Saturday, October 28, 2017

Happy Birthday Brandy!

Hello and Good morning,
 It is a really chilly morning here at 45 degrees. It was windy yesterday and we never got over 53 degrees which wasn't cold, but with the wind blowing it felt colder than it actually was. 
 Today is my beautiful niece Brandy's birthday. I hope that she has a wonderful birthday. I miss her. She lives in Tennessee and it has been quiet a few years since I have seen her, but thanks to Facebook we can keep up with each other.

 This is my Brandy girl. Always a smile on her face. Ever since she was a baby she has been smiling. I happen to have very beautiful niece's and handsome nephews. I was the last to have kids of my own, so they were all mine whether their parents agreed or not lol.

 Well yesterday was not a productive day for me. I still am not feeling well from this flu and tire out rather easily. I wake up feeling okay but then I feel tired and weak again. I talked to my doctor the other day, a second opinion on this viral syndrome as I keep running fevers at night. She is in agreement with my previous doctor. There really is a thing called viral syndrome. Last time that I had it, I ran fevers every night for 3 months. It has to go away on it's own. It is not contagious but it really is no fun. Chills and sweats, and then it breaks to come back during the night. 

 Cisco woke me up at 3:00 a.m. this morning. Somehow my door became shut, probably by Cisco. Sometimes he shuts it accidentally with his paw. He was thirsty so I let him out so he could get a drink and he went back to sleep. 
 I did too but it wasn't restful. I tossed and turned and had these crazy snippets of dreams. I dreamed of my mother, and I dreamed of my kids when they were little and my brother. I don't know where some of the things that I dream about come from, but sometimes they make me restless. 

 Patsy ordered me a three book series that I have been wanting to read for my birthday. I haven't even finished the first chapter. I want to work on my blanket for Cisco, but every time I start I have to stop. 
 The other day Karyn came in so I stopped, then yesterday I started and fell asleep, so I got it again last night to work on and couldn't keep my eyes open. I feel so guilty sleeping when I should be doing something, but it is beyond my control. I am that tired. And I am not one to go to bed really early but the last 2 nights that is just what I did. Yesterday I yawned all the way thru making dinner and didn't even eat much of it before I just cleaned off my plate and rinsed it off and came back to bed. 
 It is unusual for me to be cold, but I couldn't get warm. I even asked Jonathan to turn on the heat. Anyone that knows me, knows I am very hot nature'd and I beg for cooler air and he said "Mom you really are sick aren't you/" 
 I am not actually sick tho, that is the thing. I was but I feel so much better. I still have the sniffles and sneezes and such but I can breathe and I am not achy and sore like I was, I just can't get warm and have a general sense of not feeling myself. 

 I am trying to think of something fun to write about but really don't have that much to tell you. I did get a new picture of my grandson Dante in his Halloween Costume. He is going to be a Spider.... He is so cute...

 Now isn't that an adorable little spider? I cannot believe he will be 4 in January. I sure wish I could see him and the other kids. At least talk to them on the phone. Well I can talk to Alex, Celeste and the other kids so that is something.

 The lady upstairs from us had her baby. She is handicapped so it is hard for her to take care of her family and I just don't understand why the apartment building rents out upstairs units to families with multiple children and handicapped people. It is so sad to see her sitting on her bottom trying to go up and down the stairs one step at a time. Is the world so greedy that they have to rent out these upstairs apartments without regard to a persons physical handicap? And where is the ramps or elevator? I understand that they have a policy that cannot discriminate, but when we were looking for apartments, the manager told us up front that we would enter thru the garage and go up the stairs. We turned the apartment down not really because of the stairs but of how steep they were. I had no trouble going up but coming down was very hard for me because they went straight down and I got dizzy trying to come down. Jonathan was adamant about a down stairs unit anyway. 

 I have to cut Cisco back on his apples and carrots. They are probably giving him too much fiber in his diet and he had an upset tummy yesterday. So I will cut him back a little. I only give him a small portion anyway but I need to skip a day or two instead of every day I think. Yesterday he had several accidents so that is very unusual for him. 
 You should see him stretched out in his bed. He is my Prince so I let him sleep when he wants to. He knows where he is comfortable at. 

 Today is most definitely laundry day. I didn't make it yesterday. Matthew has a huge sore on the top of his foot. His shoes are rubbing it and it is getting infected. I put some cream on it and a bandage but he may have to go to the doctor and get an oral antibiotic since it isn't looking much better. He has also been working nights and he was really wiped out yesterday. He didn't even get up to eat dinner last night after telling me he was starving. 
 Karyn isn't coming around. She has been exposed to strep throat so she is staying far away from me! Good girl that she is.

 Just found out about a coupon for some yarn so I am going to go and check it out.  I hope that everyone has a fabulous Saturday and will talk to you all later on... Hugs, BB

Friday, October 27, 2017

Rough Night

Hello Everyone,
 It is a chilly 55 degrees here in Austin Texas this fine morning. I hear that we are going to have some nice sunshine today and our high is supposed to be 61 degrees! You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this wonderful cool night air. I wish it could stay just like this year around, with some rain thrown in occasionally. After such a hot summer, I am happy to have some cooler air. My kids on the other hand have been freezing their little butts off! Not me. I am happy to feel the cool breeze and wrap up in my robe and enjoy it.

