Friday, February 19, 2016

Vanilla M Designs……

Hi Everyone,

 This is my first page that I did for Vanilla M Designs.

 This is my second page.

 And this is my third.

 The kit is called Missing You. She designed the kit in memory of her husband who passed away and today would have been their anniversary.

 Now for the story of this kit. The images here are all that was downloaded in my Drop Box. I was talking with Patsy last night and she sent me a picture that she did of her son and I said... "Oh wow... where did you get the flowers and back ground?"
 She told me that it was in the kit and I said. "I don't have all of this stuff." Well obviously not all of the files were downloaded into my Drop Box so I had to go and fetch them and OMGosh... what wonderful things are in this kit.
 I knew that her other kits that I had seen or had were rather large so I was really shocked to only find a total of 5 elements and 4 flowers. Well now I have the entire kit, I will make some more pages for her with it.

 It is a problem on my end with Drop Box. I really do not like that program but it is what most of the designers use to send their products to their Ct's so I will keep working with it. As I told Patsy last night, the problem may be with me and not the Drop Box. That is entirely possible!

  I just cannot go to sleep. I am still awake and I have had a pain in my side that started yesterday. It was very painful. The pain is better today thankfully and I have one load of my laundry in the dryer and my bedding in the washer. I might as well do some things around here that need to be done, but I am not going to go over board. Just a few things here and there.

 I do have to mop the kitchen floor today. I don't know what was spilled by the washing machine area but it is sticky and I felt glued to  the floor. Actually the entire house that has flooring could be mopped and the vacuum could come out as well. I might as well insist that it gets done because it is Friday. My son Matt is driving in from Wisconsin tonight and I don't want the house to be a mess when he and Barbara get here. Although I am almost positive that they will arrive in the wee hours and they will probably go to her aunt's house and come see me in the morning. I guess it all depends on the weather and traffic and how tired he gets while driving. I just hope that they arrive safe! I sent him a message this morning telling him that I miss him. He saw my page of him and he and I chatted on FB.

 So I guess that I had better get up and finish what I have started. I hear the washer spinning on the last cycle so I am sure that my clothes are ready to come out of the dryer. Everyone have a fun filled and blessed weekend..... Hugs to all......... BB

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Busy Busy Busy

 Hi Everyone, I have been a busy girl since last night. Working on some CT pages for a few of the designers. 
 This is called A Dogs Day Out by Lins Lindsay at Lins_Creation.  Here is also another one by Lins that I did.

Isn't this kit just too cute! I am not done with it. I will be making lots more pages with this cute kit.

 And here is another page that I did for Heather at Audrajscraps. This is done with her Love Masks.

Here is a link to these masks. 

 Just click to enlarge.

 Some more exciting news. I signed up for a designer that I have admired for a long time. Her name is Maria. Vanilla M Designs. She is an amazing lady and I am just in awe that she accepted me as one of her CT's. 
 She offered me the position back in September but I knew that I was going to have surgery and I declined. Then the other night I just contacted her and asked if the offer was still open. She messaged me and said I could join right then and I did... I am really happy that I did because she is not demanding or pushy. She just wants one page per kit and any more that I wish to do is up to me!

 I am making tacos and burritos for dinner tonight and I am going to color tonight. So nothing big planned for the night. Going to cook early and prep so it is all ready and then just kick back. 

 I can't wait to show you my new pages that I did for Vanilla M... I have to say this. Her kits are not traditional in any sense. Lots of black and white and splatter images with very little color in a lot of them. More abstract art but it gets me to thinking OUTSIDE the box and that is what I need to challenge myself. I have to wait until the kit is in the stores before I can post it but I will as soon as I can.

 The weather here is just gorgeous. Windows open and a breeze filtering thru and I am going to take advantage of the beautiful day and I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day... Hugs to all........ BB

Monday, February 15, 2016

Dreaming Of Success!

 Hi Everyone,

 I do hope that everyone had a very special Valentines Day. I had a really nice one. My son Jonathan took me out for Valentines Day Lunch. We went to one of my favorite places, a little Mexican place that has the best foods. We had a Raspberry Margarita each and then he had a Strawberry Margarita. We took our time and enjoyed the outing. The food was delicious. I had the combo plate with an enchilada and tamale and he had the Mexicali plate and each came with a large taco and he ordered the special Queso and I had a side of Guacamole. Then we came home and played a word game in which Nathan beat us pretty bad lol. Still it was a lot of fun.

