotten my lab results back and that my medication is working? My cholesterol and my triglycerides are both way down... YES and even my sugar is coming down. I am so thankful for that. 
 It is a lot of medication that I take daily but it seems to be what was needed all along to help me with these problems.

 I guess that I will close for now. You all have a great day.... Until tomorrow... BB

Monday, September 21, 2015

A Nice Weekend

 Hi Everyone,

 I really must do a few pages to share here on my blog that I have not shared on FB so that those of you that are my facebook friends will also have a different page from me. I haven't done much of anything over the weekend in the scrapping world.

 Yesterday the kids and I celebrated Mabon and sadly I did not take pictures. We decided that since it was not actually the first day of fall that I would set up my alter again on the 23rd. My mind must really be going because I always thought that it was the 21st. Not this year, The 23rd is the first day of Autumn. So I will finish up my ritual then.
 Personally I think that the kids just didnt want me taking pictures of them... lol.... They seen me with the camera and they scampered everywhere but where I needed them. Also where I set up my alter, the light was really bad and I couldn't get any good pics so Joe and I decided that on Wednesday we will set up the dining table and take pictures. That will be better as he has given me some really nice gifts that I want to use.

 I took pictures but so far they have not arrived at my email account. I have sent them twice but so far they have not shown up. How odd that is.
 Well Joe brought me a very nice Alter Cloth that he has had for several years and has passed down to me.
 A very pretty cut glass Chalis and last but not least a wooden bowl that had belonged to his grandmother at one point that he passed on to me. We are going to buy some linseed oil and season it. Also the items need to be cleaned before I use them so this gives me a few more days.

 Yesterday I was going thru some mail to throw away or to file and received a really nice paper cut. Boy is it sore. It is on my right index finger and makes typing a little difficult. How can something so tiny hurt so much? It caught me right under my finger nail and across the tip of my finger. I told Karyn that I have had big cuts that haven't been as sore as this little tiny one.

 I just re-sent my pictures to my account and they still have not come so I am going to just have to post them later I suppose. I am not sure what is going on. I hope that there is nothing wrong with my phone.  But for now I have to get my butt in the kitchen and clean it up in case the man shows up with my new dishwasher. I have a feeling that it will be tomorrow before it gets here, but one never knows. I will probably be back to post a little later. I do have a few more things to discuss... Until then BB

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mabon Celebration A Day Early

 Hi Everyone,

 This page is done with Miss Edna's Quick Page. I think that it turned out really pretty and I hope that you enjoy it as well. I really need to do up a few more pages so that I have them ready for days that I don't work on scrap pages.

 I was a little busy today doing my laundry and getting a few things ready for tomorrow. It is amazing how busy I was and really didn't accomplish much of anything. But I have my bedding washed and cleaned and my laundry all done and so that is a plus in the right direction.

 Karyn is coming over tomorrow and we are making a beef pot roast with veggies. I think that I am going to go for Mashed potatoes since I am going to have to cut them out of my diet for the most part, I think that I want to have one last mashed potato feast lol. Normally we just place them with the carrots and onions but I am thinking that mashed sounds yummy and I am making yeast rolls and last but not least a cake. Chocolate fudge with sea salt caramel... sounds good to me.

 I will take pictures and share. It should be a fun time or at least I am hoping so. I have to run the dishwasher tonight before bed. I didn't do it earlier. My back and side has been hurting so movement has been slow for me today.

 Nathan is ready to go to bed so I am going to say goodnight. It is hard to type in the dark for me.... So have a great day... BB

Thursday, September 17, 2015

CT Pages and Other News

Vintage Baby kit by Lins_Creations. I love this kit and so many ideas that can be used on your pages. This is my first page. You can find this beautiful kit here at"


Hello and Good Afternoon,

 I almost said good morning! I slept in late this morning. I have had several big things that I had to do this week. I went to the doctor, I went grocery shopping which completely zonked me out. I came home and went straight to my room and stayed there for the most part. I was just so tired because as always I get so wound up and my anxiety kicks in when I have to see my doctor. Not about what he will say, I usually already know for the most part, but I am always afraid that I will over sleep and so the opposite happens. I don't sleep at all.

 I have been so far behind in my CT pages. I have been trying to catch up. This cute page above was made from a kit called Vintage Baby and it is a very big kit. I really like it because I love the vintage era.

 Can you believe that September is half done practically and October is just around the corner? I will celebrate my 56th birthday. My sister will celebrate her 52nd birthday, my brother will celebrate his 69th birthday and my niece will be 34 on hers and my grand daughter will be 1. So we have a lot of birthdays in October.
 Other happenings is that I will have my surgery  coming up on the 15th. I have my pre-op appointments the day before. I am scheduled for my Mammogram in October and and it seems like that there is something else other than Halloween but I can't think of it right now.