 So yesterday after I got home from the doctor I made myself a bite to eat and got all comfy in my bed, turned on my tv and got settled with my crocheting and promptly fell asleep. I did rouse myself long enough to turn the tv off but I laid right back down. I didn't sleep to long. Only for an hour or so then I got up and talked to the kids for a little while and back to bed I went.
 I got up at 5:30 this morning. Not because I wanted to. I rolled out of the bed and onto the floor. I have no idea how it happened but I didn't get hurt. I ended up just staying up. Headed for the coffee pot and then the bathroom and caught up on a few things.
 I am still really sleepy tho so as soon as I finish this post I am going back to sleep. I missed my Halloween party last night too. I was going in my night gown, slippers and curlers in my hair but it was too late by the time I got up and realized it was almost over. Jonathan got home at 7:30 and the party was over at 8:00 so I just went back to bed.

 I am still feeling tired after my bout of flu. It doesn't take much to wear me out. I have to order my yarn to make the kids their scarves for Christmas. I need to get in touch with Deanna to fine out the kids favorite colors then I will buy the yarn and get to work on those. I want to finish Cisco's blanket first. Then I will buy the kids stocking hats and gloves to match. Christmas is coming on so fast this year.

 I have a few things to share then I am laying back down.

 This is for information. Funny since I have seen this post, I am finding gum every where.

 I may only have the one, but this is just what it looks like in my bed. Even tho I have a full size I am waking up to find my Cisco in bed with me. His blanket needs to be wahed so he is trying to find a warm spot and who is warmer than his mama. He goes to sleep in his bed and wakes up in mine.... Hmmm not sure how that happens.

Isn't this  a pretty take on the Pumpkins? Just think of all the things we could put on there to go with our themes?

 One more and then I am laying down.... Sweet dreams if your able to sleep in....

 I have a soft spot for squirrels... I just love this photo of them playing off in the woods.... I hope tat all enjoyed this....
 See you next time... BB

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Busy Little Bees

 Good Morning,
 Well it is still morning on my end! Just waiting for my coffee to finish brewing. I hear it sputtering now in the coffee maker so I am going to go real fast and get a cup. Ummm I really don't think that there is anything in the mornings that is as good as a cup of coffee. It is a tad chilly here so the coffee is going to hit the spot and warm me up at the same time.

 This is a page that I did with a kit from Tiny Turtle called Summer Fairies. My granddaughter Cathy was playing dress up in a dress she wore for Halloween one year.. I don't know what she will be this Halloween.

 I talked to Alex and he is going to be a prisoner, along with his step brother Chris. They have the shirt, tattoo sleeves that go on the arms, and handcuffs. I can't wait for pictures. Autumn is a witch with long nails and spider rings, Bella is going to be Elsa from the movie Frozen, Anthony is a skeleton, and Conner is a pirate.
 I have pictures to share of the pumpkins that they did the other night. Each child did their own pumpkins. I don't have each of their pumpkins, but I do have some pics to share.

 They were in the middle of Pumpkin guts when I called. They had a grand time of carving their pumpkins. Bella the little blonde had to have help of course.

 This is Alex with his pumpkin. The others are really to dark to share. It is hard to see the one Alex made. The main thing is that they had fun so that's what counts.

 Speaking of Halloween, I am going to a party tonight at 6:00 pm at the office. It will be lots of fun. Food and even adult beverages! I can't wait. I am going as an old woman. That way I don't have to dress up haha.

 Yesterday we did a deep clean on the house. We swept and mopped, dusted and cleaned. We had a lot to do so we tackled it, Matthew and Nathan did the hard stuff and I did the little stuff. So we were busy all day. No one had trouble falling asleep last night. At least I didn't. At 8:30 I took Cisco and went to bed. I better rephrase that... No one but Cisco had problems going to sleep. He wanted to play. Finally I just left the door open a bit and he could come and go. I don't know when he came to bed. I went to sleep.

 I might have said this in the last post, but my son Matthew left the railroad and took a job with the Airport. He starts on Monday. I am happy for him. He took a pay cut, but he will be based here in Austin and no more traveling for now.
I think that I am going to move South with him. It is cheaper than living here in Austin and Jonathan is ready for his own place again. The towns are still close to Austin. They are suburbs basically. I would really love to live in Kyle. It is such a pretty little town but has everything that you need and only about 20 minutes away from where we are now, just in a different direction. But I am not sure where we will go but Matthew and I are going to go and have a look and see what we can find. We would like to get a little house so Cisco has a yard and I can have a small garden. Plus the rent is half of what we pay here. Jonathan doesn't want to leave this area because it is close to his job.
 Also we want something big enough for the kids when they come to Texas. A 3 bedroom so we can fix it up as a guest room. Unless Nathan decides to come with us and he and Matthew fight too much so I can't really see that happening.

 time to go...... bb

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Feeling Better One Day At A Time

 Hello and Happy Sunday,

 I hope that everyone is doing well. We are fine here and I am feeling better. At least I am thru the day. At night my fever seems to return but not as wicked high as it has been. I went thru this before. They called it Viral Syndrome. It lasted around 3 months. It is part of a virus where the fever is not really known why it occurs. It just does. My doctor did some tests the last time that I had it and couldn't find a reason so he said it is just a syndrome. It is good in a way because what ever it is trying to fight off has to be viral.

