Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Small Post


 Hi, I am going to have eye surgery today so I will be back when I can. I don't  know exactly when I will be back but hopefully all will go well and I can soon get back to my computer and blog. Hugs to all... Be kind to one another....  BB

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Oh Goodness Harvey Is Being A Real Bad Boy


 I want to say Thank You to all that has been wishing me and all of Texas safe wishes. I am sorry to report that there has been 2 deaths. I hope that this storm does not claim anymore lives. The wind got really high at 1:30 this early morning. My phone alerts kept going off and I got up as the wind was so bad that I was afraid we were going to lose some of our windows. At 5:30 the wind slowed down but the rain kept coming down in waves and sheets.
 I talked to my God Son Brian yesterday and he is in Houston. He is ok because his condo is up high and they took precautions and moved what they could upstairs. I wish that he could have come home but he was afraid that if they didn't get a lot of problems then he couldn't make it in to work and so I understand. But from the news it doesn't look like he is going to get to work anyway.

 Today I played with some scrapping. The back ground was used from Rosie H from her kit Sultry Sapphire and the QP is from Miss Edna and the photo is mine. I also have a couple more that I played with. Same photo plus one...

 This is a  couple of photos that Karyn took with her and Matt. And the precious fur baby is Naula. She belongs to Matt's fiance Sarah. Karyn said that she snuggled with her all night Saturday night. She is adorable. The kitty cat is 11 years old and was camera shy and Naula is just a baby. Just over a year old, but Karyn said it was so sweet to see them snuggle together.

 So yesterday I found some free fonts for my Craft Artist 2 program. All of these fonts are new. Wow I couldn't stop when I started. The name of the site is Google Fonts. I downloaded 47 of them. But I didn't install all of them. A couple of them I decided that they looked too much like what I already had.

 Well it hasn't stopped raining at all. Houston is really bad but for us just lots of wind and rain and flooding of course but we are up on high ground so we are okay. Jonathan took Nathan to work and said that his usual route had signs of off streets blocked but he didn't have to detour.
 Karyn called and she is 3 hours from home. I pray for safe trips for everyone on these nasty wet roads.

 Here is the final scrap page I did after playing around with the middle one.

 Not much of a difference except a frame. I thought that it needed a little something extra. So I put a frame around it.

 Oh I have to say that I received a sad comment from Kyra. Her beloved Brodski passed away. I am so sorry Kyra for your sorrow. The Rainbow Bridge has acquired a special fur baby. Just keep him close to your heart. He will always be with you. You and Jan are in my thoughts and prayers... xxxx

 It seems I had something else to say but what ever it is flew right out of my head. I am off to take a shower and try and finish Project Runway. Must be something to do with the weather as I can get all the other stations fine.

 Hugs to all....... Until next time be kind... BB

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Wind Is Howling.....


 I love this layout because it is so true in a lot of ways. It is not what you look at that matters, It's what you see!
 Today I am reminded of that. As I sit here at my computer I can look out my window and the wind is howling, the rain is slashing sheets that are hitting the house sideways, or straight down or coming in from all directions. 
 This has been a very hot summer and many times I have wished for rain. I would watch the rain clouds just skirt right past us. A promise of rain with the scent of an approaching summer storm only to see the clouds change direction. 
 Today we are getting the rain that we desperately need but it came in at a huge cost for the people that was in the path of Hurricane Harvey.

 Not only the cost of property and personal possession's, but  the cost of human life. Now I have not heard of any deaths, Thank the Lord, but this storm is far from over. It has been down graded to a Tropical Storm now, but the rain associated with this storm is tremendous in amounts. 
 Looking out my window it is like a small lake right now. This will go on they say for days and some parts of Texas it is going to be really bad. Louisiana too. New Orleans cannot take much more. It has been really bad since Hurricane Katrina back I believe in 2005 or maybe 2008. They are still rebuilding so much of the state and in the last few years have had huge storms that were not a part of a Tropical storm, but there have been several to have hit. 

 A lot of Texas is flat land, especially the coastal areas. Why people have chosen to build right on the coast is beyond me, but at the same time I cannot discount the beauty of living near or on the water. 
 I keep hearing conflicting news. One says devastating and wide spread damage and another said damage is not as bad as feared... hmm. Well time to go on to something else here...

 Last night I had the chance to watch Project Runway on Lifetime. I decided to watch the latest episode and then go back and watch the rest. I watched as the teams worked a group project and they had to use recyclable materials.  I got to the part of where they were judging the teams, winners and losers and lost signal...... I am so agitated as I want to see the end of the program!!! Right now we still have power so after I finish my blog I am going to my room, and try again. Maybe the station was having problems but all thru the show it kept buffering. Annoying! But I have to Chromecast to my TV. I thought that we had it on our regular cable but we don't. Oh Well I will try again.

