Friday, November 11, 2016

My Eyes Feel Super Glued Shut lol

 Hi Everyone,
  Well I broke down last night and got  this kit by Mooscraps  called First Frost. The frame is mine from my frame collection. I fell in love with this kit a while back and finally I came across it again last night and I said what the hell, I might as well do something for me. Just one thing this month and this is it.  I normally don't buy kits that are not on sale and this one, well it was broke up and very affordable. I could only buy what I wanted so I got 1 pack of paper, 1 set of embellishments and 1 set of brushes, overlays. So I didn't spend but $3.75 on what I wanted. I wait until things go on sale, but I fell in love with this one the minute that I saw it. But I used my will power and waited and I weighed my pros and cons and finally I decided to go for it.

 And I did this page for my sweet friend Becky who turned 21 today. Happy Birthday Becky. I know how excited you are that all of your plans are falling into place.
 Becky was just accepted into her college of choice! She is going to study Wildlife Biology and someday work with endangered species and protection for exotic animals. Our Becky is a nature and animal lover. Congratulations Becky!

  And this one is actually the first page that I have scrapped in a few days. I really haven't felt all that great this week, but I thought that I would give it a go. This one has a lot of blending in it. It took awhile to do but it was pretty relaxing as it started to come together.

 Veterans Day is a day of memories for our Veterans and remembrance of our fallen soldiers. I have my dad, brothers, and uncles who all served. I remember my dad took this day to pay tribute as he was the first to get his poppy that he wore all day, and he was not the one to ever talk war stories. He spent the day mostly in silence.

 This week was spent mostly in my room. I just haven't felt well. I have tried to do a few things, but I just couldn't seem to get what I wanted done. My whole body hurt. I am thinking of going to the spa today and sitting for a little while in the Jacuzzi and let the warm water work on my hurts.

 This morning as I was waiting for my coffee to brew, I was lucky enough to see some straggling bats returning from their nightly hunt. I had to laugh at this little one... His radar I think is not working quiet right. He kept veering off to the right of the group. But he finally fluttered his way back to his flock.  

 I have searched Facebook and cannot seem to find the bat video that I wanted to share. It says that if you share things you can find them later. I disagree as I can never find what it is that I know that I have shared. But I am going to look once more for my friend Edna. She recently told me that she has never seen one in the wild. I hope that I can find a good one for her... Be Right Back....

It is not the one that I wanted but this one is enjoying a banana....

 My Cisco deserted me last night. He started off with me, but he knew when Nathan was due to come home and out he went. He took off and when I awoke this morning and stumbled into the kitchen I saw him look up at me from the crook of Nathan's arms. He likes hanging out with the guys too so I am not grumpy about it. I did have the entire bed to myself so that was a bit different for us. I wonder if he crowded Nathan up against the wall as he was laying on the outside ha.

 Well time for me to get going. I have to do pubs for my friend Heather on the 3 pages that I made for her. I should have done them already, but with the way that I have been feeling I just forgot about them. That is so terrible of me. It truly is. I should have remembered.

 Take care everyone and have a very special November 11th.  BB

1 comment:

  1. Well, I just wrote a nice comment, and Google ate it!!!

    So, a synopsis --- Your layouts are lovely, you're getting quite good at layering -- Pogo likes to sleep in different places too.

    Don't you just hate it when Google eats your post? It takes the wind right out of your sails! I enjoyed the little bat video. Thanks.

    SIL Eddie is supposed to be coming over today to help close the porch. We'll see.

    Now I'm going to drink my coffee. Hope to chat with you later this afternoon. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