 I talked to my grandson Alex yesterday. What a cutie. He and his siblings spent the day at Thomas The Train and had a blast. I have a few photos to share.

 On the loose and scattering....

 I really like this photo.

 Here they are working off some of that "Kid Energy" lol.

 Not really much to tell on this end. I had my impressions done and man is that stuff nasty. For the most part it didn't take long and I was happy that they are now over. He said I might get them before Thanksgiving if I have no problems. He is still concerned about one spot in my gums and is afraid that the dentures might rub it but he went ahead and did them. I really hope that I don't have any issues, but if the impressions are anything to go by, I felt like my entire mouth was too small to hold anything extra in there.

 Jonathan and I are going to do laundry today and then ride over to Walmart. I need some things. Shampoo and I want to look at a pair of shoes. These are beginning to hurt my feet so it is time that I get a pair. I am going for some sneakers this time around and also look for a pair of house slippers too.
 Also I am picking up a skein of yarn and needle. I am going to make Cisco a blanket/throw. He will like that.
 I can tell he is slowing down. He sleeps a lot during the day and most all night too. I am really finding this sad, but he is 14 years old now. So in a way it is to be expected. He and I did go for a walk yesterday and he enjoyed that.

 I have some things I have to get done, so I will close for now. Have an awesome Sunday to all, and a great week ahead. BB

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Flu Bug Struck

 It is a brisk cool morning here. 64 degrees. I wrapped up in my robe and sat out on the patio for a little while this morning with my coffee. It was really nice.

 This is a page that I did with my friend Rosie's kit. Thank you Rosie. I love it.

 Well I got sick. Actually the day that I did this page so it has been a few days ago. Almost a week I am thinking that I started feeling bad, but I didn't go to see the doctor until Tuesday I think. The days have sort of blurred together as I have had some wicked high fever.
 I tested positive for the flu. So my doctor gave me a shot in the butt, and called me in a ton of meds, Tami-flu, steroids, inhaler, and I think something else. Not sure right now. I also had bronchitis and a sinus infection and he said that if I hadn't come in when I did I would have probably had to have gone to the Emergency Room as both ears were really red. By this time I didn't even care about the pain in my ears, head and body.

 I know that I took a shower but I don't think that I brushed my hair. My pants were wrinkled and so was my shirt. I didn't care.
 As you walk in the door their was a stand with masks, and hand sanitizer and a message that said if your sick please use mask and sanitizer. Well the boy was empty.  I told the receptionist...
 Never in a million years did I think I had the flu. I had my flu shot and Jonathan went to the doctor before I did and he tested negative for the flu. I tested positive. Anyway with my coughing and sneezing I contaminated the entire waiting room but hey... Not my fault the supplies were empty. I noticed that it was filled on my way out. I once again am the first person at the clinic this year to test positive for the flu.
 My regular doctor called me yesterday morning to check on me. I wish I could have gotten in to see her, but I had to wait on Matt to take me to the doctor and he was working so I said we would just go over to my old clinic which has after hours doctors. It was good to see everyone.
 There is one girl, Keisha that I just love. She is a regular at my doctors office. When I walked in the back she said... "Oh No Ms. Reed what are you doing here?" I told her the crud got me. "I said Fancy you here" and she said yeah she is rotating 2 nights a week.
 Keisha stayed with me one night while my ride transportation was caught in traffic during a bad thunderstorm. The office had closed and I told her that I would just go next door to the little cafe/coffee shop so she could go home but she wouldn't. She stayed right with me.
 That was the day my brother James was put on Hospice. I will never forget that. She was so kind to me. And one time she actually drove me home. We ran into each other when I was at the hospital for an out patient test. She had stopped by to drop off some kind of papers for a patient and we bumped into each other and I was fixing to call my ride transportation and she said, Oh come on, I will give you a ride home. We are sort of pals so I was happy to see her.

 Speaking of my brother, tomorrow would/is his birthday. I miss him so much. My niece said that she feels him around a lot. She also said that she can hear him in the kitchen just like she always did in the mornings. He loved it where they live and she said she has seen him twice. Her mom swears she is on drugs, lol. But she has always had this gift. Just like several in my family. I need to call her later on today or tomorrow.

 I am getting off of here for now and laying back down. After I feed my boy. He is still sleeping.... Bratty dog. But he was all excited to go out this morning. We just are having a little fight. He has his blanket. It is so cute... Puppies with Santa hats and paws... but he wants mine. Patsy sent me one for my birthday and he really thinks it is his... so we had to come to an agreement last night, but it ended up I was using his blanket more than mine lol.

Ok I am heading back to bed.... Have a great day and I will try and be back soon. Probably Sunday as I have appointments tomorrow... BB

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Where Does All This Time Go?