 Poor Cisco doesn't know what to do with the weather. He finally decided to go potty. Jonathan has a huge umbrella and he covered them both but with the rain coming in from every direction it really didn't help all that much.

 I have a few things to share today. I got them from the internet so all credits belong to the social media members who posted them...

 Ha Ha... now I understand the difference lol.... 

 I had to share this one. I use to be a whiz at computers but for years I didn't have one and when I finally got one I had to relearn A LOT! Now I do know a bit more now than I did a few years ago but I have an internet friend that this fits just perfectly. I won't name name's but if she is reading I hope that this brings a good laugh.... My Texas friend you know I will always try to help you even if I can't lol.

 And this is for all of my friends... Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your life...
 I have to close for now... Time for some TV.... Project Runway here I come... Please don't disappoint me!!

 Have a wonderful weekend... BB

Friday, August 25, 2017

Say Hello To Harvey 2017

 Hello Everyone,

 A small scrap page that I did this morning. We have a Hurricane coming in named Harvey. Well he started out slow and usually that is not a good sign as it usually means that they will stall and so somewhere in Texas he will make landfall late tonight or early Saturday morning. On my way home from the doctor I heard he went from a Category 2 to a Category 3. That doesn't really mean much right at this moment because he can go back to a 2 as fast as he became a 3. But also there is the possibility  he can strengthen as well but no one seems to think that he will.

 These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon of the rain bands that were coming in. My son got caught up into the rain storms coming home from work and today I just made it inside my apartment before the bottom fell out and rain came down in sheets. It was a bit windy but no so much as a flicker of a breeze right now.

 We are far enough inland that we will be ok here I am sure. We will have some flooding downtown I am sure, but for the most part living in Hill Country we have plenty of places where we have large canyons and gully's that will allow the water to run into drainage's and into the rivers and lakes. So not too worried for us. San Antonio will be hit much harder than we will be.
 We still took precautions, stocked up our pantry and freezer and have plenty of water and even froze some to keep things cold.
 I do have one worry. My son has to go thru some of the low line areas to get back and forth to work. I am a worrier so I will worry I am sure. But he is off tomorrow so that will be good. Perhaps most of the storm will have passed us by then.

 What a difference a few minutes make. The sun is now peeking out from behind the clouds. I just had to go and take my medications and came in and seen sunlight. I hope that it is not raining tonight when Jonathan and Nathan get home. I worry about them driving on the wet roads.

 My brother in law is in the hospital with cellulitis. It started on his ankle and moved up the leg but he was admitted and IV antibiotics but now his bilirubin is very high. I am very worried as I was just 4 when they got married and he and my sister practically raised me. There is about a 15 year age difference between us so her kids were like my brothers and sister rather than niece and nephews.

 I just took Cisco out since the rain has stopped for now. Do you know that silly dog didn't want his paws wet? I said Now or Never so he went. Then time for a treat. A bone from Pogo and Miss Edna and he thanks you very much as he went and buried it under his blanket just in case he needs a snack for later mind you. He is in his bed all curled around Chickie  Little Boy... Oh that's right, I haven't told you about Little Boy. LB is a gift from Pogo and Edna. A little donkey and he loves him. He is just a lover who sometimes pretends to be a fighter haha.

 I need a nap. I am so sleepy right now so I will close for now and take that nap. I want to watch tv tonight.... Have a great day to all. BB

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


 Hello to all,
 Well things have settled down for me. Not a new scrap layout, but an older one from days gone by when I was first learning how to do layouts. Hopefully in a few more days I will be able to work on a page. I tried yesterday but my left eye was watering really bad so I stopped.

 It is pretty outside. I just came back in from sitting out on the patio for a little while. It won't be long before we will be feeling the heat again.
 One thing that I can really be happy about is the kids upstairs went back to school! But the parents really do not have control of their kids. At midnight they were still banging around and jumping around and so I told the boys, I am sick of this. We agreed that we will call security tonight if this still is going on tonight.

 I hate to complain about people but really I fault the management. Does it make sense to rent an upstairs apartment to a family with 4 kids? Why wouldn't you put them on a bottom floor apartment?
 The trash incident has stopped so I guess that they are not putting it out early in the mornings now. Praise Be! We were getting more than our share of nasty flies.

 Our lease is soon to be up so we have decided to stay another year. With the renewal of our lease we can keep our original rent locked in an they will come in and shampoo our bedroom carpets! Also we get our air ducts cleaned and they will clean the outside of the windows too. Oh and new burner pans.
 We decided to go ahead and stay because the deposits are so high. We like it here. It is a nice complex, we just don't like the fact that our upstairs neighbors are so rude and think that the rules do not apply to them.
 It could be worse tho. I have lived in places that no rules were ever enforced at all. But now that the kids are in school that should cut down on the day time noise. I can live with kids playing but come on, by 9:30 or 10:00 pm these kids should be ready for bed and Quiet. I cannot imagine my kids ever acting like this.