 My page is another one with one of the Love Masks. I just don't understand these masks. I make sure that it all fits on the page as it is supposed to but when I upload the page the top part of the masks is cut off. It is frustrating. And I am done re-doing this last page. I have 3 that turned out alright and actually I am only required to do 2 but I wanted to go just a little above the duty. I just don't enjoy working with the masks very much.

 My kitchen is nice and clean and I cleaned out the fridge as well. Today is grocery shopping day. I am not going. I am sending the boys. I was going to spend today with Karyn but I called and she is at the hospital with Laurie and Dante. He is running a 103 plus fever and possibly has pneumonia along with an upper respiratory infection. My poor baby. I was afraid that the bug would turn into something more than just a cold. According to Karyn the entire house is sick. Why Laurie never calls me when she is in need of help I just don't know. But at least she reached out to Karyn. I know that she does not want to worry me and she doesn't want to expose me to anything else, but surly there was something that I could do, like say... Get him to the doctor! Anyway just waiting word on my baby boy.

 Laundry is going, another load of dishes in the dishwasher. I will be cleaning my room and bath today as I didn't do it the other day. I have just been rather lazy.

 Edna, I am always leery of phone calls saying I won something. There is always a catch. Also the gym here will not stay open after hours. Security will run you off anyway. They have really beefed up security here and for that I am grateful.

 The sun is out, and it is a beautiful day. The birds have been singing and playing. Mr. Groundhog has gotten some parts wrong, but here it is gorgeous. I saw 2 squirrels scampering up the tree this morning and the flowers out front are showing tiny buds.
 I have enjoyed watching the kids play, roller skating, bike riding, playing with their remote cars and trucks and there are 3 little ones that are just so adorable as they play chase and kick ball out in the field. It does a heart good to see kids active these days.

 Jonathan and Nathan are putting together a jigsaw puzzle. I am going to finish this post and go and join them. Have a great day to all and Be Healthy and Safe! BB

Friday, February 12, 2016

Such Warm Weather

Hi Everyone,

 Today is Thursday and it is supposed to be another warm day. It is much to early to tell right now as it is almost 2:00 am. I took a late nap today and of course I am having a little trouble falling asleep. Actually if I laid down and was still for 5 minutes I could probably fall asleep. I am fighting it however because the house is so nice and quiet. This is one of my favorite times.

 I worked on some scrap pages today and I messed one up by putting in the wrong link so I had to go and fix it and then later on, (Much Later) I remembered that I had sized it wrong. She wanted me to do the pages 12x12 and I didn't. Truth be told I had not started that page to be one using a mask. I was talking on the phone while I made it and just forgot. Well she didn't say anything about it but tomorrow I will fix it. It may not come out like the one I had made because I can never duplicate anything and trying to re-size that one will not be easy to do so I will probably just make another in it's place and hopefully use the right link!

 This is why I don't want to work with different designers and stay with the ones that I am at. Each designer wants things done a certain way and I can become very confused very easily, especially when I have things going on in my own life that has nothing to do with the computer.

 Cisco and I will be on our own tomorrow because Nathan goes back to work. He has been putting his resume out for different companies but nothing permanent has come along so he is back at the Temp agency. Work is work and I sure hope that this job lasts for a few months. Or perhaps something permanent comes along. I have my fingers crossed for him.

 News on my end is scarce at the moment. Not a lot to talk about really. I have just worked on a few pages and did a little house cleaning and trying to get over the lingering effects of this cold/flu bug. I am still really tired but that is nothing new. Between my meds and my sleeping schedule I am not surprised as to the amount of sleeping that I am doing.
 I just get really tired and drained and I lay down for an hour or so and wake up to find that it has been 4 hours. I have done that two days in a row. That's what happens to me tho. I get so very tired so very fast.

 So I got a call this morning from a seller telling me that I had won 2 weeks free at the local gym, about 3 hours away. What time would I like to schedule my free appointment to pick up my free pass!
 I have a free pass at my gym here. I just don't feel like taking the bus across town to use it. And the last couple of times I tried to use the gym here I have not been able to get in because it is full. I am a night owl and they close the gym at 9:00 p,m. so it doesn't do me a lot of good. I am thinking of talking to the management to see if they will consider extending the hours to the night owls such as myself.

