Friday, September 16, 2016

For Rosabelle

 Hi Everyone,
 This is for my sweet friend Rosabelle who had her birthday yesterday and lost her beloved sister on the same day. My heart goes out to you my sweet friend. I would like to think that some where fate or destiny or what ever you believe had a hand in this bittersweet day and that your beloved sister was just waiting for your special day to say goodbye.  My thoughts and prayers are with you!

 It is early morning here, it is almost 5:00 am and yes you would be right if you were thinking that I was still awake. Yes I am. I am at the point that I am not even going to try and lay down again. I am hurting actually. Insomnia vs body pain. My Fibromyalgia has started to return. It started in the usual spots and I recognized the symptoms rather quickly this time around.
 Earlier on this evening I was getting up from the bed, I had changed shoes and was slipping into my slippers when Cisco jumped off the bed and right on to my bad foot. His toenails caught me and scratched me leaving a pretty deep mark. It has me worried because this is the foot that I may eventually lose.
 I cleaned it the best that I could, with some soap, water, and peroxide. It hurts tho. A deep stinging and burning. I am just wearing a white sock on it now and hoping that it will not become infected. Of course he didn't know that my foot was going to be where he landed. I have had a pain pill and that only caused my stomach to be upset.

 There really isn't very much news on my end to tell. I am leaving one of the scrap CT's. The one that I had joined a few weeks back. So some time today I am going to her forum and sending her a private message and telling her to please remove me from her team.
 I expressed my concern to a few people who are on the team and it was like... "Oh you will be fine" or "You will get the hang of it and it won't take as long as you think" or "Don't just give up just yet, think about it."
 Well I have thought about it and to be honest it is the forum. I don't know how to navigate it. They have gotten so complicated at some places. And there are a few places we are supposed to post and comment on others pages. Comment really? I barely have time to comment on the people's pages that I adore, let alone for some game to see who gets the most comments and such. I want to go back to simpler times I guess.

 I think that I really just have a lot on my mind right now. The move, this crazy insomnia and another problem looming over my head, my health, money, and some issues with my daughter that has me unsettled waiting to see if this thing that wasn't really a pregnancy is growing back, her move to California, my brother in law who had a heat stroke  2 weeks ago and another brother in law that had a mild one this past weekend, I mean I could go on and on and some things that I just can't talk about here. I know I should be able to but some things are just to personal.

 I was thinking of coffee. I wanted a cup but don't want to wake up everyone in the house by going into the kitchen and making it. I meant to fill the coffee pot up when I cleaned the kitchen so it would be ready for me to just hit the button but I forgot. Then I remembered my friend Edna sent me some coffee packets and they are my favorite kind. Little singles that I can stash in my purse as carry along's and very easy to make. I snuck into the kitchen and water is boiling so I shall have my coffee. Thank You Edna, I really do want this cuppa badly this morning.

 My sister Susie and her husband Lance, my sister Linda and friend Kay should be landing or have already landed in Cancun for 12 days of fun, sun and relaxation. I am glad that they get to go somewhere every year. It is wonderful for them. My sister Linda and Susie spent a whole month this time last year in Europe. Paris, Rome, Holland, The Vatican, Germany, and a few more places. Just 2 sisters having the time of their life.
 I have always wanted to go somewhere like that, but it is not in the cards for me. Some things just are not meant to be and traveling to other countries wasn't meant for me. But I am not complaining because I have been able to travel in my own back yard. I have been to many states, have seen and lived in remarkable places, traveled and worked in some fabulous locations. I have camped where the deer were so tame that they would come right up to you. I have seen stunning canyons, been up on high mountain tops and I have seen the sunrise and sunsets over the desert. I have left one part of the state of Arizona with over 110 degrees heat and by the time I got to Flagstaff it was snowing... all for a day trip in shorts... I learned fast to always keep a winter and summer bag packed because I never knew where I might end up.
 I have had my adventures and would not ever want to trade them. I spent a week in Brain Tree Massachusetts with my son and it was the first time that he and I had ever been on a trip alone.  It was good. Even tho he worked while I was there we found plenty of time to be together. We made memories!
 And I have seen the ocean and walked on the beach before my seafood allergy tagged me. I didn't see the sun rise but I saw the moon and stars shining over the water as I walked with two of my friends one night and once I took the boys to Huntington Beach in California where in the middle of August the water was freezing cold.

 As I sit here drinking my coffee I am happy to recall those times. Memories are what stitches our lives together when we move on from one place to another. Old friends, New friends, Grandchildren, Our children, Our brothers, sisters, parents and spouse's. So I am happy that my sisters and Lance and Kay are going to have this vacation. I hope that they come home with their skin tanned and with their hair just a shade lighter bleached by the salty ocean and sunlight. And I hope they come home with the weight of a long hard work year melted away and  their shoulders are lighter.  I hope that come back with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts!
 Be Joyful....... BB

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