Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lucy and Red

 This is fair warning. I had a rough night. Sleep was not forthcoming and Cisco decided that he needed all of the bed, sometimes he chose under the cover and other times out, he decided that the top of my head was a good place to curl around and finally I just gave up trying to sleep. Instead I explored a news site on my phone called Flipboard. I really enjoy reading topics that interest me and not all of the Political crap that is going on. I will be so glad when this is over. Everyone has had the choice to vote and I hope that voice is loud and strong.

 I spent most of yesterday on the phone with doctor offices trying to get my blood pressure medication refilled and finally at 4:30 yesterday evening my old doctor sent in a refill. I also spent a good portion of the day on the phone arranging my transportation to my next appointments. So very glad to get that out of the way. Now I would just love to have the appointments over and done with.

 I told you I was crabby. I didn't wake up that way. I just have had 3 messages sent to me that has irked me.
 One thing that I really do not like is for someone to try and copy me. If I come across something that I think that will help someone, or someone might like I will gladly share that item or items or what ever it is.
 I don't get new things very often and when I do I am excited to share. But I really dislike it when a person has to do the exact same thing that I do. And then brag that they spent more money on their item. Who Cares....? I don't so if you go out and pay more money for your item and then brag to me about how much better yours is because you paid a hundred dollars more for it, then I say so what.
 One thing that does not impress me is how much money someone has. What impresses me is what a person stands for, what is in a persons heart and how they treat others. The amount of your bank account does not make me like you more.

 The other two messages are political. I have received one that said... "If you don't vote for Trump then your part of the problem that is holding America back. YOU can help make America Great Again but you have to vote Trump to do it."

 The other one said... "Please take the time to consider who you are voting for. Your rash decision could have dire consequences and just one vote can make the difference in a Great Leader or A Bad Leader. Where does your conscious stand?"

 UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......... Well I usually don't discuss Politics with many people and usually only because I am trying to get facts or learn something that I didn't know or understand. I don't go on FB and rant about this one or that one. It isn't any of my business where you stand or with whom.
 If I ask your opinion then I truly want to know. If I don't then don't cram your opinion down my throat. You may offer your opinion and I can take away from it what ever I need but if your trying to force your ideals on me then my whole body gets bent out of shape.

 I will say a few Happy things now. I do not want to ruin my entire day by feeling this grumpy.

 I shared this video online yesterday on my Facebook from YouTube and I would hope that you take just a few minutes to listen to it. I loved this man. He made me laugh and he made me cry. He has sent my heart into happy dances and lumps in my throat. Please take a moment to watch if you wish... I am not cramming this down anyone's throat, but it is meaningful for me.

 Have a great day everyone. BB

1 comment:

  1. It's okay to have a crabby day every now and then. It helps to clear out the cobwebs in our soul. Now that the election is over, hopefully we can all pull together and help get our great country back on its feet.

    Today is sunny (but cool) and Pogo and I and one of the dwarfs are going to go shopping, or at least browsing. It's a good day to get outside.

    Maybe you can squeeze in a bit of a nap today. Tell Cisco you'll give him a treat if he behaves while you catch a few winks. Maybe he'll go along with that. Pogo doesn't bargain very well. It's his way or the highway. Of course, I let him get away with it.

    Now I'm off to post on my own blog. You have a restful day my friend. Pogo sends a bunch of woofs and a big lick for Cisco. Hugs, Edna B.