 Guess this is about all that I have for now. I think that I will try and get some sleep. It is going to be a long day for me tomorrow. I have to clean my room and bathroom for sure and I have to sit down and take care of some snail mail and some emails as well.... Good Night everyone... BB

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Yikes Another Set Back

 Hi Everyone,

 It is a sad day when I don't feel like scrapping a page so I will put this one up for now. It is done with a new mask by Audrajscraps and they are lovely masks. In this one I have made a mistake with the mask. So I will have to redo this page when I am feeling better. I have a feeling that kicking this bug is going to be a lot harder than in the few days. I felt so much better, but now feeling overly tired and achy. I have a feeling that the good old Fibromyalgia is rearing it's ugly head again. I have the tell tale signs of it coming on board.

 I went thru my Facebook yesterday and cleaned house so to speak. I am so tired of all the ugly things that come across my page. I started deleting and reporting abuse. Just on my page alone, I stopped counting at 33. And what I don't understand is when I do accept a friend request, (Why) am I getting posts from their friends? I made sure my security and settings were set the way that I want them, but it seems like I am seeing an awful lot of people that I don't know on there.

 They say no news is good news so there isn't much to blog about on my end, however I do have some pics to share...

 My sweetheart Cisco snuggled into my robe! He is such a darling.

 My trees blooming and the bottom with new leaves... (Spring is in the air)... at least for now.

 Ad that my friends wraps up my post for today. I am headed back to bed. Just can't seem to stay up for long........ Have a great day. BB

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Happy Saturday!

 Hi Everyone,

 It is a cold Saturday with winds blowing hard. The actual temp is not that bad but with the wind it makes it feel even colder than it is.

 Nothing much going on. I have been so sick, but once the fever finally broke I have been able to get up and do a few things. Nothing really big, but just a few hours on line scrapping a page or just playing a game online. Jonathan showed me a game yesterday and it turned out to be a cute game. Kingdom Chronicles. It keeps me entertained but at some time it is difficult and goes fast. So far I have not been able to beat the timer.... Oh Well lol.

 Can you believe that Valentines Day is just right around the corner....? Not me but not because it is Valentines Day but because I just can't seem to get around the idea that this year is also just speeding by. So along with the mushy and what not, I have a photo that I snagged from FB yesterday. It is called a Box of Chocolates and is so darn cute... Here it is....

Are they NOT adorable? I would take the whole box and say it was a great gift! Cisco agrees! He would like all of them too.

 Here is another photo. Nothing to do with Valentines Day tho.

 That innocent expression tells a tale of Guilt! Love it....

 So like I said, not much is going on. I am having my first cup of coffee. Cisco is with the boys, he deserted me for a while and I am just hanging out.
 I will be getting in touch with a friend of mine later on to see when she is coming down this way. We stay in contact on the phone and internet but haven't seen each other in almost 14 years so we are making plans to see each other. Her son lives not to far from me and her daughter is moving here as well so it will be fun to see one another.

 Today is also my laundry day. My bedding and bath towels have to be washed today as well as my rooms just need an old fashioned kind of cleaning. I have to remember to add more Kleenex to my grocery list. I have now used 2 boxes of those in the last week. I am not sure what this bug is but it has not been easy. However I am feeling 1000 times better than I did, thankfully.

 So I will say goodbye for now and leave you with a final photo.... enjoy and have a blessed weekend.

 I can't leave the Guys out.... have a great one.... BB

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Short Short Update.

 Hi Everyone,

 I have been so sick. Not sure what bug bit me but it bit me hard and had me down in bed all Monday night, and most of Tuesday and all of Wednesday. I cannot get in to see my doctor until Friday. That figures. I will probably be able to run a marathon by that time. I guess it was just as well. I couldn't pick my head up off my pillow anyway. But finally I did have to get up for awhile and I scrapped a page of my granddaughter Cathy. I took this photo on my last visit. She is actually sitting in a tree leaning her face against a limb that was cut off. Then I used the QP from my friend Edna.... Thank you Edna... It is perfect for this page.

 And with this small update everyone, I am headed back to bed. Thanks so much for stopping by. Catch you all later. BB