Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Pet Central

 This is a scrap layout  that I made from an image I found on a free site. I put the girl on each side and flipped one of them. The back ground and moon and sun is from a kit I had. I had come across this on Facebook that I had posted a couple of years ago.
 I haven't had time to really scrap lately so I reached into my stash and pulled this one out. I love fantasy art. I also love things that are quirky.

 I have been trying to find the time to come over and update but something always came up. We had a thunder and lightening show two days in a row. We ended up with perhaps a 5 minute rain, but the lightening was pretty fierce so I had to shut down my computer and of course unplug it. One day tho we really had a lot of rain. It was very welcome.

 Other things cropped up too. I had 3 doctor appointments last week and one yesterday. One day I had a doctor appointment and on the way home the car over heated and we broke down on the side of the road. I had asked the driver on the way to the office if the car was running alright because it smelled hot and it also was not putting out cold air from the air conditioner. He said yes it was fine. Well obviously it was not fine.

 We broke down right in the middle of rush hour traffic. Oh and it was so hot and had to wait for another driver to come and pick me up and hoped that he got there before the tow truck did. It was late by the time I got home. I was nearly sick from the heat. I bet I drank 4 bottles of water and for good measure I had had 2 of the electrolyte pop cycles. I did not want to become dehydrated.
 Of course the driver couldn't help that his car broke down.

 Yesterday my driver, a very nice young man waited for me at my appointment because the traffic was so bad. Well I didn't think that it would take so long. Usually I am in and out, but I have been having a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders and so my doctor checked me and made an appointment for me to have an x-ray done because she feels a bulge in the back of my neck.

 I know the cause of it. I was in a car accident about 4 years ago. My girlfriend and I were sitting at a red light at Walmart waiting for the light to turn green and was rear ended. It wasn't a big crash, but it jolted me and threw me forward, the seat belt snapped me back popping my neck. She had already gotten out of the car and I was aware that the pain was bad.

 She got back in the car, the light was green and she drove away. I said "Wait, aren't you going to wait for the police?" and she said "No there is no damage." I disagreed and said, "Well I hurt my neck and you need to file a report". She ignored me. Well I didn't think that the pain was bad enough to go to the hospital, especially since she didn't get a police report or anything.So I went home and put some Ben Gay on it but it didn't get any better so I had to see my doctor and I had an x-ray that showed I had a bulged disc.

 When I talked to her I told her, "You should never leave without filing a police report. Even tho there was no damage to your car, (But there was) you had a passenger in your car and I was hurt. That was when she told me that the reason she didn't call the police is because she didn't have insurance!

 So I have a feeling that the problem is getting worse. She gave me some sample of some cream and called in a prescription and guess what? My insurance covered it. I used it last night and it did help but I am scared to death of having any kind of surgery on my neck. But it is really starting to give me problems.

 Our friend,, Nathan's friend actually, but mine too came over yesterday with a tv that I can use for awhile. He has a smaller one that he said that I can have so he will bring it the next time that he comes. Oh I am not going to know how to act!!!! So today I have to clean my room. I have no choice because I have to have a place to put it. Sooooo I am going to have Nathan move my book shelf into my closet. It will fit there perfectly, and I will have him put the tv here on my desk and I will move my computer onto a stand that I have so I can watch tv and still be able to use my computer.

 Today is his last day off work so he is sleeping right now. I know that it sounds strange, but I don't have a tooth in my head left, I have finally gotten them all pulled but I woke up around 2:00 a.m. with a horrid toothache. They call it phantom pain. I went to the kitchen to get an ice pack and I woke Nathan up. He was tossing and turning anyway and wasn't really sleeping so we talked for a bit and he told me that in his and Jon's bathroom he had some clove oil. So I put some on my gums and it really helped and along with the ice pack. I also took some Tylenol so that helped as well.

 Jonathan is in training today. He will be at the same office Karyn works at, but they will not see each other unless they take a break at the same time or something like that. He was not looking forward to it at all but he just called to check on me. He and Nathan both have really been helping me a lot more and I haven't even had to ask! But they are still not as tidy as I would prefer. I guess that is just how that goes.

 I came across a photo of me and my cat Sampson I am going to share. I had to re-home him when I moved here to Austin. I rented a storage building and moved everything I wanted to keep in to it and that was June 30th. Jonathan's birthday. Of course I started moving all of the packed boxes and such in so it would only be the last big things the day before. Then I cleaned the apartment. I didn't have anyone who could take care of Sampson because I was going to Temple Texas, about an hour and a half from Austin to have my kidney removed. Sampson was a big worry. I couldn't bring him to Jonathan's because of Cisco and a huge pet deposit so it broke my heart to give him away, but a lady I knew had 2 other cats and I would take Sampson over to her place to see how he interacted and he joined the family like he had been born in the litter. They rolled and tumbled and played and she said she would take him. So I loaded all of his toys, his bed that he never used, his scratching post and enough food and litter to last him and her cats a couple of months but I cried my heart out. He was a great cat. I rescued him on a cold and wet January day.  He was so tiny that I used an eye dropper to feed him until he was big enough to eat on his own. Here is a picture of us.

 Isn't he gorgeous? I really love the memories feature on Facebook that allows you to see your memories from years ago. This one popped up yesterday.

