Saturday, July 29, 2017

I Have A Question

 I bought this kit a while back. Many months ago actually and I forgot about it. It was on sale and at a great price. I usually have to save up for one of her kits. This one is by Lynne Anzelc called The World Of Wizards. Thank you for having a look.

 Well off to my question.
 If you turn off your phone, lock your bedroom door, doesn't that usually mean Leave Me The Hell Alone? Instead of knocking who should have the right to find a tool to unlock my bedroom door? You didn't want to know if I was alright earlier when I tried talking to you.... You didn't have time to respond to anything I had to say earlier.... You didn't have time to talk to me when it was important for me to try and have a conversation.... You never take the time to check on me to see if I am alright so what gives you the right to pry into my private space? None that I can see. I might have locked my door for a lot of reasons. I might decide to take a shower and waltz around naked. I might be having a private conversation. I might just don't want to see or talk to you.

 Anyway I am in a mood today. I am in this funk for a lot of different reasons but mainly I just want to hibernate today. I shut off my phone. I locked my door and it is for reasons of my own, but mainly I just want to be left alone today.
 And I most definitely do not want you to break into my room because I am not (A) answering my phone and (B) I have my door locked. I said earlier in the day that I am in hibernation mode and asked to be left alone. So don't give me this BS that you were worried about me as you don't seem to be worried about me any other time.

 I realize I am in a grumpy mood. It has to do with a lot of things. Not just a few things. Mainly I am in need of some privacy. That goes for Cisco too. He can't make up his mind if he wants in or out. So when he wakes up from his nap, I am going to put him and his bed into the other part of the house and come back and lock my door.
 Ohhh your locking Cisco out as well? you ask. Yep.... I am up and down and down and up letting him in and letting him out. He has food and water in here so if he gets hungry or thirsty he has what he needs, but he hears the boys and wants out. I let him out and he finds them not as interesting as he thought and wants back in. Less than 5 minutes later he wants back out. I am not in the mood to play musical doors today so he will have no choice but to hang out with the boys because I need this time to myself.

 I wasn't depressed when I got up this morning but that changed fast. I made Penne Alfredo last night for dinner. I was just going to make garlic toast to go with it but Jonathan wanted green beans and spinach too. Why couldn't he have asked me to do that before I started dinner? But no, he waits until the meal is nearly finished before he asks me for it. I asked him if he would like to finish dinner but that would have meant he would have to get up off his butt and do something. So I made it. Dinner was 45 minutes later than it should have been. I was already late making it to begin with.
 I get up this morning and the first thing Jonathan says to me is "We forgot to put up the food last night. Really ticked me off as if I have food to waste at this time of the month. I didn't say anything tho.

 I did ask... does anyone want coffee... Jonathan said yes so I made more than I normally do. ( I am rationing my coffee to get me thru to pay day). So I made a full pot. He didn't even drink a single cup. So that went to waste as I can't drink old coffee. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

 I asked Nathan... If you go to Walgreen's could you use my points card for what I need? His reply was no  I am going to use Jonathan's because I know his number.  I explained that I don't get my points when he uses Jonathan's card and he said... what difference does it make? I tried to explain that I am saving my points for another $10.00 gift card. It really saves me money when I need to use it. Never mind I had to listen to a lecture on HOW hard it was to use separate cards for his stuff and mine too so I said just forget it. He said... No what do you need? I said Nothing that I can't get for myself.

 Karyn has been in and out. Obviously she and Joe had an argument and so she planned to ignore him and I knew that wouldn't last long so I didn't comment. Instead I went about my business, minding my own business. Of course she didn't ignore him as she said as I knew she wouldn't. So she breezed thru my house looking for an onion, wanting this and that and I said... I gave you $40.00 extra dollars this month for extra groceries since you have been helping cook for me. Why didn't you use it wisely? Of course she got her feathers in a bind. So I sent a text to her and said I am shutting off my phone, locking my door, so don't expect me to be good company if you decide that you want to come over again. I got a response back... What's wrong? Does anything have to be wrong? Even when it is it is my business.

 One of my dearest friends always emails me once a day. I haven't heard from her in 4 days. I sent her an email asking if she was alright. I get an email from another friend that said... She is doing alright, but doesn't want to be bothered with any emails from anyone so I can't tell you why but I am taking care of her.
 Yes my feelings are hurt that she didn't just say something directly to me but have someone else pass the message on. I wouldn't have bothered her. Obviously she is communicating with some others... I don't know.

 Then this crap with my daughter Laurie has ticked me off. To much to detail there so I wont but I am not going to play games with her either. I was happy to see the new photos of my grand children. They have gotten so big and it breaks my heart that I can't talk to them. I feel like I have one grandchild left. I have no contact at all with Alex and now Laurie and her husband have cut me out of their lives I can't even talk to them. But am thankful for the pictures.

 I talked to Matthew today. He is heading back to work tomorrow. He has a whole new set of problems to deal with. I could tell he didn't want to talk to me so I gave him an out and said for him to have a safe journey and hope that he has a good work tour. I hung up.
 So I am not sure where this sad feeling is coming from. I shouldn't give a damn about any of it. I am just having one of those days. I expect that tomorrow I will be feeling much more my old self, but today I just need to be alone and deal with my stuff in my own way.

 So on that note, I am getting off and going to go and find something fun to do.... and for me that is a nice hot shower, breaking out a good book and going to bed............ and maybe sleep for a few hours... Talk to you some other day.... BB


  1. Hi Beth, yes i am still around LOL!
    Didn;t have time to read all your posts very thourough, and it also still is a bit difficult to sit for longer time at the computer. And you know what? I am not really missing it at the moment. The only thing is that I feel guilty towards you and Edna and some other people, that I don;t have so much contact lately. I really hope (and also think so,) that it will change again, but for now, I can do long periods without computer.
    You had some rough times too if i read all well, and oh dear, how you are doing with no teeth at the moment?
    Do you already know when you will have your dentals? Hpefully soon, so that you can adapt to them and eat all you like again.
    Take good care of yourself, and if you want to hibernate, well, just do so, then you have the need and why ignore it?
    Sending you big hugs and hoping to be more on the internet soon again.

  2. Ditto from me too. If you need to hibernate, just do it. Put a sign on your bedroom door that says "do not disturb". Remember, you can always try moving into the other housing, and get your in home help, etc. Hope you feel better soon. Now I'm off to read your next post. Big hugs, Edna B.