 The other day Patsy called me and said that it was pouring down rain at her house. She lives in San Diego California. They do not get very much rain there but that day she said it was coming down hard and fast and it lasted a good long while too. I told her to send me some rain.... I said... go outside and send it to me. She just laughed at me.
 About 30 minutes later Jonathan and Nathan and I was sitting in the living room and we all three at the same time said... "Is that Rain"?
 Oh yes... it was and it was coming down in sheets. I had to call Patsy and tell her Thank You for sending me the unexpected rain lol....

 The cooler weather has brought back a few of the birds. I saw my blue jay twice now. I haven't seen his mate.The squirrels are gathering and I have seen them a few times and then there are some more really pretty birds coming in. Not sure what they are.
 The man that threatened to call animal control on our racoons must have done so because I have not seen them since. They were not hurting anyone, but some people can be so mean. He had valid arguments but only to a degree. His only valid argument was that they do carry rabies and we have had more than our share of rabies over the past few months but I had never seen them be vicious so I think that he was just being mean.

 Well I guess that I need to get busy and take care of a few things. My friend Edna put up a beautiful QP today so I think that I will go and make a scrap page and then I need to lie down. Been dizzy today. I need to check my sugar as well. Have a great day everyone. BB

Monday, September 14, 2015

For My Little Alex

Hi Everyone,
 I know that it is going to be a sleepless night for me. I have to be up early to go to the doctors tomorrow for my labs and so I know that if I go to bed now I will probably over sleep so I know that I probably will not rest well so I will just blog for a little while and then I will lay down for a bit with my phone and play a game or something. I have my alarm set so I might get a little sleep.

 I scrapped this page of Alex. It is one of my favorite photos with him giving a little smirk and a wink. He is such a sweet imaginative child. He has so many of his daddy's charming ways when he was that age. Anyway I scrapped this page and then I saved it, converted it to picture and then took it back into a program and this is what I ended up with...

Just click on the pages to enlarge. 

So not much is going on here besides hanging out on the computer tonight. I talked for awhile on the phone to a couple of my friends and after that I just worked on this page and after I uploaded it at Facebook I realized that I didn't upload it to the groups but I will go back in and do that as soon as I finish my blog which will be soon. I still want to take my shower and I am reading a book that I want to finish.
 I have a couple more pictures to share.

Mabon is coming up and I have my menu planned and getting everything ready this year for my altar that I will share with my friends and family. Year before last I did a very simple celebration and I also bound my besom. I would like to share these pictures with you. Last year I was not able to do my celebrations as I was recovering from my surgery so I just held a very private ritual. This year I plan to go a step beyond in order to celebrate in a more festive frame of mind.
My menu is simple but hearty.

Alfredo Lasagna, Bread, Roasted Root Vegetables, and salad. Dessert of course will be small cakes and ale and wine. 

 This is two different views. 

 This is me with my broom that I bound and blessed.

I miss celebrating with my friends, but this year I hope to be able to celebrate with my family and always remember to be Thankful for the harvest and for the food that is granted to me and my family, my friends and to all those in need.
 I plan to take pictures so I shall be sharing them with you.... 
 Until next time... BB

Fit For A King

 Good Morning,

 After a pretty good night of rest, I woke up around 4:00 am. I was sharing my bed with my Cisco and for some reason he switched sides on me. I just rolled over to the other side but eventually I wanted my side back as he was in the middle of the bed. So I got up and walked around to my side of the bed and by then I was awake. After all of that, getting settled back in bed, Cisco deserted me. He moved to the end of the bed (Sigh).... My sister text me from Holland and I was so glad that I was awake so I heard the text come in. We chatted for a few minutes and then I got up and made some coffee and did this page. Isn't my little King adorable. 

 Karyn came over and spent yesterday with us. She roasted some carrots, sweet potatoes, yellow potatoes and zucchini squash with garlic, onion and red bell peppers. It was really good. We had a good visit and I was glad to see her. I had not seen her in a couple of weeks. She was really swamped with work last week.

 I go back to the doctor tomorrow. I know that my lab numbers are not going to be what we had planned for them to be but my cholesterol has to be down. He doubled my lipitor so surely that will have helped bring it down and he put me on Tricore so I am hoping that will help as well. I have tried to eat better but I have back slid some. But for the most part I have really been trying to make healthier choices so I hope that it will show some difference. Still my sugars are still running way too high. I have no idea what to do to get them down. I need to exercise more but with the way my legs hurt it is even hard for me to walk Cisco right now.

