Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Dazed And Confused!

 Hi Everyone,

 Meet my friend Cory. Cory had his birthday the other day and I missed it somehow, so I tried to make up for it today by creating him a scrap page/card. Not only is Cory a very talented young man, he is also competed in World Championship Poker Tournaments. Cory is also a musician and has his own band and is at this moment recording another album. He has a deep voice that I really love and I listen to his music all the time with the free downloads that he sends to me and I am grateful that I met Cory.
 Cory has had a lot of challenges and by looking at this photo above you can tell that he is in love with the guitar that he is holding and trying out. I know that he would love to see what it looks like but everyone has described it to him. You see Cory is blind. But you would not know that if you didn't know him. He is very accomplished.
 Cory I wish you a very happy Belated Birthday!

  I had my endoscope done this morning. They moved my appointment up from 7:15 am to 4:45 am... so I was a very sleepy girl. But I got up and was there in plenty of time. Once I was checked in I waited in the waiting area until they called me back.
 It wasn't long before they had me hooked up to a heart monitor and blood pressure cuff and then they attempted the IV.... now for some reason my veins do not like IV's. Nope, my veins collapse or they roll or they just close up. Jonathan stayed with me while I squeezed his hand as the sweet nurse tried to get the IV in. After 2 sticks she stopped. I am calling in the Big Dog she told me.
 The Big Dog was named Mark and he gently shook my hand and ran his fingers over it several times and thumped the heck out of it and said....... found one and in one stick the IV was in...... sweet and quick. Wish they could all be like that.

 Things moved pretty fast from that point on. They put a nice warm blanket on me and I met with the anesthesiologist who explained what he was going to give me and then after that another gentleman came in and introduced himself as Jimmy and told me that he would be administering the drug that would give me a little nap and he wheeled me back.
 I met with my doctor and he explained again the procedure and then went off to do what doctors go off to do before procedures that is really surgery.
 I had no time to see what they were doing. One girl told me to lay on my left side and as I was rolling over Jimmy was putting a numbing agent into my IV and she said open your mouth and while I was doing that he injected me with the medication and Ohhhhhhhh I nearly jumped off the bed or would have if I could. It burned so bad.
 He said I know it burns and she said... No don't bite and that was it... I woke up suddenly with Jonathan standing over me smiling and saying Hi Mama.
 Talk about Dazed and Confused! It was like no time had passed at all.

 Now we can talk about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly......... The good is that my previous surgery on my esophagus was fine. What I have is Ulcers. I have one large one in my esophagus and multiple in my stomach, My stomach lining is nearly gone as well. He took biopsies and I will have the results in 7 to 10 days. Probably sooner than that but they want to give a little extra time there.
The good is that I now know what is wrong.
 The bad....... Ohhhhh the pictures, the Ulcers are really bad and they are big and they are pretty scary looking. I have to have this procedure done again in 6 weeks along with a colonoscopy.... Isn't that FUN? I get to have them both done on the same day almost at the same time... hmmm... On my end that is bad. I have had that Go Lightly before and guess what.... there is nothing about going lightly with that stuff.....
 Here is the Ugly..... The medication that I need is $860.00 a bottle.  My insurance will not pay for it so the pharmacist sent paper work to my doctor to fill out and he will contact my insurance and over ride the insurance. That might take a few days. In the mean time I have to really watch what I eat and drink because these ulcers have to heal before they start bleeding etc.

 $860.00.... I almost dropped the phone and I told the pharmacist that was the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard of, but then I thought of my insulin that is $977.00 for 10 pens... 10 pens is a weeks worth. Nearly $4,000 a month for one type of insulin.... $500 plus... for another kind twice a month. I am fortunate to get help with my medicines but I still have co-pays and after I buy what I need medically then my rent and food and portion of electric and pay for my meds, I am lucky to have a few dollars at the end of the month.
 We have tried the cheaper insulin's and they do not work for me. I end up in the hospital on Insulin Drips from Acid Kenotosis so really I don't have choice on the insulin. My cells are resistant to insulin so I have to have this that breaks the cells down to allow the insulin to enter the cells to help control my blood sugars. Not that I don't still have bad days because I do.

 Jonathan took me out to get me some breakfast as soon as we left there. We went to McDonald's. That was fine with me. I really wanted a cup of coffee. I just lazed around the rest of the day and I am still awake. I was going to try and sleep but I got caught up in the antics of Herman and Lily Munster. I watched several episodes and laughed my butt off. I had forgotten how much I had loved that show. That is one of the reasons that I love my Netflix. I can watch a lot of my old oldies.

 I had soup for dinner and a couple slices of cheese. The soup was delicious. Karyn bought it for me. It is a store specialty at our sweet H.E.B. That was the store that I posted all the pictures from a while back. Not that particular store but we have them all over town here. It was a chicken and pasta soup and had the best flavor. I also later on had some sugar free jello and a small glass of milk. about 2 ounces worth. I can't drink a lot of milk but it does soothe the burning in my stomach. I don't know if I should have it or not. I have heard that milk and ulcers are not a good combination, but it is better than soda. Tomorrow I will make some tea. I have some really nice blends so I will make up some for me to drink.

 So other than what I have said here, that is all the news that I have except the weather men and women just cannot seem to get it right on the weather... it is raining again! We are pretty lucky here, for the most part it went by us. We had a hard shower come down for about 20 minutes and now it is just a soft rain. Where my daughter lives really got it hard and heavy and had some pea size hail and back home where my sisters live, they got it really bad. High winds and power outages and heavy rain. I read a report tonight that said we can get isolated showers every day this week. We were up to 94 today. I cannot believe that it is this hot already.

 Ok I got a couple of things to share with you that I got from the internet. Some was sent to me and some I snagged. I hope that you get a chuckle or a warm feeling in your heart.... One is a tiny bit naughty but hey... we are grown ups here.... ( I Think) lol.

I saved this one for last.........

Ooop's I found one more....

 Good night to all...... BB

1 comment:

  1. I think your friend Cory is awesome! And I feel oh so bad for you my friend. I am a coward. If I had to have all these tests, I'd probably hide my head in the sand and later be filled with regrets. I'm just not very good when it comes to things that make me hurt or uncomfortable.

    It will good when all is fixed and you're feeling good again. As for the medicine prices, I think it is abominable. Have you noticed that the ridiculously high priced medicines are the ones we need to live? All the other medicines are priced lower. I think this is wrong. Especially when I know that this country sends all of these expensive meds to other countries for free or very low cost. I think we should take care of our own first. Considering most of these meds were discovered using government funds and grants, (that is yours and my money), I think we should get them for low cost and the other countries can pay the high prices.

    Well, that's my little rant for the day. Now I have to go cook a juicy burger for Pogo. And one for me too. You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna Bn.
