Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Birthday Linda

 Happy Birthday to my sweet sister Linda. I made this page for her last year. I haven't done one for this year yet. We had to disconnect the internet yesterday so we could move Karyn's work computer and when we connected to the internet again I was busy just enjoying my family.

 Our day was awesome and peaceful. No arguments except the good nature'd teasing from one sibling to the next. We talked about past holidays and some were hilarious conversations that had us in stitches.
 By the time that dinner was served and we decompressed Jon took Karyn home and I came to my room for a bit. Then I decided to put the rest of the food away and then finished up a little bit of the kitchen.
 Still I didn't sleep well. Sometimes I think that I might be to tired to rest well. I got up at 1:30 to go to the bathroom and that was it. I never really slept well after that. But all is not lost. I did finally go to sleep.

 Patsy and I are chatting now about books that we want to read and authors. It is so fun chatting about things we have in common. Today I will be doing my publications for her. I haven't done them in awhile. So I will be doing that today. I think I have 4 pages that need to be sent to the forums that I have chosen. She will do the ones for the stores because I am not doing those. I don't mind the others because they are my choice.

 The weather here is so nice still. It is a bit warm today. It is 75 degrees here and will not get much lower tonight. But Cisco is enjoying the day and that is what is important for my boy.
 He is so funny with the boys. They come in and play with him and he acts so funny with his balls and blankets. We have a ritual with his bones too. That is so wonderful to watch him get so excited. He will take it and run with it... then wait for one of us to act like we are going to take it from him and he will run away from us again. He finally will eat it, but he likes the game.

 Christmas is just around the corner. It is one of my favorite holidays. This year will be bittersweet as we are going to my sister's house December 16th for Christmas dinner. It is really the only time that she can have it this year and it falls on the day of my mother's passing, so it is bittersweet, but mama loved Christmas so this is really a great way to still celebrate her.
 I really hope that nothing crops up to keep us from going. I know that the kids are off work but transportation could be a problem.
 Jonathan's car is needing to go into the shop and Matthew might not be here. He might be driving to Reno to see his kids this year. I was hoping to go, but I don't know but Matt sort of made an issue out of it so I changed my plans. I really don't have the money to spend on the extra food and such so I will let him go by myself.

 I want to save what money I can for my trip to Florida to be with Miss Edna and Pogo this year. I tried to save thru out the year, but it was harder than I thought that it would be. So what money I will have will be geared to that.
 I swear there was nothing more peaceful than sitting out on Edna's porch having coffee with Pogo in my lap watching the gorgeous sunsets and sunrises and the evening fireworks. Chatting and just doing nothing but enjoying the moments.
 We will demand the flu bug stay far away this year. Poor Edna was so sick. I had to leave a day early and really worried about her. She didn't have a good trip home and then several days later ended up in the hospital... So we are going to guard against all that this coming year, aren't we Miss Edna?

 Everyone have a great weekend. I am going to finish up my pubs for Patsy and then I am going to read a while and watch some tv. I have a new episode of a program I like. Chrisly knows best so I am going to watch that later on.
 Take care everyone and thanks for stopping by.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your Thanksgiving Day sounded perfect. That's how it's supposed to be. Laughter, sharing, friends and family. Doesn't get better than that !

    It sounds like you are having some new spurts of good energy. That is good. I'm having a spurt of energy today too. I've wrapped and packaged two boxes. That's a start.

    Now I'm needing a fresh cup of coffee. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