 It is almost Monday Morning here. It is almost midnight and I am still awake. I laid down today and had a small nap. My intention was to take a shower and make dinner, but neither got done because I just didn't feel up to cooking and well the shower can wait one more day. I doubt that anyone will pass out from my odor for missing a day lol.

 This is a picture of my grandson Alex, his brother Connor in front and his step brother Christopher.  Alex is the one with the green shirt and new glasses.... Alex had just gotten his new glasses that day. He was super excited and had to tell me all about them. Anyway, this is one of the latest photos that I have gotten so I made a page of it the day before my surgery. Just now posting it tho.

 This page is made with Rosie's latest kit called Neutral Tones and the little doll poser is one I got from Lynn Anzlec . Fashion Dolls circa 1910. Isn't she pretty? I had a small chat with my friend Joyce at 4:30 this morning. Joyce I am glad that your birthday was a very good one!

 I was up all night with Cisco. He was throwing up and shivering. Not sure what was wrong, but my boy did not feel good at all.
 He feels fine now. He has been out of apples for a couple of days and I find that they are really great in keeping him in regular bathroom habits and so he might have just had a tummy ache. He got his apples, carrots today and so far so good. He has been frisky all day. Wanting to play and I just haven't had the energy to play as much today.

 Jonathan goes back to work tomorrow. Matt came in today sick sick sick. I put my mask on. Why do people (My kids included) think that it is okay to go to someone's home when they are sick and running fever? I am scheduled to have my Prevnar (2nd pneumonia shot) and my shingles shot this week and next week so they will not give it to me if I am sick.
 My immune system is so low as it is. As soon as he left, I got my Lysol spray and sprayed the rooms, the door handles, anything he might have touched. Then I took a small pan and filled with hot water and bleach and wiped it all down. I really just cannot get sick. I have too much things that I need to have done this week and next to come down with some kind of bug.

 I know that I am grumpy. I am just tired I guess. It has just been one of those days. I was putting the food away and heard water running. I opened the fridge and water was pouring once again from the ice maker. I have to call the office tomorrow and tell them I do not want this one repaired. I need a new fridge because they have already worked on this one 2 times already and obviously it is not a long term solution. I want a new fridge.

 Also have something odd going on with our hot water. Some days the water is  nice and hot and some days barely luke warm. Today it was barely hot. A bit ago I went to rinse off our dishes to put in the dishwasher and it was really nice and hot. We have been noticing this for the past couple of weeks. One day I took a shower and the water was not even warm. I got out of the shower pretty fast and dressed and called Jonathan to make sure that he paid our gas bill. I was like.... Oh no, did he forget to pay it? But he did so it is the water heater that probably needs a new thermostat.

 I have used all of my veggies from my produce club. Jonathan went to the store today and I wish that I had written on our list to get a cabbage, but I forgot.  I have a cabbage soup that I want to make and now that the weather is turning cooler, it will be good. It is such an easy recipe.

1 head of cabbage chopped
1 onion chopped
1 large can of tomatoes (Or 2 cups of fresh tomatoes)
1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables
1 package of Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1 tsp. Italian Seasoning
1 tsp. garlic or a clove or two of fresh crushed garlic
Salt and pepper to taste

 Put in a large pan with enough water to cover  half of the cabbage and bring to a rolling boil to allow the cabbage to wilt. Turn down heat to medium, add rest of the ingredients and mix well. Cover and simmer until cabbage is tender.
 My advice is to let it simmer several hours as the longer it simmers, the better. You can also add what ever you want to it. Potatoes, or meat etc. But I usually don't add anything else to it.
 It is even better the next day and if it is more than you can eat then it freezes well in zip lock bags or containers.
 If I ever have enough left over then I put them in serving sizes for my lunches or a night that I don't feel like cooking. I can defrost in my microwave for a minute and then put in a pan and finish letting it heat. Or if I remember I take it out of the freezer the night before I go to bed and put in the fridge. But more often than not, we don't have much of it left over.
 I make cornbread for the boys to go with it, but I can't have cornbread on my diet so I can have some saltine crackers so that is okay too.

 I think that I am going to go and see if I can find something cheery or spooky to share and then Cisco and I are going to bed.

 If your ever scared of something, here is Pogo to ward off the Goblins.... Isn't he adorable in his little alien pajamas? This page was done with Miss Edna's Quick page and Enchanted Lands by Carolyn Cooper.

 How many of you get these things? I get them all of the time and no I only forward a few. Most of the time never. I got one tonight that said if I didn't pass it on something bad was going to happen to me at midnight. Yeah okay, what ever, but I really did just love this little minion.... and he is borrowed from the internet.

 She looks really pleased with herself. I am assuming she is a girl because of her purple collar. I think that she is doing an excellent job of sorting what she might need lol!

 The last of the batch for tonight... Have a great Monday and take care and Be Kind to each other.... BB

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday the 13th!

 Hi There,
 Today is Friday the 13th! I should do a freaky page but just not up to it at this time.... Anyway enjoy your day and the weekend.

 It is rather warm and muggy out this morning. I really enjoyed the crisp mornings we had earlier in the week.

