Tuesday, August 1, 2017

First Set Of Impressions Tomorrow.

 Hello Everyone,

 This is a page that I did for the monthly thread. This page was created by the kit Easter Primerva from Daisy trail and the image of the fairy came from a free site on Google.
 The History of Peridot is very interesting. I will add it and you can click to read it for yourself if you would like to learn more.

 This also came from Google free images as well.

 I had great fun tonight with Edna as we went onto the Jewelry channel and looked at the gorgeous rings that they had on clearance. We looked at the Peridot and the Opal. Oh gosh... I intended to go and check out the gorgeous sapphires but time got away from me and before I knew it we had to get off the phone.

 I have been to bed 3 times. Cisco is wanting in and out so my door is ajar so he can come and go as he pleases. The first time I went to bed I realized that I had forgotten to take my night meds so I got up to do that. Then back to bed I went and I was looking at a favorite site on my phone and it died. So I reached for my charger only to knock it behind my bed stand so I had to get up for that and figured I had better get my glass of water. I did that and decided then I had better check to make sure that my alarm was set for in the morning as I have a dental appointment to get my first impressions for my dentures done if my gums are healed enough.
 By this time I was awake. But I said I was going to try and sleep anyway. Almost asleep, Jonathan came in with dinner.... He didn't know I had already eaten but I couldn't turn down a favorite of mine so I had a few bites. Now I decided OK maybe I would just work a minute on my blog and here I am. But only for a few more minutes as I am tired. I had a bad headache today and I realized it was because I hadn't had my coffee today so I will most surely make time for it in the morning.

 After we go to get my denture impressions, we are picking up Joe and Nathan and off to the DMV we are going. (Department of Motor Vehicles. Joe needs to get his Drivers License before they expire and Nathan lost his wallet so we will be going there and then dropping them off and Karyn is taking me to the library so I can check out a few books that I am wanting to read. Then I am coming home and doing nothing. Well perhaps I will clean the kitchen.

 Anyway this is it for me tonight. I am going to bed now. My meds are kicking in... YES... I can feel real sleep coming on... Good night and talk again soon... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your layout is lovely. Time really flies by when you're having fun, doesn't it? You can always go back on line later and look at more beautiful jewelry.

    Hope your dentist visit goes well. You'll feel so much better once you have new teeth in your mouth, and you've had time to get used to them.

    Pogo has to be seen at the hospital today because there was too much blood in his stool this morning. I'm really worried so we're going to the clinic to have him checked.

    Now I'm off. Give kisses and a big hug to Cisco. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
