Sunday, August 13, 2017

This Week Flew By

 Hello and Welcome To Sunday....

 This is a page that I did with my friend Miss Edna's Quick Page. Thank you Edna. The photos are the latest that I have of my grand kids. They were hiking. They went to several places and since they are so close they can go to a lot of fun places.

 I was really glad to get these pictures. I have missed them so much. They have gotten so big. Especially the baby. He has gotten very big. They all have, but they look like they are thriving and happy. Now my next wish is if they would just call me.

 So a couple of weeks ago my daughter carried me to a place to eat called The Hula Hut.

 While we were there they have complimentary post cards and so I was able to get a few to send to some friends.
 This was one that I sent to Edna and she took a photo of it and sent it back to me. Thanks Edna! We really had a great time sitting on the dock/pier eating our lunch. We had a black bird that set on the rail next to me and was just waiting for scraps to fall from our plates. Spoiled birdies!!!!

 Here are some photos that I took. I took some of the swans but they didn't turn out. It was misting rain this particular day and was really hot, but sitting outside with the breeze from the lake made it just perfect. We really enjoyed our selves. Not without a couple of mishaps tho. (On my part as you all know that you cannot take me anywhere)!

 Karyn and I ordered a Mexican Martini. We were splurging and we were taking our time so we decided to have a drink.
 They bring you your glass with the salt, lime and the stuffed olives. The drink comes into a tall tumbler and you pour yours into your glass and refill 3 to 4 times.
 I went to pour mine and the lid came off...... I lost my martini.... And it was my fault as I didn't have my hand on it properly when I poured. No matter, Karyn shared hers with her mom and we both agreed that neither one of us needed that second martini as we didn't want to get drunk, but if she had drank all of hers and I had drank all of mine, who knows... we might not have been able to walk out on our own lol.
 The food was wonderful. Such a variety as well. I got the house specialty. I can't remember what Karyn chose but we shared our entree with one another. In all fact, we should have gotten a plate and split that too as we ended up with a to go box and I had that for dinner that night and just a small plate and enough left over for Nathan for dinner when he came home!
 Not often am I able to go to the lake and especially since so much seafood is prepared, but we were early and the only ones where we were sitting and with the breeze any seafood would have been fine as tables were far enough away from us. It also helped that we told them that I had a seafood allergy and they were able to accommodate us.

 I better get off of here. Karyn is here and I am ignoring her and that is rude on my part... so I will close for now and later on I will tell you another wonderful story of the series I am watching. Hugs to all and have a wonderful day. BB

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful photos of your lunch by the water. I would love to live by the water. It has always been my dream to be able to walk out of my house and right to the lake water to watch all the birds.
    Ah, we can dream, can't we?

    It's good to spend so much quality time with your kids. Most folks don't realize how short life really is and they don't take the time to enjoy their families.

    Well, the afghan is finished. Yeaah! Today or tomorrow Pogo and I will have to go the fabric store to get a few things to finish up the doll dresses. Then on to the air freshener dolls. Well, at least that's the plan. We'll see how it goes.

    Pogo says "hi" and "woof" to Cisco and sends him a big lick. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
