Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy Tuesday And I Am Still Awake

 Hi Again,

  I have tried to get over and update my blog and somehow never made it. I have just been busy but if you should ask what it is that I have been doing, I wouldn't really be able to tell you. Just snippet of things here and there.

 Saturday was my daughter Laurie's birthday. My baby girl turned 30. I cannot get over it. 30 years old! No way, it seems she was just born a little while ago. But she is a mom of 3 kiddos of her own. It was a good weekend. She and the kids came and it was so good to have them here but Lands Sake... I am still recuperating lol. I guess that goes hand in hand with kids.

 My house isn't as baby proof as I thought that it was. Oh Edna, you should get a semi kick out of this story!
 Before the kids got here I tried my best to put some things up so the baby couldn't get into certain things. One of them was the box of Milk Bones that Pogo sent to Cisco. I put them way back in my closet and up on a plastic bin. Out of reach. Also out of mind and I put the container of Milk Bones up on a closet shelf so the older kids wouldn't be tempted to get them and give to Cisco.
 Later on Sunday afternoon my daughter and I went into my bedroom. I stopped and said... Oh Dear, someone has been in my closet and my heart was in my throat because I had put my medicine up on a shelf and couldn't imagine who would have gotten into my closet. I opened the door and who was there? Cisco and Dante, the baby. He had crawled up on a box, had one hand holding for balance and another in the Milk Bone box and pulled out a hand full of bones... A big grin spilled all over his face... Oh yes, Cisco the guilty party was in the closet too. He said... "Puppy" and dropped them down to Cisco who was in Milk Bone heaven.
 Earlier in the day Jonathan and Karyn had walked Cisco and said that he had diarrhea. I was concerned because he had not had anything different from his diet... (Little did I know that he was getting treats and Lord knows how many treats he had over a course of night and day.) lol.
 So the box of Milk Bones went to the top shelf as well.
 I suppose that Cisco is back to normal as he has been his old self. I just have to remember to keep the treats put up when he is here. How that little stinker knew that they were there I have no idea, but he did.

 On Saturday night I was trying to get him to go to sleep. Several attempts but the first try was earlier. We watched Goose Bumps.  At 2:00 am he was still going strong. Patsy calls me every night usually and when I was at his house he would want my phone and I would tell him that I was talking to Patsy. Well  of course he had to talk to. That night he kept trying for my phone. "Call Patsy" he would say and I would make excuses, like Patsy is asleep like you should be, but right when I was trying the first time to get him down about 10:30 or 11:00 Patsy did call and he just had to talk to her. So they talked and he told her all about the puppy and the Popsicle's that Na-Na had. Now at bedtime he tells his mama... "I talk to Patsy". She says no and it is a good thing that she does not have Patsy's number as he would be calling her all the time like he does me!
 Adrian was so sweet. He is 9 now and he doesn't like anyone to see him snuggling or cuddling. He thinks he has to be a big boy or perhaps it embarrasses him, but the first chance with everyone outside with Cisco and Karyn and Laurie at the store, he came and actually got into my lap. Wow has he grown! We talked and talked and he loves hearing me tell the story of when he was born and how special that day was. How I was there, cut the cord and carried him to his mama and how later I was able to carry him down to the special nursery and how everyone couldn't get over how beautiful he was. And he really was. His head was shaped perfectly. He had the prettiest complexion of any new born I had ever seen and he just snuggled and giggled until the boys came in with Cisco and that was the end of that!

 Cathy climbed into bed with me and we crocheted on her blanket. It is almost finished but she wants it bigger. I don't have any more pretty yarn to make it bigger. All I have left is some ugly brownish orange and some ikky yellow. So I am going to buy some pretty yarn and make her a throw. Karyn wants me to make her one for Christmas. She wants hers in an ocean blue. Cathy at first said pink, then purple and then she said Na-Na any color you like will be my favorite. So I will try and get both yarns because Cathy's birthday is in November and it will be a perfect time for her to have it.
 And Laurie wants in on the act. "Mom teach me how." I was like.... Laurie I am not that good at anything but scarves and afghans. But I promised so I will.

 They left Sunday around 7:00 and I was in bed and asleep by 7:30. It was a great visit until I realized that I didn't get any pictures. Laurie even put on a really pretty dress and did her makeup and everything and still we somehow forgot to take pics. Laurie chose peach pie and vanilla ice cream instead of a cake. And as I had to have my eye exam she even made the lasagna. Sheeesh hers was better than mine lol.

 Everyone including my kids said... "Mom you can't have an eye exam today, it is Sunday. Your confused. Finally Karyn said, "Alright Mom I will take you but it is a wasted trip." I didn't argue with her I just got in the car. Imagine her surprise when I walked into the vision center and told them I had an appointment and they directed me to the back! Karyn just looked at me and shook her head and said... Who Knew they were open on a Sunday!
 So my insurance will pay up to $200.00 for a pair of glasses. Cool.... I found some that I really liked and they fit well and they were $68.00. I didn't even notice the bling on the side of them until I was leaving the frames I had selected and set them on the desk. They are pretty and tried several pairs and different venders before I chose that pair. All is in the computer. I just have to go in this week so they can run my insurance since they couldn't verify it on a Sunday. But everything is ready to go once I go in.

 Came home, played with the kids, ate dinner, played Uno and then we colored or at least Cathy, Dante and I colored. We had a great evening but around 10:00 we were all ready to crawl into our beds except Dante. That's when I bribed him with a movie on Netflix. Imagine my surprise when the movie was over and he crawled out of bed and decided to play hide and seek. Laurie and the boys were watching a movie so I played with him some more, let him run around and then Patsy called.

 So this is the end of my blog. It is almost 6:00 am now. My eyes are finally getting heavy and before I go I will share the birthday page of Laurie I made for her. I didn't do a traditional page as she has since birth marched to the beat of her own drum. This page fit her personality a lot better than a traditional page.

 So this is my baby girl, a photo taken a couple of years ago. The kit is from Tiny Turtle or Dreaming with Bella. Not sure as she opened her own store but I got the kit for 49 cents so it was a win win for me.

 Good Day to Everyone....... BB

1 comment:

  1. I think the little guy needs bed time meds so that he can sleep at night. I don't remember what the doctor gives them, but it doesn't hurt them, just makes them drowsy.

    You've certainly been busy!! Your layout and your scrap page are lovely. I loved your doggie treat story. Somehow, small toddlers always manage to get up to the highest shelves when there is something up there that they want.

    SIL Eddie got busy and could not get my new sink today. No big deal. I was busy all day anyway putting away laundry and sorting out a few things.

    Now I think I'll wash up the supper dishes and relax a while. No, Pogo did not eat his supper. It was steak, but I'm sure he'll get the hungries sometime after midnight. Goodness, what we do for our little ones.

    I hope your new glasses are ready soon. One of these days, I have to go get me a new pair.

    Pogo sends a woof and a big lick for Cisco. You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.
