Friday, August 18, 2017

Ouch!! That HURT!!!

 Hi Everyone,
 This page may be a bit extreme but with the heat I like the way that this one cools me off! So sorry everyone, but I have no new scrap page today. I dug this one out from my oldie but goody folder. I hope that if your feeling the heat that this helps.

 So I went to the eye doctor yesterday and had sort of a mishap. I am typing this with just one eye at present and wearing dark sun shades. So forgive me for any mistakes that I make.
 I have a lot of bleeding behind both eyes. The left is the worse and it had to be taken care of pretty fast. So they decided upon an injection. To make a long story short, the eye was not completely deaden'd. When that needle went in I screamed like a Banshee. Of course when I jumped the needle scraped my eye, but thankfully no where near the retina.

 You know, I have the sweetest kids. I know that they give me tons of stuff to gripe about, and some times I really feel unappreciated and I get angry with them, but when I really need them they are right there for me.
 I called Karyn just before they decided to do the injection and told her what was happening. She told me when my ride transportation showed up to call her and she would meet me at the house to get me settled. The ride transportation man said he would help me into my house but I knew that Karyn or Joe would be here at any time and let's face it. I don't want a strange man in my house. Call me paranoid but the what if's ran thru my head. I could have been raped allowing a man into my home. Of course this is a way my brain processes thoughts. I have never had a problem with this driver but he has never been inside my home either. Anyway Karyn showed up just minutes after he drove away and good thing because I couldn't see to get the key into the lock to open my door.
 She got me settled and made lunch for me and then Joe was here. By this time my pain meds had already induced me into sleep and he stayed with me letting me sleep.
 Karyn made something for dinner but I didn't eat. I just wanted to stay in bed. I did get up for a little while but soon I was back in bed. I remember talking to Miss Edna and to Patsy and I remember that Nathan came in to check on me and I remember Cisco whining to be with me so Nathan put him up with me as I can't bend down without pain.
 I remember him trying to get super close to me and somehow I slept all thru the night.
 The eye is really miraculous as already this morning the pain is so much less. Of course it is not easy to walk around with dark shades and a patch over the eye, but I have my cane and I know the layout of the house so I am ok. Joe will be over sometime today to help me with the drops I have to have in my eye.
 I will have to do this 3 more times.  Then I will have lazer surgery to block the vessels. I am just really glad that the retina is alright in both eyes. They are still attached.

 Ok I have to get off of here for now. I dont want to strain my eyes so I will close for now. Hopefully tomorrow will be even better... Hugs to all BB

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I feel so bad that you had to go through all this, but I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now. By now, you have a regular eye patch and hopefully it will help to make things easier for you.

    I guess all I can say is that by the time next March rolls around, you'll be a new woman just in time for a Florida vacation. Hopefully, I will be too!!

    Now I'm off to do a bit more crocheting. I'm having fun with the air freshener doll dresses. Give Cisco an extra hug and a big lick for Pogo. You feel better soon my friend, hugs, Edna B.