 The next one was a picture of my Bandit. Cisco and Bandit were a little over a year apart. Bandit was born July 22nd, two days before Matthew's birthday. Cisco was born the following September the next year.. Not real sure of the date but my birthday is October the 11th so I chose Cisco's birthday for September 11th so I can remember it.

Rest In Peace my handsome Prince. I will always love you!!!! He loved his toys. His favorite was Tweetie Bird. He had them in all colors but the blue one was his favorite. He never chewed them up, just carted them around in his mouth where ever he went and many times we would have to crawl up under the house and rescue them!
 Now Bandit was a big dog. 75 pounds of dog and lots of long fur. He was just beautiful. A Full size bed with 2 humans and Bandit was not an easy feat. Then along came Nature Nicole, But first a couple of pics of Bandit that I found and oh wow, I had to hunt for these. Talk about memories....

 Now isn't he just so handsome. And In My Bed.... I had to wash my comforters a lot... so it was a good thing that I had several sets...

 This is my little girl Nature Nicole. She like all of the rest of the pets were rescued. She was half this size when we found her on the side of the road. She was a mama's girl.

 Nap time!!
 The picture of me and Nature was taken the night before I left to go and have my vascular surgery. She had gotten so big...

The next couple of pictures are not that great, but I have to share them....

 The black dog next is Seymore.... I rescued him from a culvert pipe filled with water and he was drowning because he couldn't get out. He was an awesome dog too and my son Nathan claimed him. They went every where together. But when Nathan left for Texas he became my dog lol. So ok I had 2 humans, Bandit, Nature, and Seymore in my bed.

 The top picture of the brown dog is Brownie. He wasn't mine. He belonged to the people next door but he wouldn't leave and they were not taking care of him anyway. But enough was enough... I had no more room in my bed... LOL...

 Seymore and Brownie had beds next to mine and they finally accepted that. So you see I am very much an animal person. Seymore was a great hunting dog and he was very fond of a man that we knew and the man loved him back. So reluctantly I gave him to this man. They would stop if they were passing by and I was out in the yard. But I could tell that Seymore had a new owner. He would love up on me but I could tell he was not mine anymore. He got a great home.

 I wish that I could say the same about Brownie. I opened the door to go out and there was a coyote in the yard. Brownie dashed out before I could stop him and chased the coyote and a car hit him.. Thankfully he didn't suffer but I did. The man stopped and said I couldn't avoid it. I told him I knew it as I seen it happen.
 When I told the people next door they said "Well he was just a dog"...... I was flabbergasted. He was not just a dog!

 I knew that I wasn't going to be going back home for a long time after my surgery. I had someone to care for my dogs while I was gone, but Bandit ran away. Some say that he mourned for me and they think that he grieved himself to death. I don't know.
 Nature stayed with the man that was caring for her. The last time I saw her she was fat as a butterball. My sister wouldn't let me bring her with me when I went to get what was left of my things. I cried then too.

 I have one more photo to share.  Here is the story. Jonathan chose to go to Phoenix to College. I rode in the semi truck with my husband while Jonathan decided to ride with his cousin and room mate and family.
 We got Jonathan settled into his new apartment and spent the night in a hotel. We had stopped at a restaurant and eaten and everyone of us except Jonathan got sick from the food. It was really bad. So we ended up having to stay an extra day.
 Saying goodbye was so hard. But he was excited to get on with his life and for us to leave so the guys could do what the guys wanted to do and my husband had to deliver his load anyway. So we left.
 It was late late or early early how every you want to look at it, like 3 or 4 in the morning. We stopped at this truck stop called The Tiger Truck stop. They had white Siberian Tigers and you could go and see them.
 Well I wanted to have my picture taken with the cub. From the minute that I walked into that cage, this cub was attached to me. He climbed in my lap, he put his paws on my face so he could lick me. Let me tell you, at first I was taken aback and a bit afraid but I talked to him and loved on him and when it was time for me to go he would not let me out of the cage. He blocked the door and would pounce and whine or whiney roar....
 The owner said he had never seen anything like it before. This cub had never attached himself to anyone before. But he did me. I had to turn towards the door and scoot backwards until they could open the door and let me out.
 In the picture you can see a woman waiting her turn. He wouldn't let her in.... He was mad because he kept putting his paws up to the cage and looking at me, like please don't leave me. I wish I could have stayed.... I wish I could have taken him with me, but Goodness knows how I would have managed to care for him, especially if he got as big as his Papa!

 So I guess that wraps it up for me. I know that this is a very long post, but thank you for joining me on my journey to the past....
 Have an awesome day.......... BB

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post! Aren't you the lucky one to be able to bond with a tiger cub!! That says a lot about you as a person. Animals know a good person when they meet one.

    It's really heartbreaking when we lose a beloved pet. They give us so much joy and comfort.

    After a busy day yesterday, Pogo and I are just going to be lazy today. I'll take him out in the yard for a bit, then I'm going to settle in to my crocheting.

    Beth, I hope you are feeling much better by now. Hopefully, the weather will behave and you and Cisco will be able to sit out on your veranda for a while.

    Now I'm off to wait for the mailman. Pogo is already at the door watching. haha. Give Cisco a big hug from us, hugs, Edna B.
