Monday, November 28, 2016

My Search Paid Off

 Hi everyone,

 I spent most of yesterday searching for this kit. I knew that I had to have misfiled it but I also had the name of the kit wrong. I thought that it was called Frosted Windows but it is actually called Winter's Spell.  I am so glad that I found it. I wanted to use it for a challenge page but in the end I did use part of it and then I used some bits and bobs from some other kits. Here is the one that I did to enter the challenge with.

I have been over to look at the pages in the challenge and no way is mine going to win with all of the beautiful pages already in the challenge. I fell in love with most all of them. But I am not doing the pages or entering them to win. I am doing them for the fun of it now.

 My friend Heather did put out a set of Masks so she needs them by the 8th so I will have a little ct work to do. Still plenty of time. My other designer friend is having both hands operated on on the 6th or the 8th of December and I am not sure if she will put out a kit before then or not. She really doesn't rush to do them as often as most of the others do.

 My friend Robyn is very sick. She told me that she isn't sure if she can do the kit that I asked for. With Chemo and all that she has on her plate right now I told her not to worry about it. She needs to get well so she can take care of her kids. It is bad enough that she has to travel 2 1/2 hours each way just to receive her Chemo treatments and arrange for help with her kids on those days. The treatments put her down several days after she has them.

 So Jonathan took me out to lunch yesterday. We were going to a buffet and we seen the sign Shrimp Dinner and he and I looked at the sign and then how crowded the parking lot was and we turned around and headed the other way. We ended up going to our favorite mom and son place and enjoyed our meal. Then Nathan came home last night with 4 large carry out boxes with Beef ribs, pork ribs, grilled chicken and sausage. So we each had a rib and a sausage. I caught Jonathan sneaking bits of the beef ribs and sausage to Cisco. I told him to stop or he was going to have an over night guest in his bed. No way did I want him to get sick again. Luckily he didn't get sick but he is still sleeping. Which I thought that I would do as well. I was wanting to go and sleep for a couple of more hours but in the end I stopped by my blog.

 I tossed out some whole grain bread last night under the crepe myrtle trees late last night for the birds. Nearly all of it is gone this morning. I am glad that they got it. I was afraid that they wouldn't find it but it looks like they did. We do have one black bird that I am slightly worried about. A resident backs his truck in under the portico and I have been watching this one bird building a nest in the fender well. I never see him when he leaves or returns but I want to tell him that he has a bird that is making his or her home near the tailpipe of his truck. I might leave a note on his windshield. It would break my heart to look out and find the bird dead.

 Last night or rather early this morning before day break I was watching the leaves fall from the trees. They swirled and twirled and danced as they made their way to the ground. It was so beautiful to watch them as they fell and then caught a breeze and flew away.
 Autumn is my favorite part of the year, then Spring. My oldest sister Sharon and I would wait anxiously for the first Blue Norther as we call it here in Texas. We would make hot chocolate and toast and play word games. We would plan our Thanksgiving menu and would go bargain hunting for crafts to make an Autumn wreath, find new place mats and candles, and we would Christmas shop, put gifts on lay a way for the kids. I miss those days with my sister.
 Now we live 4 hours apart, she has 10 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. She and her husband are retired and they do their own thing now with their family. Still we play the word game. We take a word and try to find as many things that it relates to. We have done this word a hundred times, still it amazes me when we read off our lists and check to see if we thought of the same thing, how many things that we didn't think of. This word is December. I wonder how many I can get and how badly she will beat me lol. Still it is a fun game for the both of us.

 Time for some pics...  So here goes!

 Rain clouds are gathering for the cold front moving in today. I took another photo so you could see the dark blue building up at the side of the building but it really didn't turn out well but if you look at the bottom you can see a partial of the deep blue. To the right of this photo, the sky is really a much deeper blue. It is coming from the north east so I am not sure if it will pass us or go to the east of us. My bet is that it will go east.

 I found what is left of Cisco's rope. LOL... this was in the kitchen last night as I was cleaning. See that little orange strip at the top. It is no longer connected! I have since re-braided the rope and added some more knots in it. He loves this thing. He will go ad get it and bring to us to play tug of war. That dog has some strong teeth. Once he grips it, you can forget about getting it away from him. I have been playing  a little more easy with him as I am afraid that as hard as he grabs a hold of it that I could pull out some teeth.

 Well I guess that this is about it for me today. Nathan is leaving for work and I am going to to lay back down and read a little. It is a good day for that. Besides, I have a new book... Yay for me... Have a great day everyone. BB


  1. I loved the story of your word game with your sister. What a nice memory. Today I went out alone to do errands. I had to leave Pogo at home because I just did not have enough breath left in me to carry him in and out of the car and buildings several times. It is too cold to leave him in the car. As it was, I was not able to finish all my errands. But I made it home okay.

    I think I'm going to take a pill and go lie down for a while. Will chat with you later. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Perhaps good idea to leave a nice note to the neighbour abut the bird.
    Who knows, it may help
    You telling abut the word game reminded me of the game me and my mom often did We put on some sibjects on a piece of paper(like cities in Holland, history figures, rivers of the world, flowers, or anything you could think of), then pick a letter (you know, take a magazine or book, take pencil or something and place that blindly n a page and the letter that you picked will be the one you play with), then you have 2 or 3 or 5 minutes time to write down as many things as you can think of. When you are the only one you get 10 points, when yu both got it you get 9(and if you play with more go on to 8 and 7 and so on). Real funny and you learn something with it too Because when we weren;t sure about something we looked it up in the encyclopedia or map or dictionary).
    We played it a lot and always was fun.
    Good, now I go to PSE and work a bit on a new kit, then 'll go shopping.