 No new scrap page. This one was done a year or so ago. I loved this little kit so I dug this one out. I hope that you enjoy it.

 I took my eye patch off and now am wearing my glasses. I have to take them off occasionally because I am not use to wearing them all of the time and I sit quietly in the dark or lay down when I feel like I am straining my eyes.
 The left one is healing rather fast. It feels like it is healing faster than the last time that they did these procedures. I still have the feeling of grit or sand in the one, but this morning it feels a bit better. So I wanted to work on my blog before I have to rest it again. I don't want to strain my eyes but it is super hard for me to just sit around and do nothing too.
 Thank goodness I have my playlist so I can just put in my ear buds and listen to my music. In one play listI have 435 songs. So I just hit shuffle and each song comes as a surprise and brings back a lot of memories too.

 I really want to watch some TV but I won't just yet. Maybe on Sunday I will take the chance. Late last night I did a page for Patsy. I posted it to the places that I like and I told her I wasn't doing any of the advertising and stuff. It took less than a half hour. After that I went and laid down and just let my mind rest.
 Nathan came home and we talked. He has been leaving me little things in the mornings. Sometimes a note, or something little.
 This morning he left me 2 fig newtons... yum.... So I thought, Oh that will be so good with my coffee this morning. I went to make my coffee and came back for my fig newtons and looked over and Cisco was standing on my bedside table tail wagging, and he was licking his chops as he sniffed out the very last crumb.... Can you believe that????? No fig newtons for me this morning!
 Now he is laying at my feet snoring! All is good in his world. He has been out and he is feeling full with cookies and kibble.

 I turned a year older on Wednesday. Other than having eye surgery, I had a very nice birthday.
My son Matt took me to lunch at a Pad Thai. It was delicious. And they brought me a dessert. This is a Thai Version of Fried Ice Cream. This is incredibly good. Matthew of course got most of it because of my sugar. I did have the cherry and a couple of bites. It is drizzled with chocolate raspberry sauce, whipped cream and a cherry!

 My friend Edna sent me a package and I had Matthew turn around and go back to the office so I could get it. Let me tell you I had a time opening that box! But I was determined and so excited.

 Thank You so very much Miss Edna! I named her Franny!!! She looks like a Franny! I loved the book. I have been wanting to read it and now as soon as I can I will start on it. I read a few pages on my way to have my eye surgery done. And my card is just gorgeous.

 And this is from Karyn and Matthew! Thank you everyone. I have another package coming in the mail. It is a series of books from my friend Patsy. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, pages, cards and gifts.

 Well I need to get off of here. It has taken a long time to write my blog, but I tried not to let it get to far behind.

 Jonathan has to go to the doctor today. He is not getting much better and he wanted to see his own doctor so he has an appointment at 3:30 today. Nathan is at work and I am going to go and read or try to read my book Miss Edna sent to me.

 You all have a Fantastic Day my friends and I will be back when I can! BB

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Older Scrap Pages!!

 Good Morning,

 It is nice and crisp here, with a bit of a breeze. It is 61 degrees here... I can live with that!  I even put on my long sleeved night gown last night. Not a heavy gown, but just enough to take the chill off.

 This is a page I did of my grandson Alex. He is 8 right now. I can't believe the time has flown by as fast as it did. Wow!!! 

 This is the same photo of him. He is so super cute. I was playing around with a new program and I actually did this page first and then the one at the top was actually a CT page. My little man is really photogenic.

 I am having eye surgery (procedure) done tomorrow.  I am not looking forward to it but if it helps then I will keep doing it.

 I had to take a break because my dog had to go out but I got a call from my grandson Alex's mom. He is my little guy. He is supposed to call me tonight and I will be able to talk to him. What a Blessing. I look forward to talking to him. There is a big time difference with them in Nevada and me here.

 Anyway news is short on my end. It is so nice outside, that Cisco and I really didn't want to come back inside but there was a man reading meters and Cisco wanted to bark and act crazy. He finally finished his business and I brought him inside. He is getting so much better since we changed his food. This time he gets a new flavor. Lamb and Sweet Potatoes I think. He gobbled it right up, tail wagging the entire time. Guess he likes it. It is still the same brand, just a different flavor. We change it up because we know that he gets tired of eating the same thing all of the time.

 Oh I was going to tell you that my daughter Karyn took a bad fall at the grocery store day before yesterday. She slipped on a grape and went down really hard. She is ok but her leg and hip is very sore and feels like she had whip lash the next day all over, but nothing broken so she is ok but sore.
 I did the same thing a few years back. I went to get some lettuce out of produce and turned around and fell over a box on a cart. The employee had just moved it there while I had my back turned. I fell hard, broke my rib and hurt myself something awful. The produce man left me laying on the floor and said I wasn't the first to fall and wouldn't be the last.
 I reported it to the main office but they informed me that they would not pay my medical bills or anything. I said "You just lost a customer and since I spend a lot of money here it is your loss."
 I really wasn't able to go back to work but I had no choice. I had to keep my job. But thankfully I had been doing the cashier service at the Buffet where I worked so my boss brought me a stool to sit on when it was slow so it was not so bad.
 But I feel for Karyn. I know that she was in a lot of pain.