 Yesterday was Alex's Birthday. He was 6. I cannot believe he is this old now. It breaks my heart that he is so far away. He and Celeste too. She will be a year old in October. I will make a page for his album as soon as I get his pictures. They may have posted them online already.
 I was there with Alex when he was born. As soon as he was being birthed he splashed me completely head, face and chest with amniotic fluid! The rest is a blur. I cannot remember some of the details that I want to remember. I need to talk to Matthew and Deanna and Laurie so I can write it all down and have a record of it. I had it in my written diary but the flood destroyed that so I have to rely on my faulty memory and hope that the kids memories are better than mine. 

  Then and Now.... They came out in the opposite order that I put them in but that is alright. They are on here so that is what counts. 
 Happy Birthday Alexander, Na-Na Loves you to the Stars and Back... 

 I just took Cisco out for his walk and oh wow... 61 degrees out there... YES! I am loving it. We are supposed to be back in the 90's by Thursday and the 70's at night but I can handle that. It was so nice outside! 

I have a few pictures to share of my sisters in Germany. 

 I think that these two above were taken in England... I am sorry but they are not labeling all of their pictures so just occasionally do they specify so I will have to wait until they get home to get better answers.
 But the bottom one said... Germany... wow.... look at that Castle.

Now I leave you with a chuckle for the day. I may only have one Cisco but when he wants me up he is really determined....

Have a great day.... BB

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I Can't Sleep Again

 It is late here, or early depending on how you want to look at it. It is almost 3 in the morning. I have been sitting at my computer arranging my files and clearing some files and uploading them on Shuttefly, I came across 2 more that I am not sure if I have shared or not. So I will share them in this post.

 This one is called a Living Tree. I was going to save this one for Thanksgiving to remind me of everything that I have to be thankful for. And to remind me that time doesn't stand still for no man or woman. 

 This next page is one that I did for my granddaughter Celeste for her photo album. I may have already shared it. I could go back and look but it is late so I will just add it here now.

 I really enjoyed working with this kit. Some are from a new kit and some of the images are from another. I enjoy working in collaboration using elements from one kit  or another but all of these images are from Tiny Turtle Designs.

 This last one is one that I did the last time that I couldn't sleep, I think. No rhyme or reason for this page. Just something that I wanted to to try out and then ended up doing and liked it. One of the ladies that I know from my group is so talented. She does such a great job on her pages and I took a piece of her art that inspired me and worked my own thing. It is no where near as beautiful as hers is but our talents are so different. Still I think that it turned out pretty.

 Fall Slumber is the name of this page. I have enjoyed working with animals in case you wonder. Animals are easy to work with. They hold such a magic of their own. 

 I don't know why sleep is so hard for me to come by. It could be that I am a natural night owl. I worked nights for so many years and then when my babies were born they were up a lot at nights. That was when I did my housework, and laundry and prepared the next days meals in crock pots. All of that changed when Jonathan started school and I had to get on a different schedule but now I don't have to be up early anymore. I think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that the house is quiet. Everyone is sleeping, I have the house to myself. The tv is turned off, no video games going on, no music playing. Although I did listen to my music for a couple of hours tonight in hopes that it would relax me and I could drift off. I set the timer to go off in 2 hours but I was still awake when the last song was played.
 Gosh maybe I chose the wrong station to listen to. I chose 80's Country and heard songs I had not heard in years so each one was wonderful. George Jones, George Strait and The Judds. I tried to share some on facebook but I have to adjust my password on my phone before it will let me share there so I added them to GooglePlus.

 Cisco got a bath today. He was so not happy with me while he was getting the bath but he didn't fight me. He felt better and he felt better getting the bath. Afterwards he even brought his toys to play with and I gave him a treat that Miss Edna sent to him and he was doing a little dance so he is happy and he is now in my bed sleeping and is content. 

 Tomorrow I have to finish up 2 pages for Lins_Creations as one of her CT members. Autumn Song and Bundle of Joy. Once those are finished I will concentrate on another of her kit. I was actually waiting for Joyce to get back from vacation before asking for another kit for the CT designs. They flew to San Juan Puerto Rico for a week and tomorrow... today actually they set sail on a cruise. I think that they will go to 5 islands. She will not be back until the 20th but I can ask Pam or Lins for a kit and they will send me out a coupon to collect what I want. I have just not decided what I want to do. 

I have a kit that has the cutest animals... a King Charles Spaniel, a Robin Hood Robin, etc... they are all adorable and I also have a kit called 12 days of christmas that I cant wait to use. I plan to do a page for every day of the 12 days. It is just beautiful. I know that it is a little early but it saves time now and some of the designers are already putting out Christmas kits for us to start using.

