Sunday, July 30, 2017

Happy Birthday Mama!

 Hello Everyone,

 This is a scrap page I made of my sister a few years back of her and her grandson. He is a lot bigger now but still I love these precious photos of her and the baby. I am sorry but I don't have a new layout to share. Even tho today was a lot better than yesterday I still haven't felt the inspiration to scrap a page. I tried one but it wasn't coming along the way I liked so I shut down the computer and decided to read.

 The book that I am reading started out awesome and then stalled. Every page now in the middle of the book is becoming a chore to read. I have a thing about always finishing a book that I start but I don't know about this one. I might have to break my rule and put it away. I need to hit up the library and find some more books.

 Edna, A Great BIG THANK YOU!!!! You sent me coffee for Christmas and I put a box up for emergency's.... Tomorrow is an emergency. I used the last of my coffee today and while I was rearranging my pantry I found my emergency box of Folgers.... Honey you have no idea how excited I was to find that! So I will most definitely have my morning coffee now... and I even had a cup this evening for a treat.

 So what did I do today? Not much. I took the day off so to speak. I did clean the kitchen and put my pantry in some kind of order. I am always saving condiments from fast food places when the kids go out they get burgers or tacos or something and I save the little packs of ketchup, hot sauce and so on. Today I had 4 sandwich bags filled and so I put them all together. We run out of ketchup a lot around here. You never know when you just need a little and I have it all on hand.
 I save a lot of stuff. Napkins, little packs of salt and pepper and you name it. I guess that goes back to my growing up years. My mama always saved little things too. I got that from her.

 Speaking of my mama, tomorrow is her birthday. Happy Birthday Mama... I love you and wish that I could spend one more day with you. I am selfish and wish I could sped every day with you....

 A couple of scrap pages that I did of my mama. She is very missed and tomorrow my niece and her husband will also celebrate their wedding anniversary. They married on my mother's birthday.

 Oh thankfully I have been better today than I was yesterday. Yesterday was a terrible day for me. I guess that we all get that way once in a while. Some days are just harder than others, and my lack of sleep doesn't help and then I have things on my mind and that doesn't help.

 I have been trying to make a decision on using Flickr. To tell you the truth, I am not that fond of it. And the group that I was in was the hardest to leave but there is a lady that really seems to be acting like a bully to me. One minute she is nice and the next thing I know I get an email where she rips me in two.
 I don't need this juvenile type of High School drama. It is stupid and I am not going to continue to give her any reason to punch at me anymore. Just the slightest thing and she will call me out on it, how this offended this person or that person and so forth. I am just done. And I try to be polite to everyone and I am not sorry at all because I didn't do anything wrong.
 I don't have to participate in this kind of thing and I am not going to. I am sure tomorrow I will get a email from her apologizing to me but it isn't going to work this time. I am not going to respond. Let her find a different person to pick on. My picking days are over.

 I should not have to censor every single thing that I say. Not that I say anything bad, but she always finds something and I really wanted to be a part of the group so badly that I was always quick to apologize for what ever it was that she thought was an infraction. So I will just post my pages and leave the rest of it to the drama Queens.

 Wow it is almost 1:00 a.m. so I am going to go to bed now that I am feeling sleepy. I should think that I would have been ready for bed a long while ago but Nathan and I had a really great conversation tonight and spent some quality time together talking and that kind of got me out of my sleepy mood. Not often do we get a chance to have a really good and interesting conversation. He has to work a double tomorrow. He is actually training in the kitchen tomorrow night so he is excited about that, then he is off Tuesday and Wednesday so we might have another conversation as he is explaining to me some Hebrew meanings. He is studying the Bible in Hebrew and the meanings. It has been interesting so far.

 Well good night to all and have a great week ahead.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom was quite beautiful. What lovely scrap pages. It's wonderful having several grandchildren, but not so good when they don't have anything to do with you. I know the problem. But I am thankful for the attention from my youngest two grandchildren. (Dee's youngest kids)

    As for your Flickr group, that's one reason why I stay away from these groups. If they have a regular forum,(not on a media site) then I will look them over. But I will not go out of my way to find them on any of the media sites. (Flickr, Facebook, etc.) And I have to say that I find them a bit snootier now then they ever used to be. So, no, I don't have time for them.

    I'm so glad the coffee packets helped to save your day. As for saving the little things, I'm guilty too. Growing up, we would never waste things, so these little packets would definitely be saved to be used later.

    Today will be busy for a while. I have to go out at 8:15 to pick up Janice and take her to work. All the cars at Deanne's have mechanical problems that need fixing. No problem. On the way home, Pogo and I will stop off at the bank and then head home. The guy from the oxygen company is due here sometime this morning. My blog will have to wait too.

    Now I need to take my nebulizer meds or I won't be going out anywhere. Give our Cisco a big hug. He's has his confused days too. You have a better day my friend. We'll chat soon, hugs, Edna B.