 I will try and be back on Thursday. Not sure when I will be able to see out of one of my eyes. Maybe they won't need to put the drops in my good eye since he told me it was looking really good last time. I guess that we will see when the time comes.
 I hope that I can get back to my routine soon.
 Everyone take care, have a fantastic day and I will talk to you when I can.... BB

Sunday, October 8, 2017

No Plans Today

 Happy Sunday to everyone,
 This is the page that I made for my sister for her Birthday yesterday. I told her that the Genie was waiting to grant her a special day. Happy Birthday Susie Q... I hope that you had a fantastic Birthday!

 Not much going on here today. Worked on a page and then just had lunch with Jonathan and finishing up my coffee. That is about it. I caught up on my blog reading, and now here I sit doing mine, with not so much to tell I am sad to say.
 I don't live a very exciting life. Just an ordinary one. I miss driving. If I had a car of my own, I would never be home. But I gave up my license when I moved back here because there is no way that I can drive in this city. I thought that Dallas was bad, but it is nothing compared to here.
 I loved driving in Nevada and Arizona because it was all on a grid. No matter which road you took it would take you to the road that you needed to be on.
 Not here. Just going to Walmart is confusing. I know how to get there but I never can remember the turn off. And coming home I have to do the interstate and that can be scary! I worry about my kids every time they leave the house.
 So it is much safer for me to let someone else do the driving for the drivers on the road and for me!

 I wanted to go today to Half Price books but Jonathan said No. He does not like driving anywhere! Oh well I guess that I will just stay home. My plan today is to clean the kitchen. I actually now have a full load of dishes in the dishwasher so I can turn that on and wiped down the counters, sweep and gather the trash for tomorrow.
 Then I will take a nice shower with my shower head Miss Edna sent to me and what a treat that is and then I will put on some clean jammie's and curl up with Cisco and watch my show. So a lazy day for us.

 I am now wearing my rings that I haven't worn except when I go out. It is time that I wear them. One is my mama's and one that Matthew bought me for Christmas a few years ago and then another that is a friendship circle ring given to me by a friend a few years ago. They feel good on my fingers.

 Oh I do have a bit of news to share. The apartment complex is hosting a Fall Harvest night with a pot luck dinner, live music, raffle and door prizes. It should be fun so I am planning on going down for that. People are urged to even dress up. I use to love those kind of things. One year I was a fortune teller, one year I was a Goddess, the last one I went to I was more of a Gypsy. I won't dress up this year. I don't have to haha...

 Speaking of Halloween, I found some more images online that I borrowed to share with you. I hope that you can get a laugh out of a couple of them....

 This one fits me.... I can just see this happening to me lol.

 I thought that it was cute.

 I really would love to have this cup but there was no place to buy it from. It was just a photo someone posted. It is really my style!

 This is one of my favorites.... A proud Mama!!!!

 Cisco slept thru breakfast but he had a good lunch. He had bits of pizza crust and then he ate his kibble. Now he is back in his spot huddled under the cover. We or somebody, Jonathan I guess will need to go to the store and get him some more food. We find that he likes it pretty well and his digestion really seems to have improved since this has no preservatives and dyes and things that are not good for him. He of course would prefer people food but we try not too. Just on special occasions like today, he got a bite of our lunch. He gets to feeling bad with people food.

 Oh I forgot to mention what I got from my food club. Sweet potatoes, cabbage, a pumpkin, corn in husks, onions, apples and carrots. Let me think of what else. A head of cauliflower, lettuce and some kale. A small bag of little red potatoes and green beans. I think that is about it. I get one more box in November and then that is it until spring, but it is great that I can get this. It saves money and I save a lot of the ends and boil down to make veggie broth. Then I freeze it in zip lock bags for soup later on in the winter.

 Well I will close for now. I need to get the kitchen done and get on with my day. Have an awesome Sunday everyone.... BB

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Arabian Nights

 Happy Saturday to everyone,
 I wanted to share this page that I did yesterday. This is called Arabian Nights by Lynn Anzlec. I do not normally buy kits, but this one caught my eye and I bought it. I could say that I bought it to treat myself to an early birthday present, but the truth is I liked it, and it was on sale, a nice enough sale that I really couldn't resist and I also got some really pretty fashion dolls from 1910. So all in all I spent less than $5.00.

 Today Cisco, Nathan and I slept late. I couldn't sleep for anything last night. It might have been because I took a nap and slept really well during the nap, but I think that it was for another reason entirely. The reason is that I was sleepy but I kept thinking of my daughter and my grandchildren. I wish so much that she would just call me. I saw some new photos on her Facebook page and it made me start to miss them so much.
 Some days/nights are harder than others. But it is what it is and all I can do is hope that for what ever reason she has for not calling me that she will at one day pick up the phone and call me.

 Another reason that I couldn't sleep was that I couldn't get comfortable. Hot one minute and cold the next. At one point I was almost asleep when Cisco started rolling and rolled himself and tucked himself inside the blanket. It was so funny. I had to turn on the light to take a picture of him. He was rolled up tighter than a burrito.