 It is supposed to get down to 58 degrees tomorrow night.. whooo whooo... I cant wait. I did my bedding today and added another blanket at the foot of my bed in case that I need it. Knowing me I won't but it will be there just in case. 

 I guess that wraps it up for me. I am going to try and get some sleep. Even if I just lay there and toss and turn for awhile. I really need to try and rest. I had a busy day today and then we had a water break and so it was late in the day before it got fixed so cleaning the kitchen, sweeping an mopping was done much later than I had anticipated. But the good thing is that it got done!

 Good night everyone... or shall I say.. Good Morning... Until next time, have a great day. BB

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Me and Jennifer

 Good Afternoon Everyone,

 I did this page of my special friend Jennifer. I don't believe in Best Friends even tho I do use the phrase, because all of my friends are my BEST FRIENDS.... Each of my friends have qualities that make them in my life the Best and the most Special in the world.

 Jennifer and I met at Jonathan's class one day. Her son Cody was in the same class as my Jonathan. We have seen each other thru some really hard times. Marriages and Divorces, pregnancy, and illness's. We have been there for each other when we were both diagnosed with diabetes. We shared everything from secrets to defending each other from others.
 I was there when her last baby was born. Tiffany is my Goddaughter. She was born on April 21st. Ironically my grandson Adrian was also born on April 21st. We share so many similarities like that.
 When Tiffany was born, Jennifer and I agreed ahead of time that I would stop by the hospital but I wouldn't stay. Her husband and kids would be there. They had a birth plan. Due to Jennifer's diabetes Tiffany was going to be induced.
 So another one of my Best Friends Terrie and I went out to lunch that day. Then we stopped by the hospital to see how Jennifer was doing. She was in a lot of pain and she was very emotional. When I told her that I was going to leave, she grabbed my hand and said "Beth I know we agreed that you wouldn't be here but I need you here."
 It was always that simple with Jen and I.... If we needed each other that was all that we needed to know.
 So this page is for my friend Jennifer who is getting back on her feet after a rough patch. I just wanted her to know that she is in my thoughts and heart.

  I went to bed early but couldn't sleep. Finally I got up and took a sleeping pill but still was having a hard time falling asleep. But I dozed fitfully until I heard Nathan in my room getting some Ibuprofen. He had a toothache and I told him not to take them on an empty stomach but he did and of course he got sick so I just got up and didn't get to sleep until around  8 or 8:30 this morning, so I am one tired girl and I think that I will be shutting the computer down as it is getting stormy outside. I hear it thundering... So take care and until next time BB.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

No Rain Yet....

 Hi Everyone,

 This is a page that I did for my little granddaughter Celeste's photobook of her first year. She will be a year old October 30th. Almost a Halloween baby, my little angel. I just got off of the phone with Courtney. She sent me new pictures of my little sweetie pie. I wish that I could share them here but her mom asked me not to put her pictures online so I have honored her wishes.

 I think that I had a really good day considering the pain that I have been in the past few days. I didn't hurt much at all today but the nausea has lingered. I have tried to eat light today and just take it easy. I have been reading, playing a few games on the computer and I did have a nap earlier. It wasn't a real long one, just a short nap to ease the need to sleep a bit.

 I am going to call it an early night however because I have a new movie that I have not seen from Netflix that I want to watch and I Nathan has a friend that is spending the night so I really don't want to be in the main part of the house so they can have their privacy. I know that they don't care if I am in here or not but I just think that it will be the polite thing to do so I am not listening to their conversations and stuff. On the other hand I find out all kinds of things by sitting in the living room lol... some I would rather not know... JK... my boys are really good boys. At least they are today!

I still have not heard anything on my orthopedic shoes. I have called twice and they have not come in. How long does it take to order a pair of shoes?

 I am making Queso for Jonathan. He didn't get any the other night when I made it so I am making him some special. He is really good to me so I try really hard to do little things for him. Nathan cooked dinner last night and it was really good. He made a pasta dish and so I had some of it left over from last night for dinner tonight.

 I guess that I will close for now and post this so it will be ready for you all for tomorrow. I have some errands to take care of in the morning so I am probably not going to be able to blog until afternoon. BB

Dancing In The Rain

Hi Everyone,

 Goodness it is great to be back and hopefully I will not have any more problems with my blog. I am sure that it was just a glitch somewhere but now I think that I have conquered the problem.

 My little Gypsy is dancing in the rain and hopefully that is what I can do tonight. Not actually go out and dance but stand under the balcony and watch it rain. We are finally supposed to get some rain tonight, tomorrow and Friday. It will be so nice!

