Saturday, November 19, 2016

So How Do You Hang Your Toilet Paper?

Hi Everyone,
 This is my grandson Dante. New pictures of my little angel boy! I did the page with a photo book layout and then later took it and put it on a letter landscape size page and used a new kit from my friend Rosie called Winter Blues. Thank you for looking!

 Ok now for the topic of my headline. How do you hang your toilet paper? I was laying in bed tonight trying to fall asleep and couldn't seem to rest I decided to read thru one of my magazine apps on my phone.
 One article had a headline that said something (and I am not quoting verbatim) that "Your Really Not Who You Think You Are" and so I clicked on it. I didn't actually finish the article because after page 9 of 31 I realized that I am a dominant Narcissist.
 People who put their toilet paper so the roll is over are dominant. Those that put it to roll under are submissive and those that do it either way are more laid back but still show dominant traits.
 Hmmm... I don't care how the roll gets put om the roller as long as it gets put on the roller....
 I wonder just how much money was spent doing these "Studies" that really are just so stupid.
 I am also a Narcissist because I tend to say things in emails like ... I and Me and that shows that I am really only just tooting my own horn, because my email is mostly talking about Me... Perhaps I do that a lot but mainly because I am telling the recipient of my email what I am doing. I mean really how many times in an email can you ask the person your writing to how they are, what are they doing etc.... It isn't like we can have a 2 way conversation here.
 I am also Dominant because of the way that I eat my food. I pick up the fork and I eat it. I do not stop between each bite and lay my fork and knife down on to my plate, chew my food at least 20 to 30 times, pick up my napkin and wipe my mouth. Then pick up my fork and knife and cut the next piece of food.
 Those that do eat slowly and chewing their food are savoring life's moments. They are taking their meal to the next level of adventure,getting all that they can out of each bite.
 Those that cut their food up into tiny pieces are Neurotic. (There is no hope for you) You Neurotic You!
 Did you know the way that you can walk can determine if you will be attacked sometime in your life or have been attacked? Obviously from one such study a video was shown to High Criminals and they picked out victims according to the way that they walked. It really didn't go into detail on how this study was accurate, but never the less a study was done on this.
 I closed out the article and flipped to another one that caught my attention. I realized that I am not a happy person because I do not gaze into the mirror after I wash my face and brush my teeth and admire myself while saying things like... "Your an amazing strong woman."  No I really don't. I have never been one to preen so perhaps that explains the way that I think... Sheesh... I always thought that people who looked at their reflection even in the shiny part of the toaster was just vain...
 I finally (There I go again with the word I).... shut down the app and rolled over where thoughts of my toilet paper was hanging over or under and I couldn't remember which way I had hung it so I had to get up and take a look... It was over... lol....
 Honestly I never care. Just get the damn thing on the roll so I can use it. These studies to me are a big waste of tax dollars. How do people get funding for this kind of thing? Does it really matter how you hang the toilet paper, or eat your food? or walk? Well I guess so!

 So back to my dominant traits again I am going to talk about me and my family. Karyn had to work today but developed a bad migraine and went home around 1:00 today.
She texted me around 6:00 tonight to tell me that the migraine was bad and that so far she couldn't keep anything down and I worry about her when she has these kind of migraines because it usually requires a trip to her clinic for a shot and fluids. We will see how she is feeling in the morning. If she is still not better then Jonathan will take her to the clinic.
 She said that the light is really bad so she has the tv off and the room dark. Her dad used to get really bad ones. I could always tell when he was going to have a migraine by the way that his eyes would look. He has gorgeous deep brown eyes. Right before he would get a migraine they would turn a light murky brown with no shimmer to them. A couple of hours later he would be reaching for the pain reliever. I have seen him in so much pain that the slightest noise or light would have him in agony.  Karyn is like her father, he did not want anyone to touch him, Just shut off the lights and close the door and leave him be,
 With Karyn it is harder to do that because she cannot keep anything down. I knew on Thursday that she was headed for one. I am just surprised that it took this long to happen. She kept putting her hands up over her eyes or wearing her sunglasses. When I asked she said that she had a headache but chalked it up to stress.

 Nathan bought Jonathan and I dinner tonight. He went over to In and Out Burger and yes I inhaled that burger. I didn't chew and savor each bite... Ooop's and the only time that I used my napkin was to make sure that it caught the drippings from the burger and since it was so juicy it required more than one napkin!
 Cisco got some of my fries. I don't like them when they get really cold. I heated them up in the microwave and had some, then I gave the rest, a little over half of them to Cisco baby. He enjoyed his treat. He would have preferred a burger I am sure but I had already given him dinner and I had cut up a bit of roast that I had and put in with his dinner so he was good. Plus he had 2 milk bones from Pogo so he is content, stretched out in bed and sleeping.

 We finally got some cold air. Really cold air. I have to say that for me I am enjoying it. I spent some time out on the patio wrapped in my fluffy robe and I had the brilliant idea of sweeping the patio. I seen some dirt here and there so off I went and got my broom, dust pan and the trash bin. I swept and picked up and put the leaves and dirt in the trash, put everything away and made a cup of coffee and out I went. I was a happy camper and then....... A huge large and hard and long gust of wind came pushing thru and the leaves of my crepe myrtle came raining down! It was so pretty to watch, but it blew a whole new fresh batch of leaves back onto the patio. Well at least the old bunch was taken care of hee hee...

 And what else did we do today? Not really anything. I worked on a page but it wasn't coming together the way that I wanted it to. It was going to be a challenge page and had to have an eye peeking out somewhere on the page. I know I have the image that I wanted to use but for some reason I couldn't find it. So after a while I just gave up and looked at some of the other challenges and I didn't find anything that appealed to me. So I turned off the computer and read a little on my book and then caught up on some emails, checked out a couple of blogs and decided that I was going to have an early night. But it is almost 1:00 in the morning and I am still up so I thought that I would just work on my blog.

 Ohhh and I colored today. I am working on my Christmas cards.  I try to get them out the first week or so of December. We have been trying to decide what to have for Thanksgiving. Mac and Cheese is the only request that I have gotten so far. The boys like my mac and cheese. Of course they want some pinto beans to. That is a given really. We are not having a big feast this year. I will get with Karyn later on and find out what she wants to do. She was thinking of a roast with carrots, potatoes and onions. That would go well with the mac and cheese and be more than plenty.

 So I am finally getting sleepy. I think that I will join Cisco and curl up under the covers and go to sleep. Talk to you all soon. Have a happy Sunday! BB

1 comment:

  1. Wowsie! Quite an interesting evening!! I guess I'm dominant too. My toilet paper goes on in the "over the top" position. I eat my food because I'm hungry, not because I want to be on the Society pages with Miss Manners. I'm too old to walk sexy anymore, so I just diddle along. As long as I can get where I'm going, I'm a happy dominant camper!!!

    Every year all the tenants go out with family for Thanksgiving dinner. This year, I guess most of them are staying home. Sorry folks, but I only bought a small turkey for Pogo and me. They'll be buying their own turkey and all the fixings.

    Today my grandson is moving out. I told him the other night to be out today. I just can't support him any longer, especially where he has absolutely no respect whatsoever for me. He has already left with one load of his belongings. Hopefully, he'll be back for the rest of his stuff soon so that I don't have to throw it all out.

    Pogo's not so happy with me today. I gave him left over hamburger for breakfast today (leftover from his supper last night). Hmmm, not sure what to feed him anymore.

    Well, I'm off to do a bit of crocheting. I'm hoping to finish this new afghan in the next week or two. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
