Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Middle Of The Week Doldrums And Memories

 Howdy Everyone,
 I thought that today I would post a simple page of your's truly. This is Me Quiet a few years ago. I had just turned 40. I was full of spunk and energy back then. I turned 40 and went down hill. Well that is not totally true. The 40's were my best years in working and family and fun, but a month after my 40th birthday is when all my kidney issues came to a head.  I managed tho, but Karyn took on a lot of responsibility for her age. I wish that I could take that back. I should have hired help at the time and she should have been able to enjoy more of her teen years.

 She cooked and cleaned, shuffled the boys to and from basketball practice, she attended the games, made sure they had baths and homework done.
 Is it any wonder she decided against having a child or children of her own?
 Of course I ask her that a lot and she says, "No" but other times when I bring up having kids she said, "I already have. I should just adopt a senior and send him or her to college." I know that she is using her sense of humor, but sometimes I wonder if, especially now if she has given up much of her life for me.
 Still to this day, she cooks and cleans for me. She shuffles me back and forth to doctors that she needs to be with me for, she has been there for days at each surgery and it didn't matter where it was she was there and she stayed at my side until I came home. Only one time did she have to leave, but she was there for the surgery and much of the night before she had to leave to come home.
 She says I owe her nothing, but I do. I know that it is not an amount of money or material things that matter to her. But I owe her so much in her giving of time, love and attention. I hope she knows how much she means to me.

 Not just Karyn, but all of my kids. I love them all. I don't love one more than the other. I love them differently tho. Jonathan was my first born, so there is a special bond there.
 Karyn was my Princess K. We battled. I wanted her to be girly and dress her frilly and she detested Pink. Now it is one of her favorite colors.
 Laurie was a mixture of a girly girl and a tomboy. She would wear a dress to church or special occasions but most of the time it was blue jeans and boots. She was the quiet one and it is true that you have to watch the quiet ones. Our run in's are legend.
 Matthew... He was planned. I wanted another baby and I decided that if I got pregnant that month then I would. If not then I would get my tubes tied. I got pregnant. I also think that I developed Diabetes then but they just didn't catch it. Matthew is his father's son. Charming and handsome brown eyed man. It is tho he gives his heart to easy and to fast to the girls. He seems to always come out on the losing end. I pray he will find someone deserving of his heart.
 Nathan was my surprise baby. Not only a surprise but his soft spot closed at birth. They told me brain over ride. Where the skull closes during the birth process to protect the brain. But that is not what happened. Being a diabetic, the insulin caused the skull to fuse together. Surgery and way over a year later he was in my lap. We could not allow him to hit his head. They chose not to put a helmet on him. We have a special bond as well.

 Anyway I am not sure where all of this came from today. I was just thinking how thankful that I am for my family and my friends. Every person in my life holds a very special place in my heart. I am like Matthew in so many ways. Some friends are better left in the past. Others are in my present and I hope they are in my future as well.

 On to other news. I vacuumed my room, and even my baseboards. My bed got a good shaking out and clean bedding. Cisco's bed as well. I dusted and put away things and wondered just how in the world did I have so much mail pile up.
 I made another call to the Visa card company. The card has not been activated so they cannot track it. They are going to deactivate that one and send a new card. I asked them to send it to Miss Edna but no they are to send it to me. This time when it goes in the mail it is going to go to a different postal office and I am going to have it certified so I will get a receipt when she receives it.

 I have been thinking of dinner tonight. I looked up a recipe for a chicken dish on the website I use for my diet. I have the ingredients. I will make green beans with it and I am out of good carbs until Friday but I will figure something out. I do have this rice but it has to soak for 24 hours before I can cook it. So it is too late today for that.

 Thank you for stopping by and listening to my rambling. I better close for now and get on with my day. Have a fantastic evening/day where ever you are in the world... BB


  1. Wow, I love your photos. Is it a Glamour Shot? I have one of me similar to that. Way to go, girl!

    I think every now and then mothers tend to reflect on their children and their lives and how special each of them is to us.

    Well, today I think I'll have to put on my big girl panties and drag out a bunch of wrapping stuff. Much as I dislike wrapping, it just has to be done.

    I'm off now to post on my own blog, then on to the fun stuff. Ugh! Ugh! hahaha.

    Pogo sends woofs and a great big lick (right up the nose) to Cisco. You have a super day, and I'll chat with you later. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. Hi Edna, Yes it was a glamour shot. My girlfriend Carol took me for my 40th birthday. I had so much fun. We both did. Then later on I had Karyn and Laurie a photo glamour shots done at a private party.
    I agree our kids are very special and sometimes I worry that the decisions I made caused problems but then on the other hand, I do have awesome kiddo's.
    Get those Big Girl Panties on girl. Santa needs all the help that he can get right now... (Smile)... talk to you soon. Hugs... xxx

  3. I love your photo as well its really glam.
    You have a daughter in a million there to look after you so well, I have 1 daughter and 2 sons but all very close and although they all live in differt parts of the country now they all keep in touch with each other and us Im happy for you that you have a lovely family too, take care x