 Of course my kids had a routine from the time that they were infants. Dinner time, Bath time, Story time, Bed time. In that order. 8:00 pm they were ready to sleep. I kept them busy. Summers were different but we lived in a house and not an apartment. But even as teenagers on weekends it was rare for my kids to be up really late. They might watch a movie and most of the time they just went to bed without all of them finishing the movie.

 My exception was Nathan. I usually had to lay down with him until he was around 3 or 4 for him to settle down completely. I know it was because he spent so much time in my lap after his surgery, the comfort of my heart beat is what he missed, so I laid down with him and cuddled with him and he was sleeping in minutes. The only other exception was his frequent asthma attacks. Those times you couldn't drag me from his side.
 So I cannot and should not judge the people upstairs as I don't know the situation with the toddler but at the same time I am really tired of having to listen to it day and night every day and night.

 I have a doctors appointment today. Yes another one. I also have one on Friday and then back to the eye doctor on the 30th for another surgical injection. Not looking forward to that because it takes so long for the eye to be to the point that I can actually see again. It is boring when you cannot see to do the things that are a part of a normal routine.

 So I thought that I would give Cisco a little bit of a different treat today instead of an apple. Actually I am running low on apple so I chopped him up a banana. That little stinker turned his nose up at it. He came back tho a bit later and ate it. I guess he had to realize that it was this treat or nothing so he ate it. Now he is scooting his bowl all over the floor to make sure that it is all gone.
 He sure loves his bed. He takes the blanket and fluffs it up just right, sighs and drops into it. So funny to watch him getting ready for bed!
 Jonathan had to pick him up and carry him back into the house the other day amid a battling Cisco. A woman with a Dalmatian and a Great Dane were outside quiet and going about their doggie business. Cisco wanted to fight them both! He is just so bad when playing with others. Then there was a teacup doggie out there and Cisco was kicking his feet and barking fiercely at the poor thing that once again he had to be brought inside. Of course no one knows that he is harmless, but I would want to protect my fur baby too if I came in contact with Cisco when he is acting like this. He thinks that the entire doggie run is His Domain. No one else allowed lol.

 Well it is time for me to get moving along. I have to get dressed and ready for the doctor and I want to read a couple of blogs before I have to leave. Have an awesome day to all.... BB

Friday, August 18, 2017

Ouch!! That HURT!!!

 Hi Everyone,
 This page may be a bit extreme but with the heat I like the way that this one cools me off! So sorry everyone, but I have no new scrap page today. I dug this one out from my oldie but goody folder. I hope that if your feeling the heat that this helps.

 So I went to the eye doctor yesterday and had sort of a mishap. I am typing this with just one eye at present and wearing dark sun shades. So forgive me for any mistakes that I make.
 I have a lot of bleeding behind both eyes. The left is the worse and it had to be taken care of pretty fast. So they decided upon an injection. To make a long story short, the eye was not completely deaden'd. When that needle went in I screamed like a Banshee. Of course when I jumped the needle scraped my eye, but thankfully no where near the retina.

 You know, I have the sweetest kids. I know that they give me tons of stuff to gripe about, and some times I really feel unappreciated and I get angry with them, but when I really need them they are right there for me.
 I called Karyn just before they decided to do the injection and told her what was happening. She told me when my ride transportation showed up to call her and she would meet me at the house to get me settled. The ride transportation man said he would help me into my house but I knew that Karyn or Joe would be here at any time and let's face it. I don't want a strange man in my house. Call me paranoid but the what if's ran thru my head. I could have been raped allowing a man into my home. Of course this is a way my brain processes thoughts. I have never had a problem with this driver but he has never been inside my home either. Anyway Karyn showed up just minutes after he drove away and good thing because I couldn't see to get the key into the lock to open my door.
 She got me settled and made lunch for me and then Joe was here. By this time my pain meds had already induced me into sleep and he stayed with me letting me sleep.
 Karyn made something for dinner but I didn't eat. I just wanted to stay in bed. I did get up for a little while but soon I was back in bed. I remember talking to Miss Edna and to Patsy and I remember that Nathan came in to check on me and I remember Cisco whining to be with me so Nathan put him up with me as I can't bend down without pain.
 I remember him trying to get super close to me and somehow I slept all thru the night.
 The eye is really miraculous as already this morning the pain is so much less. Of course it is not easy to walk around with dark shades and a patch over the eye, but I have my cane and I know the layout of the house so I am ok. Joe will be over sometime today to help me with the drops I have to have in my eye.
 I will have to do this 3 more times.  Then I will have lazer surgery to block the vessels. I am just really glad that the retina is alright in both eyes. They are still attached.

 Ok I have to get off of here for now. I dont want to strain my eyes so I will close for now. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better... Hugs to all BB

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Good Morning and Happy Birthday Mary

 Happy Birthday Mary, Kit made with Dreaming With Bella called "All You Need Is Love", and image of shoe and kittens came from Caroline Blue.

