Monday, November 23, 2015

On The First Day Of Christmas

Hi Everyone,

 It has been a little while since I updated my blog due to the fact that I have been running back and forth to the doctor, not sleeping again and really busy on my end. Sometimes it works out like that. 
 Another reason is that my daughter Karyn is here with me and she shares my room and while I am a night owl, she on the other hand has to get up and go to work early so I am trying to be respectful and not bother her with the light on and the computer. She says that it doesn't bother her, but I know that it does. 
 I will post my Christmas pages on FB starting on December 1. So until then I will post them here. I did this one last night. 
 I have always wondered about the 12 days of Christmas. Does it start on the first day of December to be the 12 days of Christmas or is it later closer to the Christmas? I have asked and the answers that I get are it can be both... so in the spirit of that... I will probably do both to some degree. 

 My son Matthew is home now for Thanksgiving but he will be leaving to go to Reno Nevada for Christmas. So this year we are planning on having a good dinner. Not by me. I am not cooking this year. It was decided that I don't need to do any cooking. Well that is fine with me. I have cooked Holiday dinners, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter and 4th of July for the last 32 years... It is time that they take over and they can have their own traditions.

 On another note... I guess the tradition in this family ends with me. This family is soooo Bah Humbug it is unbelievable.  They get this from their dad. Not me. At least Matthew and Laurie will celebrate their Christmas with their kids at their homes. Doesn't look like it is going to happen here. They said we can do stockings.... THEY can do Stockings. I don't want no part of it. I wanted the tree and the whole bit. No room for a tree.... They said... I mentioned a fire for the fireplace and that was voted out. I requested a ham and that was vetoed... so trust me... It will be very disappointing for me this year. I know that it is not the tree or anything like that that makes the holidays but it is the one time of year that I have looked forward to all thru the year. I am a giver... I love to give presents. But they don't want any. They said... Mom buy you something that you want for Christmas.... Well Gee Thanks kids. 

 I always made sure that my kids had a great Christmas. It was always a fun tradition to make Christmas boxes, decorate the tree, bake cookies and so forth. Sadly they do not want any part of it so I will just shop for my grand kids this year and my friends and let it be what it is. But when I get my own place I will have a tree and all that I want. I am tired of being told No at every turn. My God... I am only 56.... I am not so broken down that I don't know what I would like to have or do. And they watch me like a Hawk. If I go outside to take a walk they are following me. Calling me.... or they will tell me it is time to go home.
 Get on the bus and go to the store alone? Oh Hell No.... Too dangerous.... I might get hurt, I might ge attacked or I might God Forbid have a little bit of FUN! Maybe I want to go downtown to a book store, or to a Bistro and have a glass of wine and a plate of cheese and grapes or Maybe I might like to go and see a movie. 
 They are happy at home. Hermits.... I have never seen anything like it before. Matthew likes to go out with his friends and do things but he has the same views too with his siblings. Christmas is for the kids... Same with Birthdays. Kids only.... So it is what it is and so be it.

 Anyway this is all I have for today. The visiting nurse will be here to pack my wound soon. I have things that I need to do before she gets here... Hugs to all... Have a great day... BB


1 comment:

  1. Gosh, what's Christmas without some kind of tree? And even if it's only to sit and chat over a cup of hot cocoa, Santa is always looking forward to stopping in for a little visit on Christmas Eve.

    Well, at least he always does stop in for a little visit with me. I stay up late to enjoy our little chat before he leaves again on his journey around the world.

    I work towards Christmas all year long. It's my time of year to have a lot of fun making other folks happy. Life is too short to be a hum bug type of person.

    I have to agree with you on this one. So I guess you will just have to make your own holiday cheer and be happy even if no one else wants to join in the fun. Watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas music.

    Today I have to get busy and get more of my wrapping and packing boxes done. Before you know it, it will be time to mail everything off. I don't know where this whole year went, but somehow I missed a lot of it.

    I have a couple things to do on-line and then I must get busy here. You have a great day, and I'll chat with you later. Give Cisco a big hug from us, hugs, Edna B.