 He never moved, was snoring really heavily. Little stinker. So I just got my robe and pulled it over on me and used that. It was easy to pull on and toss off when needed. I love it when he snuggles up the way that he does. He is such a wonderful little doggie. He just brightens my day and my nights.

 I am happy to report that my family members are going to be alright from their motorcycle accident. They were very fortunate and I am so very pleased that they are ok. Still have a long road to recovery but they will recover and that is the most important thing.

 News is rather short on my end. Nathan is home today and his schedule has changed. He is working doubles now, 4 days and off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. So it is going to be a change for us. Jonathan and Karyn are still working on Hurricane relief. But it is getting better now as they are finally able to see the end of the tunnel on their end. Now they have to start working on the other cases that they have backed up. They are dedicated tho that is for sure. The hours have been long for them.

 I need to go and make a birthday page for my sister. Today is her birthday so I will close for now. Take care everyone and have a great weekend. BB

Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday At Last

 Hi to everyone,
 This is a page I made yesterday for my friend Mary. It was her birthday. I forgot to put Happy Birthday on it but I was in a bit of a hurry to get to the dentist to sit and wait and be told he was in emergency surgery and wouldn't be back for a couple of hours so I rescheduled.  This page was made using my friend Rosie's latest kit called Neutral Tones. It is a pretty one and the photo of the lady came from one of the free sites that I loved Caroline Blue.

 Last night my great niece and her dad were in a bad motorcycle accident. They hit a dog that ran out in front of them. The dog was killed, and they flipped and rolled several times. My niece only sustained minor injuries, but her dad was carried to Parkland Hospital in Dallas with serious injuries. I was up for several hours waiting news. At 2:00 this morning I talked to my sister and they released her granddaughter so she was waiting for them to release her from the hospital and she was going to her house along with her sister because her mom of course was needed in Dallas. I haven't heard any more news.

 Late yesterday evening my niece Mary Jo texted me a couple of photos on Messenger of my brother James that passed away in April of his headstone. He got it yesterday and they took it to the cemetery to place on his grave.
 We are trying to decide what we want to plant. I suggested wildflowers. So they agreed and we will just gather in the spring and plant some wild flowers. Blue Bonnets if we can. They have had so much rain that everything had died that was planted.

 I miss him so very much. His birthday is coming up soon. I think that now I am thinking of all the good things that we did together. It hits me at certain times. Other times I just come across something that makes me laugh, like a picture of him that I took back in the late 80's where he was drunk as a skunk. He had been working on the yard all day and the beer and hot sun got to him and he just sat there and I just had to take the picture.

 If you wonder why he is wearing a long sleeve shirt in the summer it is because of a pigment disease that he had gotten from Agent Orange. I really love this picture.

 Well I guess I had better close. I have just a few fun things to share that I borrowed from the internet. These are not mine, but I hope some of these bring a smile to your face....

 Halloween is on it's way, and I am getting ready to wave at my friends as they fly over. I will be ready and waiting....

 Time for me to go, my phone is already been ringing this morning! Have a great day to all... BB

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Dead Blog!!!!

 This is an older page of my grandson Alex. I just love this photo of him and I played around with it one day and this is what I came up with. Thanks for looking.

 Well once again I have been away from my blog. I had to have eye surgery so I can't see to type on the computer or anything so I have to wait for my eyes to heal from the surgery and then I am very sensitive to the light. It is because of the drops that they use in both eyes to take the pictures to see how the injections are working. The doctor said on my last visit my right eye is looking really good.
 I have another one coming up again October 11th, which is my birthday so I may be absent again. I have to have 3 more of these type of  "Procedures".... Then we will do laser surgery and hopefully I won't have to have any more of them, but he warned me it was not a guarantee.

Miss Edna said the other day that I have a dead blog and she is right. Hopefully it wont be as long before I post but I had a situation that required me to pack up some things and one of them was my computer and then I had no real place to put it so I finally found a place with a bit of moving the living room around.

 The boys are at work. Cisco has already been out and he is back in his favorite spot, snoozing. He is like me and doesn't like getting up early in the mornings. I wanted up early this morning because I have to go to the dentist and just didn't want to have a rushed morning. It sets my entire day off when I have to jump up, dress and go to the doctor. I try for afternoon appointments but sometimes I have to take early ones.
 And that is when I cannot sleep for fear of over sleeping. I need one of the old fashioned wind up clocks that scare the jaheebies out of you! Gosh I remember as a kid my mom and dad had one in their room and every morning at 3:30 it would go off and wake me up. I could hear mom and dad talking as they had their coffee and I learned a great deal from their talks. Of course they thought that I was asleep! I didn't eaves drop on purpose but sometimes I couldn't help but to over hear things.
 I wasn't always attentive but if I heard my name I was all ears lol.

 This morning I was checking my phone and I had a message from my Google photos and it said doggie movie and so I clicked on it and it was a video of Cisco.... I thought that it was cute so I watched it a couple of times... I tried to post the link but it didn't work. I need to figure this out so I can share these cute little videos....

 Also while I was at the doctor yesterday I was thumbing thru a magazine and came across a new soup I would like to try.

