Thursday, October 19, 2017

Flu Bug Struck

 It is a brisk cool morning here. 64 degrees. I wrapped up in my robe and sat out on the patio for a little while this morning with my coffee. It was really nice.

 This is a page that I did with my friend Rosie's kit. Thank you Rosie. I love it.

 Well I got sick. Actually the day that I did this page so it has been a few days ago. Almost a week I am thinking that I started feeling bad, but I didn't go to see the doctor until Tuesday I think. The days have sort of blurred together as I have had some wicked high fever.
 I tested positive for the flu. So my doctor gave me a shot in the butt, and called me in a ton of meds, Tami-flu, steroids, inhaler, and I think something else. Not sure right now. I also had bronchitis and a sinus infection and he said that if I hadn't come in when I did I would have probably had to have gone to the Emergency Room as both ears were really red. By this time I didn't even care about the pain in my ears, head and body.

 I know that I took a shower but I don't think that I brushed my hair. My pants were wrinkled and so was my shirt. I didn't care.
 As you walk in the door their was a stand with masks, and hand sanitizer and a message that said if your sick please use mask and sanitizer. Well the boy was empty.  I told the receptionist...
 Never in a million years did I think I had the flu. I had my flu shot and Jonathan went to the doctor before I did and he tested negative for the flu. I tested positive. Anyway with my coughing and sneezing I contaminated the entire waiting room but hey... Not my fault the supplies were empty. I noticed that it was filled on my way out. I once again am the first person at the clinic this year to test positive for the flu.
 My regular doctor called me yesterday morning to check on me. I wish I could have gotten in to see her, but I had to wait on Matt to take me to the doctor and he was working so I said we would just go over to my old clinic which has after hours doctors. It was good to see everyone.
 There is one girl, Keisha that I just love. She is a regular at my doctors office. When I walked in the back she said... "Oh No Ms. Reed what are you doing here?" I told her the crud got me. "I said Fancy you here" and she said yeah she is rotating 2 nights a week.
 Keisha stayed with me one night while my ride transportation was caught in traffic during a bad thunderstorm. The office had closed and I told her that I would just go next door to the little cafe/coffee shop so she could go home but she wouldn't. She stayed right with me.
 That was the day my brother James was put on Hospice. I will never forget that. She was so kind to me. And one time she actually drove me home. We ran into each other when I was at the hospital for an out patient test. She had stopped by to drop off some kind of papers for a patient and we bumped into each other and I was fixing to call my ride transportation and she said, Oh come on, I will give you a ride home. We are sort of pals so I was happy to see her.

 Speaking of my brother, tomorrow would/is his birthday. I miss him so much. My niece said that she feels him around a lot. She also said that she can hear him in the kitchen just like she always did in the mornings. He loved it where they live and she said she has seen him twice. Her mom swears she is on drugs, lol. But she has always had this gift. Just like several in my family. I need to call her later on today or tomorrow.

 I am getting off of here for now and laying back down. After I feed my boy. He is still sleeping.... Bratty dog. But he was all excited to go out this morning. We just are having a little fight. He has his blanket. It is so cute... Puppies with Santa hats and paws... but he wants mine. Patsy sent me one for my birthday and he really thinks it is his... so we had to come to an agreement last night, but it ended up I was using his blanket more than mine lol.

Ok I am heading back to bed.... Have a great day and I will try and be back soon. Probably Sunday as I have appointments tomorrow... BB

1 comment:

  1. So sorry the flu bug has got you. Look on the bright side. It's better to get it now than later in February or March. haha. Any new blanket that I get, Pogo sort of takes over for his own. He loves blankets too. I guess cuddling up in the blanket gives the little guys a sense of security and warmness. Pogo stuffs his face right down into the blanket and goes to sleep. This morning he still has his jammies on. I'll take them off later when it warms up a bit.

    Beth you take care of yourself. Give Cisco big hugs from Pogo and me. I'll chat with you later. Hugs, Edna B.