 Good Morning,
 I hope that this finds everyone well. It is going to be a very hot day in my corner of the world. Anywhere from 103 to 109 today. In our area it will be closer to 109 and that is actual temps, not with the heat index.
 Please remember to wear cool clothing and drink lots of fluids ad if you have to be out in this heat wear a hat and drink lots of things that have electrolytes in it. If your like me then think about the drinks such as Pedialte.  If you have small kids, then the Pedia lite ice pops will help our little ones from becoming dehydrated.

 Thankfully kids are headed back to school and this will be good to get them into cooler places. I cannot believe how hot it is. Combined with the heat index, we could feel like it is 117 or above out there. Not all kids have gone back yet. Some will not go back until the 21st here so they have a few more days. My great nieces and nephews went back on Monday.

 Yesterday I cleaned my kitchen, other than sweeping and mopping but all of the counters are cleaned and bleached. Dishes were done, fridge was wiped out and the stove was given a once over. I need to get some oven cleaner and tackle the stove. I wash the little rings every time I do dishes, so I just don't understand how they become so black and dirty. It is really strange to me how they can become that way when I wash them every day, or at least wipe them out every other day. But mine are black and look like I never clean them at all.

 I only have about a half hour on here this morning. I have to go and see the Retina Eye Specialist this morning so I need to get into the shower in about a half hour because they are going to pick me up around 7:15 this morning. I really do enjoy the afternoon appointments so I can sleep in but that is not to be since this was the best they could do to get me in.

 I have a couple of sweet photos that I borrowed from the internet. I hope that you enjoy these and I am sure that you have seen them already, but they are a nice ending to such a short post...

 Hi, Is Anyone Home... Hellooooooo!!!!

 We can always count on free kisses from our Fur Babies. I know that getting free kisses from Cisco really makes my day! He gives them for free. He doesn't ask for much. A little kibble and some petting and play time. I will take these Kisses any day of the week or as many times in a day that he offers them to me!

 I imagine my sisters are doing this!!!! They need their coffee!

 So that is it for me. I have to hit the shower... Love and Hugs! BB

Monday, August 14, 2017

A Touch Of Wonder

 A Touch Of Wonder. This is a page that I made last night as Karyn was making dinner. I offered my help and was told to "Go And Sit Down". So I did. But now that my computer is in the dining room I was still able to talk to her. So while I was sitting down I decided to do this page. The kit is called Noches by Bella Carribena. I got it on sale from Dreaming with Bella when she was running a sale and only paid .55 cents for it. Beautiful kit. Lots of blues and blacks and silver tones. The image is from a free site.

 I am on hold on the phone as I have been making phone calls all morning. For the most part I have a few numbers to call and waiting on just one more...

 Oh sorry, I finally got off of hold. I should be expecting a packet in the mail with a lot of information on transportation and an application to take to my doctor. Also on a couple of places that offer day outings and numbers to call about dates and times from several other places. Well at least the morning wasn't a time waster.  She also provided me a phone number to call today so I will do that as soon as I finish my blog post.

 I wish that I had some exciting news to tell you but I really don't so I will tell you a story from the series that I am watching. This one is about Crows.

 There is a little girl that receives gifts every day. Not from her friends or parents, no these come from the flock of Crows. She has been feeding them since she was a very small child with the help of her parents. Every day she goes out and fills this huge container full of food for the birds.
 There is a flock, lots of Crows that come to eat and every day she receives a gift from everything from buttons, a piece of hair ribbon, a lot of shiny objects, like an ear ring, or a part of a lost necklace. Crows like shiny things. They are one of the smartest birds on our planet and scientists say that these little gifts are their way of thanking her for feeding them. Isn't that a sweet story?

 My grandmother (as the story was told to me) rescued a baby Crow and she cared for him or her until the bird was well enough to be released. Well according to the story as I was told he/she never left for long.  Always back by dark and was still there when morning came. Most of the time they left windows open especially in the summers and lots of time back in the day some of the windows didn't have screens.
 They began missing certain things around the house but nothing of importance until one day when my grandmother was washing dishes and took off her wedding rings. She had a small bowl that she would put them in when she washed dishes and one night she forgot to put them back on. Well you guessed it. The rings came up missing. They looked everywhere and she was heart broken. They finally decided that she must have forgotten to take them off and they went down the drain with the dish water.
 A few years later they had a roof leak and her husband went into the attic to look at the roof from underneath and spotted a box that held a lot of things. Forks, spoons, knives, Christmas ornaments and my grandmothers wedding rings.

 Crows are hoarders. While some give gifts others tend to keep their treasures. They are known to be loyal to those they bond with. So that is my story for today.
 As I watched the program it brought to mind the day that Karyn and I went to The Hula Hut for lunch. I cannot be sure if the black bird that took up residence close to me was a Black Bird or a Crow as he was rather a big boy.

