Saturday, August 26, 2017

Wind Is Howling.....


 I love this layout because it is so true in a lot of ways. It is not what you look at that matters, It's what you see!
 Today I am reminded of that. As I sit here at my computer I can look out my window and the wind is howling, the rain is slashing sheets that are hitting the house sideways, or straight down or coming in from all directions. 
 This has been a very hot summer and many times I have wished for rain. I would watch the rain clouds just skirt right past us. A promise of rain with the scent of an approaching summer storm only to see the clouds change direction. 
 Today we are getting the rain that we desperately need but it came in at a huge cost for the people that was in the path of Hurricane Harvey.

 Not only the cost of property and personal possession's, but  the cost of human life. Now I have not heard of any deaths, Thank the Lord, but this storm is far from over. It has been down graded to a Tropical Storm now, but the rain associated with this storm is tremendous in amounts. 
 Looking out my window it is like a small lake right now. This will go on they say for days and some parts of Texas it is going to be really bad. Louisiana too. New Orleans cannot take much more. It has been really bad since Hurricane Katrina back I believe in 2005 or maybe 2008. They are still rebuilding so much of the state and in the last few years have had huge storms that were not a part of a Tropical storm, but there have been several to have hit. 

 A lot of Texas is flat land, especially the coastal areas. Why people have chosen to build right on the coast is beyond me, but at the same time I cannot discount the beauty of living near or on the water. 
 I keep hearing conflicting news. One says devastating and wide spread damage and another said damage is not as bad as feared... hmm. Well time to go on to something else here...

 Last night I had the chance to watch Project Runway on Lifetime. I decided to watch the latest episode and then go back and watch the rest. I watched as the teams worked a group project and they had to use recyclable materials.  I got to the part of where they were judging the teams, winners and losers and lost signal...... I am so agitated as I want to see the end of the program!!! Right now we still have power so after I finish my blog I am going to my room, and try again. Maybe the station was having problems but all thru the show it kept buffering. Annoying! But I have to Chromecast to my TV. I thought that we had it on our regular cable but we don't. Oh Well I will try again.

 Poor Cisco doesn't know what to do with the weather. He finally decided to go potty. Jonathan has a huge umbrella and he covered them both but with the rain coming in from every direction it really didn't help all that much.

 I have a few things to share today. I got them from the internet so all credits belong to the social media members who posted them...

 Ha Ha... now I understand the difference lol.... 

 I had to share this one. I use to be a whiz at computers but for years I didn't have one and when I finally got one I had to relearn A LOT! Now I do know a bit more now than I did a few years ago but I have an internet friend that this fits just perfectly. I won't name name's but if she is reading I hope that this brings a good laugh.... My Texas friend you know I will always try to help you even if I can't lol.

 And this is for all of my friends... Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your life...
 I have to close for now... Time for some TV.... Project Runway here I come... Please don't disappoint me!!

 Have a wonderful weekend... BB


  1. I am so terribly behind in blogreading and specially this week with the passing of Brodski, I am not in good ruthm back yet.
    And so I missed all about your eyes and the trouble and pain you have with them. I am glad that in the end it probably will be alright, but still, it must be aweful to endure it.
    And above this all you also have to deal with a part of that hurricane! Some parts really are hit badly as we hear pn the news.
    Glad you are all quite safe!
    I must get back in some normal ruthm again next week, and I will be. It is just still a bit strange without our cat. Miss some of the usual things, looking for him in the garden when get up in the morning, or looking if he has something to eat in his bowl(which isnt there anymore), and such things. It will soften in some more days I am sure.
    Happy for you your kids take good care of you now that you really need some extra help.
    Forgive my ansence lately on the commenting of your blog. I try to keep up, but somehow I take too little time for it now.
    Take care and hopefully soon your eyes will be okay again.
    Bih hug

  2. Goodness, I hope you get your TV connection back again soon. I watched the program, but I won't tell you the ending.

    I've been following the storm on the news and it doesn't look so good for folks in the path of this storm. I hope everyone in its path stay safe.

    Last night I went to see Jazzy perform at the dinner theatre, and it was such an awesome evening! I'm wanting to go back and see it again before it is all over. You can watch a couple of the videos on FB.

    Now I'm off to make a fresh cup of coffee and watch a bit of TV. Pogo sends kisses and a big lick for Cisco. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
