Thursday, September 8, 2016

Music and Scrap Pages

 Good Morning,
 I hope that you enjoy this music as much as I do. This group is just phenomenal Mary Did You Know is just beautiful.

 Now for a scrap page. I am still digging into my archive as my leg has been hurting way to much for me to do any pages for fun. But I hope that you will enjoy this one.

 So I had good news yesterday! My daughters doctor's visit went well and no signs of Cancer. She goes back in October for her last check up on the 5th, and then they are scheduling her to have her tubes tied. She is at a high risk for this happening again so this is the best solution and she has 3 kids to care for now, so the decision is a good one and she is ok with it. She did want her husband to have a vasectomy but he was against anyone messing around with his family jewels lol.... Men really need to look into the medical aspect of this procedure. It does not diminish your sex drive, the procedure is very easy and recovery is very fast. Why men have the idea that it is major surgery is beyond me. It is easier for a man to undergo this procedure than for a woman, but it is what it is.

 Cisco and I had a wonderful nights rest. I did have to move him over several times in the night because he wants to be right up against me and either I have no room to roll over or his body heat really heats me up. Still my baby boy gets lots of cuddles and hugs and kisses. I find it sad that people who don't like animals will never know the joy that they can bring to a person or a family. Their loyalty alone is priceless. They are with you when your sick, or sad, and you can tell them all of your secrets and they will never judge you or repeat what you say.
 They are funny in the ways that they do things. For Cisco, I love to watch him walk. He doesn't just walk, he prances! Those little feet are marching to his own drum and his little butt is just swaying! You can tell that he is super happy when he walks this way. My baby is having a birthday on the 11th of this month. He will be 13. Laurie says he is 13 now but I did the math. He was born in 2004. (I think). Well it is hard to keep up with the years as they have flown by so fast! He has a new toy put away. It is a crinkly Frankenstein from my daughter Karyn. He got a new beef and cheeseburger bone for me. It is one that he can chew on for years and it will never be gone. It is so good for his teeth.

 I have some new books. Paperbacks and I started one last night. Big mistake as I was so caught up in it that I didn't want to put it down but finally my meds kicked in and I fell asleep holding the book. I felt it drop so I put it on my night stand and turned off the lights and fell right to sleep. I woke up at 10:00 this morning. I bought a new coffee pot and I love it. I don't have one with a timer since I get up at different times and so I just hit the on button and start the coffee. By the time that I use the bathroom and test my sugar and so forth the coffee is ready.

 It looks like another day of foot and leg pain. So far I have managed not to take a pain pill. They make me sick to my stomach and it is the worse feeling. So it is always a toss up.... nausea vs relief! I can't wait for the pain to get to bad tho or the pain medicine will not work as well. It will just take the edge off. If I get to the pain before it gets bad then it works much better.
 Part of my problem is that I have a high tolerance to pain. By the time that I am hurting bad I am really hurting. I don't sense pain the way others do. I have lived with pain for so long that I don't recognize it as being on a scale to 1 to 10 like most people do. I start to recognize pain at a 8 or 9. That is not good. So by the time that I start to feel pain, I should have felt it at a 5 or a 6. I know, I am just weird.

 The kids are all at work. It is just me and Cisco home today. He hasn't asked for breakfast yet. He is still sleeping. I should grab some lunch but not sure what it is that I want to eat. We really should go to the grocery store, but my son is so worn out when he gets home from work that I hate to ask him to take me or go for me. But he has to go today. I have some meds to be picked up. He hates Walmart. He really detests going to that store. Still it is close to where we live. The other pharmacy that I use is across town, so to make it easier on all of us I use Walmart. He just has a hard time finding a good parking spot and then the lines are so long that he gets frustrated. He wants to get in and get out and our Walmart that is just not possible. On the other hand having to drive all the way to CVS is a pain in the butt too. We like HEB but I really don't want to move my prescriptions there because if I ever travel I won't be able to pick up my meds because it is a Texas only based store. But wow the prices, the produce and everything that they have to offer is just great.

 Well okay I guess that this is all for now. You all have a terrific and Blessed day! BB

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