 Okay I am off of here to make a couple more phone calls and get something for lunch. Have an awesome day my friends and take care... BB

Sunday, August 13, 2017

This Week Flew By

 Hello and Welcome To Sunday....

 This is a page that I did with my friend Miss Edna's Quick Page. Thank you Edna. The photos are the latest that I have of my grand kids. They were hiking. They went to several places and since they are so close they can go to a lot of fun places.

 I was really glad to get these pictures. I have missed them so much. They have gotten so big. Especially the baby. He has gotten very big. They all have, but they look like they are thriving and happy. Now my next wish is if they would just call me.

 So a couple of weeks ago my daughter carried me to a place to eat called The Hula Hut.

 While we were there they have complimentary post cards and so I was able to get a few to send to some friends.
 This was one that I sent to Edna and she took a photo of it and sent it back to me. Thanks Edna! We really had a great time sitting on the dock/pier eating our lunch. We had a black bird that set on the rail next to me and was just waiting for scraps to fall from our plates. Spoiled birdies!!!!

 Here are some photos that I took. I took some of the swans but they didn't turn out. It was misting rain this particular day and was really hot, but sitting outside with the breeze from the lake made it just perfect. We really enjoyed our selves. Not without a couple of mishaps tho. (On my part as you all know that you cannot take me anywhere)!

 Karyn and I ordered a Mexican Martini. We were splurging and we were taking our time so we decided to have a drink.
 They bring you your glass with the salt, lime and the stuffed olives. The drink comes into a tall tumbler and you pour yours into your glass and refill 3 to 4 times.
 I went to pour mine and the lid came off...... I lost my martini.... And it was my fault as I didn't have my hand on it properly when I poured. No matter, Karyn shared hers with her mom and we both agreed that neither one of us needed that second martini as we didn't want to get drunk, but if she had drank all of hers and I had drank all of mine, who knows... we might not have been able to walk out on our own lol.
 The food was wonderful. Such a variety as well. I got the house specialty. I can't remember what Karyn chose but we shared our entree with one another. In all fact, we should have gotten a plate and split that too as we ended up with a to go box and I had that for dinner that night and just a small plate and enough left over for Nathan for dinner when he came home!
 Not often am I able to go to the lake and especially since so much seafood is prepared, but we were early and the only ones where we were sitting and with the breeze any seafood would have been fine as tables were far enough away from us. It also helped that we told them that I had a seafood allergy and they were able to accommodate us.

 I better get off of here. Karyn is here and I am ignoring her and that is rude on my part... so I will close for now and later on I will tell you another wonderful story of the series I am watching. Hugs to all and have a wonderful day. BB

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Happy Saturday To You!

 Hello and Happy Saturday.
 This page is called Painted Autumn. The kit is from my friend Rosie H and is for personal use only. I hope that you enjoy it.

 I haven't been online for a few days because I decided to rearrange my bedroom and in doing so I had a home for everything but my computer. I used my desk for my TV. I will eventually get brackets to hang it on the wall so I can have my desk back for my computer but I was in a pickle of sorts. All stands I had available were either to high or to short. So for now I moved it into the kitchen at the dining room table. We all have such different schedules and usually don't eat at the same time so it is a good place for me and just the perfect height for my short little self.

 Back to my scrap page. I just love the autumn. I love the crispness in the air, I love the changing of the leaves, and the appearance of more wildlife coming out to enjoy the cooler days and nights. I love the scent of autumn. The colors, the changes, the way the world seems to have a brisk little adventure of energy. It is a special time for me. It is one of my favorite seasons.
 I am not a sun lover. I never have been one of those that crave the sun. I of course do enjoy seeing the bright blue skies and sitting out on days that are not overly hot, but the nice ones. We seem to skip spring and roll right into summer. So I take advantage of Autumn as long as I possibly can.

 Karyn came over and made dinner for us last night. Oh she is such a great cook. Seriously the girl should open her own place but it is an area that she is not interested in other than to prepare a meal for the enjoyment of doing so. So I can usually count on a special meal during the weekend. She was off work this week and I was delighted to spend extra time with her. I will miss her when she goes back to work on Monday.
 She made taco's last night. Now really, taco's is so easy and simple and she does them just like I do so why do her's taste better when she makes them than I do? Ha... I know the answer. I didn't have to cook them! She is also coming over tonight to make meatloaf. Ohhh yum. I can totally get behind that because her's is much better than mine!

 Today is lovely so far but heating up fast. We got down to 78 degrees last night and this morning was really nice too. Our high today is going to be 101 degrees so that is a cool down for us. We actually got below 100 last Sunday I believe it was and we had rain. The news casters called it "A Cold Front" lol.... I love it when they say that. Cold front for us means it will be 99 degrees with humidity making it still feel triple digit heat lol.

