Wednesday, November 15, 2017

It's Too Early For Crap!

 This is an older kit from Lins_Creations called Safari. Thank You for looking....

 Hello and Good morning to everyone.
 It is a bit early for me, but I have a Podiatrist  appointment this morning. I go every 3 to 4 months. Being a diabetic it is very important to see a foot doctor. One time I went when I lived in Arkansas and the lady said, "How long has this sore been on your foot?" I was astonished as I never felt a sore at all. It was between my toes and was getting infected. I try to keep a close eye on my feet.

 Now for the crap... I am a crabby person when I don't get my sleep. Last night was one of those nights. Sleep was elusive. I was tired but I just sort of dozed off and on all night. Karyn was upset with Matthew for some reason and she came over this morning to get her things because she  is working in the office today. So I was trying to have my coffee and scrap a page and heard all of that. I felt bad that they argued. Not taking sides tho. I learned not to do that!

 Then I went to Facebook to try and find links I needed for something but instead found my news feed filled with some really stupid stuff. Mainly about a Go Fund Me account that really ticked me off. A woman asking for ten thousand dollars to support her worthless broke husband. REALLY!!!
 We set up my niece a Go Fund Me account where she was just asking for a thousand dollars to get her teeth fixed after a horrible car accident a few years ago and she didn't get a dime. This man has already gotten over a thousand dollars!

 Anyway rant is over. I have to get my shoes on and get going so my blog is very short today because my ride is here and he is a half hour early. Oh well he can just wait a bit. I am just finishing my breakfast.

 Before I go I want to see if I can share a YouTube video of a cool thing that pertains to the new diet that I am on...
 Check it out.....

 Ok now I must go... Have an awesome day... BB

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're having a cranky day, but we all have them from time to time. Well, a lot of us have them. I don't do fancy salad dressings. Besides, I don't have most of the ingredients in my house. But if you like these foods, they could be delicious. Hope today is a much better day for you. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
