Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Midnight Magic

 My layout for a fall scrap layout. I used two of Caroline Blue's images and a kit that I bought from DT before it shut down called A Fall Ride. I was just playing around basically while I was on the phone with a friend.

 I forgot today that the club I joined was bringing my produce. I got a lot of stuff actually. 2 heads of cabbage, onions, yellow, white and purple along with some garden onions, sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes, oranges, a couple of grapefruit and some squash and egg plant. No apples... darn it...  Some lettuce and a bag of green beans. I am sure that I forgot a few items. Not bad for this little Farmer Market club.

 Tonight Karyn is coming over to make Fish Taco's with Mai Mai. I am so glad that she is not going to use Talipia.  The last time she made them I got so sick. It tasted like a piece of the fish in mine was rotten so it has put me off eating them for a long time. But she is using a better fish this time so I will gladly give it a try. I might just end up eating the black bean and corn salsa lol... I can make a meal out of that!

 So laundry did not get done yesterday. Jonathan hasn't felt well the last couple of days. Yesterday he just slept a lot. I think that he is just tired. He has been doing an awful lot the last week or so. He did go out and get me a treat last night. I asked for popcorn. It has been ages since I have had any so it was a pleasant surprise for me. He bought me the mini packages so I wouldn't waste a whole bag. A mini bag is just the perfect snack size for me. He also bought me the original so I didn't get a lot of salt or the butter.
 He bought for himself the midget tootsie rolls! That little stinker... But I was happy with my popcorn.

 My sister is writing a book and OH is it Good. She is just on the rough draft but she calls me and reads me a chapter here and there and I am always so ready to hear it. The story line is about share croppers in the late 30 and 40's. She has a knack for writing, but it is going to take a while to polish it up and add more description and all the rest that goes into writing. She is doing this more for the enjoyment of writing than she is anything else. Others have told her to send it in for publication but I am not sure that she wants to delve into that area. But I think that she has a really good chance of making something out of this book. I really do.

 I use to write short stories all the time. In the 5th grade we had to do a screen play and I won first place. It was a very big deal for a shy and self conscious kid such as myself back then. I will never forget that. I kept that copy for years until a tornado came along and destroyed our home and along with so much else we lost, that was lost as well. But I can remember most of it. Isn't it funny some of the things that we can remember today, but the older that I get the more vivid my younger memories are and yet I am so forgetful lately on day to day things.

 I have my kitchen cleaned and really all I need to do today is just my laundry. I still have enough to get me thru. I have a dental appointment for my impressions tomorrow so I have my clothes laid out and ready for that. I dread getting up so early in the morning tho. I have become used to sleeping in. I do have to get up and check my insulin, eat and then I can go back to bed. Lately it has felt so blissful just to rest.

 Hurricane Irma is kicking up big in the Atlantic. Hoping she turns and stays off shore but some of the projections are not being so positive of that right now. Still a bit too soon to see what she does but Harvey was such a disaster. I just pray for all in the path of Irma now. I don't know if Harvey is done or not. I have not heard.

 That's about all that I have for today. Everyone have a nice day and take care.... Hugs to all... BB

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a pretty layout page that you've made. Your produce order sounds awesome. We don't have anything like that around here that I know of.

    You can have my fish taco. I don't fish. Blogger (or google) is acting up. As I type, it keeps moving my words around so I'll keep this short. Good luck tomorrow at the dentist. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a great night, hugs, Edna B.