 Oh I was talking to Miss Edna one day and she said that she made her egg salad with lettuce. That has been on my mind for a while now and so this morning I made egg salad with lettuce and love the little crunch. I had mine on toast. It really hit the spot for me. The only draw back is my eggs were fresh and such a pain to peel when they are really fresh. But I managed. I didn't make a large bowl. Just enough for me. The boys love deviled eggs but do not care for egg salad. Their loss! So thank you Edna for the lettuce tip. I think that I will add it every time now. Of course if I am out of lettuce I can still eat it the way I usually do.

 I told Karyn to pick me up a can of tuna and I will make that for lunch next week too. And my Cisco needs some apples. Next Saturday we are going to the Farmers Market. It is double dollar on Saturday's. Right now we should be getting an early crop of pears coming in. They are not my favorite. I have always had problems with the texture, but I love the taste. Anyway I am going to pick up my boy some pears too.
 This summer I did not get a great choice in fruit. Our East Texas peaches were late coming in. Too much rain last year in that area and a lot of orchards were flooded. Also only had one watermelon but ohhhh it was delicious.
 Texans know that if you want a good melon to wait until July because that is when they are the most ripe and juicy. My daughter Karyn loves a yellow meat water melon. It was my dad's favorite to but not mine. I want mine deep ruby red and juicy. My mom would eat watermelon but it was not a favorite of hers. She loved cantaloupe. We all do here too but when I lived in Vegas I discovered the Canary melons. They are not easy to come by ripe here. When I do find a nice ripe one I grab it.

 I seem to be a bit gabby today so I think that I will get off the computer, do a few things and go and play with my TV. I am watching a series called "Weird Wonders Of The World" and it is really a good series.
 Did you know that in order to make the strands for a Stratavaris violin that it takes 150,000 strands of spider silk to make one violin strand? You cannot put these kind of spiders together for any length of time because they are carnivorous and would kill and eat each other.
 So scientist have developed a unique way of getting the spider silk another way. What they do is that they take a spider egg and implant it into a female goat. Then they breed the female goat and she has her baby. The baby will then give milk, providing it is a female, and they can separate the protein and then use the milk to make the silk. Then they stretch the silk. One female can give enough milk each day to make enough silk that equals the length of a football field. Oh and to answer the question of what if the baby goat is a male? That is easy. He will be used for breeding. These goats are the most pampered of the pampered. They are given lots of love and care and it was so sweet to watch them play.
 This silk is not just used for violin strings either. It is the strongest natural material on earth. They use it for Kevlar vests, protective clothing, and even use it to make parts for airplanes.
 Okay so I thought that was a bit interesting so I decided to share it with you all today. Who knows what I will find amazing today when I continue to watch the last hour of this awesome show.

 Time for me to go. Karyn just walked in..... I hope all has a very great day. BB

Tuesday, August 8, 2017



 This is a page that I made with Artsy Anne, a kit from Rosie H. My son sent this photo to me and asked if I could make a page of him and his buddy so his buddy could have it. I made it simple because they are guys.
 Wow his buddy was so happy!!!! He was like... Your mom did this? and he said Oh yeah, she can do anything that you want. Well I don't know about that but they liked this one.

 It is late here. I went to bed early tonight. My doctor changed my blood pressure medication but boy does it make me tired. So my doctor told me to stop taking it for the next few days because I have to see the heart doctor on the 10th and she wants him to be able to see what my heart is doing  without the medication because today when I went in, my blood pressure and pulse rate was perfect! She said... If I send you in and your heart is as perfect then as it is today then he is going to think that I am nuts for referring you to him, but when I get a pulse up to 150 and your heart skipping the way it was the other day then I worry.
 So... it is what it is.

 Also I have a doctor's appointment for my eyes on the 17th. I told her I had not gotten the referral and she immediately called and funny thing, they called me to make an appointment while I was waiting on her to set things in motion with them, and she came in to say that she had contacted the Retina Center so she was able to talk to them  as well while we were all together, me, my daughter and the doctor.

 Nathan gave me his TV a couple of weeks ago but I couldn't use it because I have no cable ran into my room and the cable company wants way to much money to run the line. So we found the connection wire we had bought for our old place and would you believe that it is just about a foot to short to run from the cable connection in the living room to my bed room connection?
 Anyway Nathan was cleaning out his closet and came across his Chromecast! Jonathan hooked it up for me and it works! So I have TV.
 I have to run Netflix from my computer or my phone but I get all my movies and series from there. Then I can use my tablet and run Ion, ABC,  CBS, The CW, Hallmark, Lifetime and many more that I can't think of right now. But I am in TV heaven. I have movies, series, documentaries and music too.
 Anyway I love Criminal Minds and I came into the series a little late so there was a lot that I had missed and so I started it from season 1. I am fixing to be going into season 2 probably by the weekend.
 Oh and I have my detective stories too.... Gosh there are some good ones, but a lot of them are very chilling.  But believe me, 2 years of not really being able to watch TV except on my phone or tablet, this is really great. So I ate dinner early tonight and thought, I am going to watch TV and then go to sleep. By 8:00 pm I was yawning pretty good so I turned off the TV and was almost asleep when I heard my phone come in with a message. I was like... nope not going to look and I went to sleep.