 My friend Kevin is taking me to Wal-Mart in a little bit. I am making some dinner plans for tonight but I have to take back some Turkey breast that Jonathan bought because it has a very bad smell. So I am going to take that back and I also have to pick up a few things that we are out of. Just the basics, dish soap, kleenex and paper goods. Then my shopping for the month will be over.

 I cut my hair. I chopped it all off. It is a drastic cut as the woman who cut my hair said. You are going from long hair to a neckline, are you sure? I said "Yes I am."
 I have this surgery coming up and I do not want to deal with long hair. I want something that I can just wash and let it air dry and be done with.

 The apartment building is putting in a walking trail in front of our apartment building. It is going to be really pretty when they are done with it, but I wish that they would concentrate on the insides of these apartments rather than all of the work on the grounds. The grounds are pretty the way that they are, but the walking trail will be very pretty when it is said and done.

 Kevin is ready to go so I need to get dressed and get this trip over with. I might be back later on today... Have a great day! BB

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Maybe I Am Back.....

So ok, maybe, just maybe I have figured out my blog situation. Gosh I sure hope so. I deleted the other blogs and set this one up so maybe it will work. For Good and I can say Goodbye to WordPress. I really don't like blogging over there.

 I am not really sure what this blog even looks like. I just chose the first template. I do hope that I can adjust the font size at a later time. Right now I just want to make my first post. I really hated having to delete all of my other blogs. It seems like such a waste but if it means that I can get back to blogging here then it was worth it.

 Ok I have had things to say and haven't really had time to say them. Things have been a litte chaotic around here and I have had some medical issues that I have been dealing with. It seems that I am always dealing with something or other, but today I want to rant a little.

 In Florida there is a man that has a pretty bad track record and violations concerning dangerous animals and so forth. In the past, I cannot remember the dates but he was fined for an unlicensed crocodile and something about rattlesnakes. He supposedly had a permit for research but according to the article he only paid a fine and went on about his business.
 His latest escapade is that his King Cobra has escaped somewhere on the 5 acres of property and the Fish and Game Wardens have set traps in hopes of finding it. The chances are rare according to one expert that has experience in reptiles.
 A school that is 3 miles from the property now has had to suspend outside activities. PE and Recess will now be held indoors for the children's and staff's safety.
 What if they never find this Cobra? What if it leaves the area as they are known to do just that and they are very fast moving snakes. What if it still gets inside a school or a home? I don't think that people should be allowed to have these kind of creatures. Oh sure he says it is for research but I don't think that a garage in your home really qualifies as a safe place to keep these things. And if it was for research then why was he issued more permits after he was found negligent of the other charges a few years back?
And one of my biggest questions is... "The Authorities haven't decided if the owner will be charged in this case or not" and I want to know... Why The Hell Not?
 Does the damn snake have to bite someone and kill them first? I think that he should have to face negligence charges. He admitted that the cage was not secured properly.
 Here in Austin about 3 months ago a boy, 17 years old was bit by his King Cobra that escaped his cage in a car. The boy did not have a permit for this snake and others that they found. The boy died and thankfully the snake was found. Someone had run over it with a car on the road but still someone died.
 So this article had my panties all bunched up and twisted.

 Then there is Kim Davis... Alright so she does not want to issue marriage license to Gay couples...  "By God's Authority".... my question is who's God? Christian God? Muslim God? Catholic God? etc.... Ok so my opinion is it is not by God's Authority, it is by HER Authority, She is trying to push her God onto people. Onto our country. I believe that she should be forced to resign her position. She knew when she took this job that there was a chance that Gay Marriage could pass. I think that she is milking this for all that it is worth and I think that the media is making this into much more than it should be.
 She virtually snubbed her nose at our laws, our Govt. and our Nation. She should be treated as everyone else that breaks the law. Not only did she break the law but she forced others in her office to break the law as well.
 These are just my opinions and I am not saying that I am right, I am just saying this is what I think.

 On to other news. I am playing a word association game and my word last week was Weather. This week my word is Autumn. I am still working on the list but it has really grown quiet a bit. I enjoy it and so far it is a form of relaxation for me when I need something to do. My sister and I use to play this game a lot, especially on cold winter days and we would compare our lists. It is amazing to see what kind of thoughts each have on the same subject. It is also a writing technique and it is also used as a therapy tool.

 I guess that I will wrap up my blog for today. I have some things that I really should try and get done while I can walk without too much pain.
 I hope that you enjoy my scrap page and as usual just click on the image to enlarge.  Everyone have a great day. BB