 I took this photo so I could show it to my kids and said if you see this while your out, pick me up a can so I can try it. I have not seen it.
 I also made a huge mistake yesterday.
 Jonathan bought me some frozen fruit. Strawberries, banana's, blueberries, raspberries etc... so I took a quarter of a cup of fruit, and 4 oz of milk and made a smoothie.... Well that was not a good idea. My sugar shot up to 385. And that was with low fat, skim milk. I couldn't get it to come down, so I went on a water binge and Nathan, Cisco and I took off and went for a long walk. Then I retested my sugar and and adjusted my insulin. The fruit and milk are on my diet. 1/4 of a cup of fruit, and 4 oz of milk. I am going to have to talk to my diabetic coach about that. I will see her on the 19th of this month.
So dinner last night was one of those smart choice meals. Then I was afraid to go to sleep last night so I tossed and turned until 4:00 am and was up at 7:00 am. I am always afraid I will go into a diabetic coma so I fight sleep if I am worried about my sugar.
 I don't know what shot it up so high. For breakfast I had a piece of toast and a scrambled egg. For lunch I had a cup of soup and 2 saltine crackers.
 I know stress has a lot to do with my sugar levels and I have had a lot of stress this past few weeks.

 I had to see my cardiologist yesterday for the results of my echo-cardiogram so I was apprehensive about that, plus my driver got me to the clinic/hospital an hour early. They have to do that to make sure that I am not late for my appointments depending upon where in the city I am going because traffic can be horrible. Especially on the interstate which is how we have to go to get to where we are going, but yesterday was a breeze. I was very early but I really didn't mind as it was quiet in the waiting room. I read a couple of articles in the magazines and after my appointment I went outside and sat in the gorgeous sunshine and called Miss Edna, and when we hung up I went back up to the front of the building.

 There was 2 women in front of me. One was an ambulance who wheeled out a lady who was in terrible pain. Her leg was bandaged all the way to the top. She looked to be in a lot of pain.But the attendants were caring for her.

 Then there was another lady who was behind the ambulance but no where to let her out at. The driver came and helped her out. She was on crutches and had to make her way all the way to the front doors while the driver who turned out to be her husband went to find a parking spot. I waited for her and opened the door and told her that if she would take a seat I would go and get her a wheelchair. So she did. Her leg was black, blue and purple! And swollen like you would not believe.

 I got her a wheel chair as the other lady in the ambulance had the one in the lobby. It turns out she was just across the hall from my doctors office. Her husband had come in another way and had gone to orthopedics and had gotten her a wheelchair, so we transferred her so I could take the other one back to where I had gotten it from... not far, just across the hall lol.

 By the time I got to the elevator, there was the woman, a man and a woman with her. I am assuming her family and I spoke to her and the lady said, she can't hear you. She lost her hearing a few years back. At that moment I felt such empathy and gave her a hug. I gave the other lady a hug too earlier.
 This lady actually fell and broke her hip and her leg in 3 places. They were on their way to orthopedics as well.

 Finally I made it to the lobby. A woman came in that I had recognized from the SSA office a few weeks back. She had a service dog with her. Ohhhhhhh what a beauty. A Black German Shepherd. Her name is one I can't spell.   She explained that she had severe seizures and her dog could sense a seizure coming on and could alert her so she could press the button on her necklace for medical help. In case she couldn't then her service dog could take her paw and do it for her. WOW!!!!! I was amazed. Pets are so good for us. They are so smart too. I had always wanted to work with animals but I knew that it would be too hard for me to let them go when it was time.

 I see a lot of people here in the city that have service animals. Especially the blind, but I had not seen one for seizures before. I had a neighbor who had a service dog. Her name was Sheila. She was a therapy dog. She suffered from severe anxiety and she was a companion dog. She wore the jacket that said "Service Animal"  so she could take her any where in our complex in and out. I asked her, how did she manage to get her as a companion dog. She said that she had her doctor write a letter stating that the dog helped her cope with anxiety.
 If my Cisco played well with others I could do the same, but he doesn't. He would cause me to have a panic attack lol.

 Yesterday when we went for a walk, we kept him on the other side of the street because it was the smart thing to do. He saw a man and a woman with a little poodle across the way and right then he started kicking his feet, straining on the leash and fur standing up! Then as we were continuing our walk a young man was walking past. We had to stop and hold him still so he wouldn't strain the leash getting to him.
 He misses out on so much because of his attitude. He was this way as a baby. But he became really bad after we had him neutered. He still goes crazy when people come over that he knows. Then he settles down. Then he wants to be petted and will bring his toys to them. Family is different but that is about it.
There was one man that would come over and he never liked him. One of Nathan's friends. I told Nathan, listen if Cisco repeatedly does not like this man then there is a reason. He may bark at first but he doesn't carry on and on like he does with this guy. You need to know more about this guy. I have always been told if your dog doesn't like a person, you shouldn't either.
 Turns out that Cisco was a great judge of character. This guy ended up being bad news. Nathan stopped having anything to do with him and he finally quit coming around, and I was glad when we moved and he didn't know where.

 Well it is time that I get up and do a few things before I have to leave and go to my dental appointment.
 Take care and I hope that everyone has a nice day! BB