Friday, November 17, 2017

A Good Morning To You


 Life is Beautiful..... We just have to live it and love what we are living!

 I am posting a bit early today. I had a good night's rest finally and awoke feeling rather refreshed at 6:30 this morning. I love mornings when my body awakes on it's own, slowly, with a feeling of just a low yawn, and a stretch and a feeling of rest as well as refreshment from the night.
 It is super hard for me to toss and turn all night, and then have to just jump up and try and start my day. Or being woken up by other noises that are just a tad too loud or a little to much. Someone from outside or inside that doesn't realize that it might cause me to wake up.
 Now if I am in the middle of my deep sleep, go ahead and move the furniture, scream at the world or what ever because I am going to sleep right thru it!
 My doctor suggested a Sleep Test. I looked at her and said, "Your the second one to suggest this to me.""
 A few months ago when I had to have the endoscope done my doctor asked my daughter if I had Sleep Apnea. She said she didn't know and asked me and I said, hmmm how would I know? I am asleep.
 A lot of people talk to me about how I sleep. Either deep or I will be startled out of sleep and gasp and jump up only to go right back into the deep sleep and not remember at all.
 Jonathan said last week that I kept calling him during the night yelling at him, he would come in to find me asleep. He decided to stay for a minute and find out why I kept yelling for him. Apparently Nathan had put Cisco in bed with me and for some reason he wanted down. He was probably thirsty is my guess and couldn't get me awake. Jonathan said he put Cisco down and I slept the rest of the night.
 Cisco can get off of my bed. It is lower than the one I use to have. He just likes for me or someone else put him down. But if there is food around, or if there is someone he wants to see, he can get down on his own. And even if he should fall he has not far to fall as his bed is very close by. Normally he sleeps in his own bed and I in mine, but we do have a cuddle before lights are out.

 I have nothing to do today. No where to go, no doctor visits or anything. Nathan is sleeping as he is off work and Jonathan is at work so Cisco and I will be hanging out. I have my daughter close by most days if I need her.
 I really enjoy knowing I am not alone. I can take a shower during the day and that is nice. We all agreed since I can fall not to do so without someone here at home with me. I have my shower chair now so it is a big help.
 The man came yesterday to fix my walker. YAY! He actually gave me some good advice because it gets loose so easily and that is to put some super glue on the threads of the screws and knobs so it will not become loose. He also advised me to buy some bungee cords to prevent my cable for my breaks from wearing out and breaking. I will be picking those up soon. My son in law probably has some already.

 I might take my laundry next door and do it today as I don't have a lot but it will give me something to do and it will also help me not to have a lot of laundry to do over the weekend.
 I really need to work on my room and bathroom. I have my closet pretty much cleared out and sorted. I do need to run the vacuum and dust down my bedroom.
 The kitchen really needs to be cleaned. Deep Cleaned. I have been slacking on that job. The fridge needs to be taken apart and cleaned and the oven as well. I also need to sweep and mop. The boys are home tomorrow so we will probably do some deep cleaning then.
 They are getting better in some areas! That is a plus for me. I am the one that seems to shrug off housework these days.

 My daughter checked the mail for me early this morning. I actually got my Herrschners  catalog in the mail yesterday. I will have a great time later on today thumbing thru it. I will have some hot tea and quiet time to just read thru it.
 I have been trying to change up my routine. Some days are harder than others when I have no choice but to keep appointments. It is important that I keep them as they are with specialists. My Endocrinologist said the other day that we are taking my Primary Care Doctor out of the Equation. OHHHH YESSSS! That pleases me to no end. I am to see her only for colds and such. She messes with my medication and that puts me in risk categories that I don't need to be in. I have argued with her in the past about changing my medication.
 I am so glad that she is leaving. Now I can just rely upon my specialists to care for my needs. Other wise I wouldn't have specialists because honestly if you do have diabetes, at some point your going to need specialists. Internal Medicine, or PCP's cannot care for your needs properly and then when they realize that they can't then they refer you to a specialist.
 I could tell my first doctor I needed a referral and he would give me one. Problem was his assistant never put the referrals in.
 This doctor would tell me that I didn't need a referral. Then she would change her mind. A few weeks ago I got a call stating that she was referring me to an Endocrinologist because she could no longer care for my diabetic needs.

 I am so sorry for anyone that has Diabetes. For years I controlled it with diet and exercise. Easy to do since I worked manual labor and was on the go and busy for 10 to 12 or longer hours at a time. I worked off the calories, burned the carbs, and had good blood sugars.
 All that changed when I had to have my Vascular surgery. I had to quit my job because my legs hurt so bad I couldn't walk. It was a long time before I could actually walk on my own for any length of time or even a short walk.
 I would get more active and then have to slow back down. As a result my sugars kept going up and up and up.  Getting them back to where they need to be has been a challenge and a very hard battle.
 It is not easy to give up your favorite foods. It is not easy making the right choices. It is not easy to know and to accept lifestyle changes, even when you know in your heart and soul that you have to say no to that slice of peach pie, or that second serving of mashed potatoes, or some other loved food.
 But battles can be won and I am going to fight tooth and nail on this one. I have to. I have family and friends and loved ones that I want to be around for and perhaps with my faith in God I can be here. I might not always win the battle but I will take every small victory there is.

 Wow it is nearly 9:00 am. I have been typing this post for an hour now.  Of course that is because I have been up and away from the computer at times. I took Cisco out to potty, made some coffee, talked to my son, talked to my daughter etc. That eats up minutes here and there.
I will close and get on with my day. I hope that all have a great day..... BB


  1. Hi Garla, Just returning your visit, it was nice of you to visit me not sure where your from Im from north Cornwall in England , sorry to read of your health issues not always easy to cope with, hope you have more good days than bad, take care x

  2. Wow, it's been a long road my friend, hasn't it? I sure hope your days and roads get easier now. When you finish making your "can have" and "can't have" lists of food for you, do give me a copy.

    Even on vacation, you can stay on your diet!! I'm planning on having some fun next trip to Florida. So stay healthy!!

    I have been given some not so good news. My burner is leaking from underneath---I'll be needing a new burner. I called the manufacturer and found out that it is still under manufacturer warranty. We'll see what the guy who installed it says if and when he calls me later today.

    Ah well, I guess this is what keeps the world turning. I'm going to play with my Pogo now. He sends woofs and a BIG lick for Cisco. hahaha. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
