Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Look At That Innocent Face... Hahahahahahaha

 Hi everyone,
 Above is a really neat thing that Pet Smart is doing for the fur babies.... The main one is  that Santa Clause is coming to Pet Smart our fur babies can  have a free picture taken with Santa...

 Just look at that face... Isn't that the face of an innocent fur baby? This is my Cisco.... This is the love of my life. This is my bed partner, my cuddle partner, the one person in this house that I defend, and yes my dog is a person!
 AND he is on the Naughty List and does NOT get to go and have his picture taken with Santa....

 Yesterday morning around this time I awoke and had my coffee. Nathan had to go to work, and his ride showed up early so he had to leave. Cisco was still sleeping and Nathan said "Mom I don't have time to take Cisco out this morning."
 Not a problem I assured him. I will take him out. "You have a great day."
 So when Cisco woke up I gave him breakfast, even scrambled him an egg. Then I asked him if he wanted to go out and he wagged that little tail and got all excited and ran to the door. I followed him with my cane and got his leash on.
 Out we went. He sniffed around, found some grass he liked, sniffed some more, and we made our way to the bins that held the doggy bags. He was a happy dog doing his doggy thing. Then wham... He took off in a charge. Across the road from us there was a man walking his dogs. 2 very big dogs I might add. Now mind you they are WAY across the way. No where even close to Cisco or myself.
 Cisco charged at such a fast speed that I lost my balance and fell and while hanging on to the leash with all the strength that I had, I rolled..and I rolled some more.... I rolled alllll the way down the hill. A Big Hill. The leash tangled around my arm and left wrist, all the while he was pulling me to get to the dogs that were long gone. I mean he was gagging, and I was afraid that he was going to break his neck. Or choke to death.

 Not only that but I was in a state of undress in my robe and night gown. (I will not ever do that again) and  no one to help me up. I had to get that leash off my hand as it was hurting pretty bad and still  grip it pretty hard and then I had to crawl the best that I could to get to my cane which was behind me and use it to pull myself up. Not a soul around to help me and as bad as I needed the help, I am thankful that no one saw the old lady with her coat tails above her waist with a very un-lady like view of her back side as I made it to my knees with a choking Cisco because he was still trying to get loose, barking and growling between gasps of air. I made it up. I don't know how but I did. I hobbled inside pulling Cisco behind me.
 He went nuts over those dogs. I know that he can be bad at times but this was the worse I had ever seen him act.
 I barely made it in the house, and took stock of myself in the bathroom. Bits of grass and dirt in my hair and face and Oh MY God please tell me that is mud and not.... Poop... no it was poop. My whole right side got it the worse. I think that I hit every water sprinkler in my path on the roll down.
 My right shoulder, elbow and wrist was on fire. My hip, leg and ankle came later once the feeling started coming back. I was so scared that I broke something, but no I could move everything just fine. I was just sore and felt like my right side was on fire.

 After a shower and a pain pill I curled up in my bed and stayed there... all day. I got up to use the bathroom and to find some crackers to munch on. I was not up to trying to fix anything to eat.
 Cisco cannot go and see Santa. There is no way that he will even halfway behave and I am sure that there will be a lot of dogs there that are going to have their picture made with Santa. This breaks my heart but what if he acts like he did in the store and that is not all, hurts someone or knocks someone down because we can't control him or if he even acts half ass decent and then bites Santa?

 Last night Jonathan carried him out and a woman was walking up to the doggy bin and Jonathan had to grab him by the nape of the neck and keep him from lunging at the woman and her dog. What if he is to bite someone or hurt someone else's fur baby?
 Jonathan said, "Mom I know that you want to take him places but you see how he acts and he is getting worse. " I have to agree.
 My grandson said that Cisco tried to bite him when they were visiting before we moved and I thought that perhaps that he just accidentally stepped on him or something. But now I believe that Cisco did try and bite Adrian.
 It also reminds me of when I had to take Cisco to the vet and they handed me a muzzle in the waiting room because he was acting aggressive.
 Nathan picked him up last night to put him on the bed with me and he went after Nathan. Oh Nathan was mad. He said... "You want to act like that, then let's go, come on and try to bite me again." Of course he crawled under my robe and Nathan said if he gets off the bed then he will have to sleep in the floor because I am not picking him up again.
 I don't know what is wrong with him. I know that he is territorial but this is beyond that. He is acting aggressive to the boys now. Jonathan said out on the patio the other day he went after his leg. He has gone after Karyn before too. He went for her face. She leaned down to kiss me goodbye and he leaped right at her. She was so lucky to move as fast as she did and I caught him in time.

 Ok well that is my adventures with Cisco. I am very sore today. My entire body feels like I have whip lash. I have to say that this is worrisome for me. We have encountered people and dogs before and yeah he barked and growled and kicked his hind legs but we could just tighten the leash and he was fine. Now we have to try and physically restrain him too.

 So that is it for me today. I am not sure that I will do much of anything today. I had plans to go and wash some towels and do a load of whites today after I get home from the doctor but they will have to wait. I just can't move well enough to do it.
 Jonathan said that he will take care of dinner tonight. So I only have to worry about my breakfast and my lunch. Nathan is here until 2:30 or 3:00 so if I need anything he will be close by to assist me. But he will be gone by the time that I get home from the doctor. It is with my pain management doctor so I can't really discuss my dog issue and fall with them. They will not give me anything additional for pain. They are funny about pain meds, and I will be alright. I was thankful for the pain meds yesterday.

 I have to go and try and get myself in the shower, my breakfast and insulin. You all have a great day and if you know of any suggestions to help me with my dog then please pass them on. I am worried about him. Have a great day BB


  1. Gosh, that was quite an adventure yu had with Cisco and not the most pleasant one!
    The behaviour of Cisco also worries me a bbit, the more as you say he always was kind of territorial but not as much as now.
    He probably is very protective about you, and anyone coming near to you will know that, but it can become very bad.
    It can be in his character, but also can have other causes. I don;t know how old Cisco is? perhaps it would be a good thing to talk it over with a vet, may be Cisco needs a thourough medical research I don;t want to disturb you,but if he gets worse in this behaviour, there really might be something worng with him. Could be caused by a tumor. My granny had a terrific dog, such a nice and gentle german sheperd, really a great dog, but then on age he got a tumor and became kind of dangerous to everybody. So finally me gran had to take him to the vet for a for-ever-sleep-injection.
    But first please talk to other people about this issue with Cisco and then see if you still want to talk to a vet about Cisco. And then you can see what ever might be necessary(about a research or anything).
    I hope you will not be in pain for too long, because you made a bad fall and more.
    Take it easy, rest a lot and let the boys take Cisco out. They are stronger and can still control Cisco with the leash(I hope).

  2. Kyra is right. There's most likely another problem in the background that is causing such aggressiveness. Has he been neutered? If not, this could be part of the problem. Maybe the vet can give him meds to calm him down. I would definitely try this. My Tootsie would try to bite anyone who tried to kiss me. God bless her!

    I hope your aches and pains don't hang around too long. I know how difficult this can make it for you to get around and do things.

    Don't stay mad at Cisco too long. He's only trying to protect you and his domain. Pogo sends him woofs and says for you to give him an extra big lick. Enjoy You have a super night, hugs, Edna B.
