Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Eve

 Hi Everyone,
 I couldn't resist posting this one. How many families wish that they could stuff the turkey with a little feel good medicine lol?

 Not much happening in the world of Beth today or this week even. Jonathan and I are going to sit down this afternoon and make a final grocery list for tomorrow.
 My mother in law use to make the best Ambrosia I have ever eaten. It was always a big hit at Christmas so that is on our Christmas menu. We are going to have the works on Christmas but not too sure about what we are going to end up as a final meal for Thanksgiving other than the pinto beans decked out with tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and sausage along with some cornbread and my homemade Mac and Cheese. I say that is enough. Karyn is making lemon bars for dessert and of course I thought about serving Jonathan that Bologna sandwich that he said that he wanted lol. I am so glad to say that things worked themselves out on that end!

 I slept well for most of the night. Cisco did as well. He stayed glued to my side and was still there when I woke up this morning. I wish that I could have slept in a little longer but Nature called and I had to stumble out of bed and go and answer. By that time my eyes were opening a little bit so I turned on the coffee pot and waited for that first cup that I start my mornings off with.

 It is a beautiful day here. Yesterday was over cast and gray, then we had some rain and it seems to have cleared out the air, It is really a gorgeous morning, crisp temps and not a cloud in our pretty blue sky. I wish that it could stay like this all of the time.

 Ahh just heard from Karyn and she said that Spaghetti and a salad sounds good for tomorrow. Well what ever we come up with, I sure want it to be easy and fast and the clean up just as easy and fast. Several places here are offering the meal. All you have to do is show up. I love it when the community comes together and does this for people who may not have family and are alone, or the homeless, or those that just are at a time when they have no food to cook.
 I know that we are blessed beyond measure. We may not always have our cupboards stocked but we always have enough food that no one goes hungry. So very many are not that lucky.
 Nathan is off work tomorrow. At first they said that he would work Thanksgiving but that was wrong. They are always closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

 Oh our apartment office is doing something really nice for the complex. They set up a gift wrapping center so that anyone can go and wrap their presents with paper, they supplied tissue paper, tape and ribbon and even gift bags for the residents. We got a notice in our newsletter. I also like the fact that they do a newsletter that lets everyone know of the special events that they are holding. I hear that summers are really packed with movies, concerts from local venues, grilling potlucks, events for the kids.
 I didn't take my phone the last time that I was at the office so I missed out on some pictures of the fall decor. I may go up there later on and take some pictures. They already had their little Thanksgiving event. It wasn't so much a meal as it was just a get together. They did big pots of chicken soup, breads and crackers. I forgot about it. I had so much going on with my day that it totally slipped my mind.

 Tomorrow is my sisters birthday. It falls on Thanksgiving this year and the next day is my granddaughter Cathy's birthday. I guess I had better break out the scrapbooking program and do a few cards. It will give me something to do so that will help fill in today.
 I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving if your in the U.S, and even if your not, remember to give thanks for what you have. Living Life should always be filled with Thankfulness.
 Until next time, BB

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your Thanksgiving Day is going to be wonderful. We had a nice day here too. Daughter Deanne made me a home cooked meal and brought it over before they all had their dinner. Oh yum, it was delicious!!

    I've been watching Antenna TV today. They've had an all day "All In The Family" marathon on. I love it!!

    I'm getting ready to turn in for the night now. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco, and has crawled under the blankets where it is warm. You have a wonderful night my friend, hugs, Edna B.