 I had asked Jonathan to wake me up before he went to bed at 11:00 so that I could test my sugar because it was a little low when I ate dinner. I am glad that he did because it was just 105 and that is a bit low for me to have all night long so I ate a fig newton cookie and Cisco was not content because he wanted a treat too. So off to the kitchen I went and cut him up his last portion of apple and gave him a handful of carrots. Now he is in his bed sound asleep.

 I also took the time to check my phone and as I was going to sleep my son Matt had sent me 2 video's of him and his little girl and Courtney his ex at McDonald's and Oh Be Still My Heart. She was dancing and then lean over and kiss her daddy. Then she would dance and make these faces that are just to strange..... Then back to dancing again. They are 2 hours behind me so when I was going to bed at 8:00 tonight it was just 6:00 p,m. there.
 I am so happy that he and Courtney have a good Co-Parenting plan. She let's Matt see her when he is in town and is always sending things to her. I really do wish that they could have made it in their relationship but things happen. He had a very hard time moving on but they both are great parents to this beautiful little girl.
 I wish I could say the same about his son's mother. She is so vindictive and Matt took her to court because she refused to let Matt see his son. He got a new Judge and she was not impressed with his ex at all. So for once things turned out well for Matt this time. And it is about time that he got some good news. He gets his son for Christmas this year so if nothing happens they are flying me out to spend Christmas with him, Sarah and Alex. I am so excited for that. I haven't seen Alex since he was 3 months old.

 I guess I am going to sleep since I am barely able to keep my eyes open and I have to be at the doctor again tomorrow at 9:00 am. This time I am going for my feet to a new podiatrist. So the appointment will not be a long one and is close to my house.

 Goodnight everyone, have a great end of the week and take care... Hugs, BB

Thursday, August 3, 2017

I Digi Scrapped Today!!!

 Living Water, made with the beautiful kit Bohemian Life by Rosie H. The water fall and the woman was found on google free images a while back. Thank You for looking... and I also have another one for you as well...

 This one is called Dark Beauty. This is the latest kit that Rosie H made and it is so beautiful I think.  This image is also from a free site on Google. I just typed in free images and made a folder for all of my free images. I have free images from another lady that I really enjoy and her name is Caroline Blue. I haven't seen anything new of hers in a while so I need to go on a search and see what she has out now. But I love her images. I also have Pixaby and  Bing free images as well. I make sure that they are free or I don't get them. Once or twice I have contacted a designer for permission, but not often. One lady told me that I can use any and all of hers with no credit, but the last time that I went over I some how managed to get a virus so I don't go there anymore....

 Oh I got a care package in the mail today from Miss Edna.... Thank You so much. I had a giggle...  I also meant to thank you when I called to check on Pogo this evening but I knew you were busy and I was on my way out the door to go and visit Karyn. It is  a good thing that I called because she had just left to go and visit a friend that was feeling down, so I didn't go.
 You should be getting your little thing from me soon. Warning, It is small!!!! Your such a sweet heart to think of me this way. You always seem to know what I need and I was telling Karyn yesterday, You know Karyn I love Edna with all of my heart.  She smiled and said Mom it is evident that she has a big place in your heart. I am so glad that you have a great friend. Ohhh so am I...

 Other than working on my photos and trying to find a way to open them from my email has been the most time consuming thing that I have done today. Something is still wrong with it. There is a program that comes with Windows 10 or  I am guessing it might come with Windows 10 and I can't figure out a way to get rid of it. I never had it before. None of the help icons comes up with any answers to my problem.
 The problem is...:
 If I try to save a photo that comes to me in my email I use to be able to right click and save it to the folder of my choice.
 Now it says Open with Pixlr Express. Well even if I do that it still will not allow me to save the picture. It says share or set as slide show or put in an album but that is as far as I can go. I am at my wits end.
 I have gone looking to uninstall it but it says "Not Found" and for the life of me I don't know where this came from. One day all was fine, the next day when I went to save a photo this thing came up and it is driving me batty.
 If I download it, I still cannot open it without this Pixlr  Express. I can't even drag it over to where I want it.
 Stranger still, my file button on my start up menu is gone. Totally disappeared. So I can't even make a folder unless I put it on my desk top. Praise Be that I have the rest of everything backed up on my external hard drive so I just plug that in and work from there. But it is really annoying to have to do it this way. I should just be able to right click and save!

 So Cisco has a warm nose. He got out of his bed and pawed my bed. I gave in and put him in my bed. Now he has my freshly made bed scrunched up the way he likes it and is under the comforter. He hasn't felt well today. I think that we are both trying to come down with a cold. Cisco sneezed a lot last night and today. I put my hand out for him to lick it. It is supposed to reverse the sneezing process so he can catch his breath. That really does work. I tried to play with him but he just took his little donkey and went to his bed and laid down with it.
 But I have felt like I am trying to catch a cold too. I was so cold last night that I turned off my fan and put on my long sleeved gown and a extra blanket. When I did wake up later on to go to the bathroom I was hot so if I had fever, it was long gone and I turned the fan on and put on a cooler night gown.

 I was talking to a friend today around 3:00 pm and told her I was going out so I needed to get dressed. Oh my word... she said "It's in the middle of the afternoon, why are you not dressed"? Well I don't get dressed unless I have to go out. I have had so many surgeries that pants rub my incisions and causes me to have pain. I am mostly comfortable in my gowns or my pj's and if I am not going out, what is the difference? I don't have to get dressed. That is the beauty of not working anymore. I can do as I please during the day.. Besides I have seen and I mean this in the truest sense of the word, my gowns are more modest than some of the clothes that I have seen people wearing to Walmart. My pants are not sagging past my butt and I am covered from top of me to past my knees and I am comfortable.

 Oh I have something to share with you today. Make sure that you read it all the way thru and then follow the directions and read it again....

 I hope that you enjoy this. It is all in the way that we perceive things. Negative and positive. I choose positivity when I can.

 It was really over cast today. Jonathan said that it was raining this morning when he went to work. Cisco did not want to go out but he finally did because he had to go potty. By 4:00 pm the sun was in full force and it was 95 degrees out here today. I did get dressed and walked next door and got a small sandwich. It was really hot and uncomfortable. I am so ready for Autumn.

 Ohhh Gosh I cannot believe that I forgot to mention this. I talked to my son yesterday and he is getting his son for Christmas this year. So in October my son is buying my airline ticket and flying me out to Tucson to visit for Christmas. I haven't seen my grandson since he was 3 months old. This is going to be so very special for all of us.
 I got a text message from Sarah today telling me that she and Matt talked about me coming out and she said that she wanted me to feel welcome and that I should treat there home as my home while I am there. Awww... add she said that she wanted to meet me. I want to meet her too. She is a hard worker and she is training to be a Border Patrol Officer. I am so proud of her. She really wants this and works really hard to make this come true for her.
 And I cannot wait to see my little boy. He isn't so little now tho. He will be 9 in September. I will have a photo album for him with all of his baby pictures and of me and him and Bandit. My dog Bandit was so protective of him from the day that we brought him home from the hospital.

 Ok this is it for me tonight. It is almost midnight. I was going to try and go to bed early but I know me too well. Nathan had to work a double and so he didn't get home until after 11:00 pm tonight. I have to know that my chicks are in the nest before I can sleep. So now that he is home, I am hoping that I can sleep....

 Sweet dreams to everyone on my end.... Have a super Friday! HUGS to all..... BB

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

First Set Of Impressions Tomorrow.

 Hello Everyone,

 This is a page that I did for the monthly thread. This page was created by the kit Easter Primerva from Daisy trail and the image of the fairy came from a free site on Google.
 The History of Peridot is very interesting. I will add it and you can click to read it for yourself if you would like to learn more.

 This also came from Google free images as well.

 I had great fun tonight with Edna as we went onto the Jewelry channel and looked at the gorgeous rings that they had on clearance. We looked at the Peridot and the Opal. Oh gosh... I intended to go and check out the gorgeous sapphires but time got away from me and before I knew it we had to get off the phone.

 I have been to bed 3 times. Cisco is wanting in and out so my door is ajar so he can come and go as he pleases. The first time I went to bed I realized that I had forgotten to take my night meds so I got up to do that. Then back to bed I went and I was looking at a favorite site on my phone and it died. So I reached for my charger only to knock it behind my bed stand so I had to get up for that and figured I had better get my glass of water. I did that and decided then I had better check to make sure that my alarm was set for in the morning as I have a dental appointment to get my first impressions for my dentures done if my gums are healed enough.
 By this time I was awake. But I said I was going to try and sleep anyway. Almost asleep, Jonathan came in with dinner.... He didn't know I had already eaten but I couldn't turn down a favorite of mine so I had a few bites. Now I decided OK maybe I would just work a minute on my blog and here I am. But only for a few more minutes as I am tired. I had a bad headache today and I realized it was because I hadn't had my coffee today so I will most surely make time for it in the morning.

 After we go to get my denture impressions, we are picking up Joe and Nathan and off to the DMV we are going. (Department of Motor Vehicles. Joe needs to get his Drivers License before they expire and Nathan lost his wallet so we will be going there and then dropping them off and Karyn is taking me to the library so I can check out a few books that I am wanting to read. Then I am coming home and doing nothing. Well perhaps I will clean the kitchen.

 Anyway this is it for me tonight. I am going to bed now. My meds are kicking in... YES... I can feel real sleep coming on... Good night and talk again soon... BB