Sunday, November 26, 2017

A Lazy Sunday

My page that I made for my sister Linda. This is a current one that I did for this year. Thanks for looking. She had a great Birthday and I am so glad that she did. She is a very special sister to me.

 It is a beautiful Sunday here. It is 64 degrees but will drop down into the 40's tonight. How I wish I could crack my bedroom window, but since we live on the bottom floor, it is not safe to do so. But I do open it during the day. Just nights I close and lock it because we are at our most vulnerable at night and no matter how safe you think that you are, you may not be.

 My son in law Joe and I had a date for the library today. But I got a call from my daughter Karyn and she told me that Joe's feet, both of them are swollen badly. About 2 shoe sizes. Anyway I just seen her. She brought me lunch/dinner. She made a plate for me with a slice of roast with roasted veggies, half of a sweet potato and some sugar free jello.... Yes Miss Edna, all is on my diet. She did not bring me gravy, mashed potatoes or corn which she had at home. My veggies consisted of roasted cabbage, carrots and onions. But there is enough for my dinner tonight. Oh and I just love cabbage anyway that it is cooked, steamed, boiled, roasted or fried. I can actually have fried cabbage cooked in grape seed oil.

 Karyn and I ooohed and awwwed over the pictures of Pogo that Miss Edna sent to me. He is just too cute. I love his little Jammies. They are soooooo cute. And he is so cute in them. I wonder if Cisco would like them. Not sure if he would or not. Oh he knows I am talking about him. He is laying in his bed, opened one eye and is staring at me, eyes drooping occasionally. Silly Boy. I just took a photo of him. I am going to go get it to share.

 He is all propped up, better to keep an eye on me lol. He usually lays the other way and in a ball or with his nose tucked into his blanket. He is getting old. It is breaking my heart, but he doesn't act his age. He still loves to rough house with the boys and he likes to run thru the house chasing his balls or toys. He likes his tug of rope and he likes his stuffed babies. I am surprised that he doesn't have one in bed with him.

 I talked with my sister Sharon today and she said that she left me a voicemail. My phone is so low on space that I cannot get voice mail messages anymore. But I found out that my brother in law Raymond will be having open heart surgery. She is worried and I understand why. They cannot get into the cardiologist until Jan. 10th. In the mean time they have a cruise planned and will leave this Saturday for Chile and Peru. She is worried that something will happen on the water, but my brother in law said, if we cancel the cruise, we will just be sitting here at home anyway. So he wants to go and he told her, Let's live while we can. Worrying about it is not going to solve anything. So they are going. They will be back December 21st and will still have a few weeks before they see the cardiologist anyway.
 Raymond is like a dad to me. I was 4 when they got married, so he has been my father figure for most of my life. My dad was a hard man, and hard to get a long with. I loved him of course but I learned early to tip toe around him.
 Raymond on the other hand was the opposite. Fun and Jolly and positive. He has always been the one that I went to when I had a problem. He is the one that talked to me about the birds and the bees and he is the one that guided me in life. Of course I grew up with their children. So my sister and her husband was more like my family than my own was.
 This is going to be hard for me, but my sister especially. I hope that they have a wonderful time on their cruise.

 Well I guess I had better go for now. I am waking up stiff in the mornings and it is taking longer and longer for my meds to kick in for the stiffness and the pain. My shoulders and neck especially. I have resorted to using the cream that my pain management doctor prescribed for me 3 times a day now. I was just using it once or twice a day but I am needing it a bit more now. I also think that they need to up my pain meds by just a little. Maybe just for the mornings. Not much but maybe a half a pill. I will talk to her at my next appointment and see what she thinks. It has been a long time since I have needed an increase.

 I have a story to tell you today. Not much of one but over Thanksgiving I sent Nathan to the store to get me some bleach. I make my own dish washing detergent. It is much cheaper than buying it. Anyway years ago when the boys were growing up, this is about Matthew and Nathan, I would send them to the store and it never fails they would come home with out what I asked for. It would be in the same linage but not what I needed.
 One time I sent them to get me a head of lettuce.. We lived right next door to the supermarket. They come home with the hugest head of cabbage I ever saw. I said "This is not lettuce, this is cabbage." Matt grumbled all the way back to the store and finally returned with a scrawny head of lettuce.
 Another time I sent them for a package of toilet tissue. I was in between paydays and I made it clear as I handed them my last $20.00 bill just to get the cheapest 4 pack that they had. That would get us thru to payday.
 Matt comes dragging in the most expensive 24 roll that they had. Well he didn't want to take it back and I said, look you have to because what money I have left out of that twenty dollars is what I have to put in the gas tank to get back and forth to work this week. In those days I made them walk together every where they went. We lived in a huge city, Las Vegas and I always worried about them so Nathan this day griped that he had to go back to the store with Matthew and return the toilet paper. Matt just complained that it was embarrassing having to haul it back and return it. I told him maybe he would start to listen to instructions and if he had been listening to begin with instead of being more concerned with his I-Pod then he would not be making a second trip.
 Neither boys have really improved. Even if I write it down. Even now I have problems with them.
 Jonathan makes me write a list and I have to be very specific because if for example I put Water on my list he will come home with the big jugs of purified water. To him water is water. He gets what is on sale.
 So I have to write on my list: 2 Cases Of Spring Water in the Bottles..... You would think after 3 years of shopping for me he would automatically know what to buy. It is a good thing that he at least can read lol.
 Anyway the day before Thanksgiving I give Nathan the money and asked him to go to get me a bottle of bleach as they were going to Walmart. Well naturally he forgot so I said Okay just go get it from Walgreen's when you go later on.
 Thanksgiving comes and I need to start a load of dishes in the dishwasher. The only task my daughter let me do.
 So I am looking all over for the bleach and I ask Nathan, "You forgot to get my bleach didn't you?"  "I bought it last night Mom."
 "Where is it?"
 "I put it on the counter. You must be blind, it is sitting right there on the counter."
 I looked and looked and all I saw was Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner. So I said "Okay maybe I am blind because I don't see bleach anywhere."
 He comes in and hands me the Toilet Bowl Cleaner... "Right here Mom... Clorox Bleach." I am still shaking my head over that one.
 "You want me to wash dishes with Toilet Bowl Cleaner?"
 He shrugged and said... "Bleach is Bleach"...........

 So I hope that you got a chuckle from my story of my boys..... Have an awesome day and week ahead.... BB


  1. Hi I love your scrapbook layout for your sister its so pretty and Cisco looks so comfy, I miss our dog so much, your story of the boys made me smile thanks for sharing it look after yourself x

  2. hahahahaha. I loved the story of the boys' shopping experiences. My episodes have not been quite so bad, bud I did learn a great lesson. I now cut a portion of the packaging out that shows the product name and sometimes the size. If someone does any shopping for me, I put these labels in an envelope with the money. This saves a lot of hassles.

    I have to laugh at Cisco. Pogo does this to me too. If I go in the bathroom, and stay any longer than a couple of minutes, he comes in to check on me. He needs to make sure that I'm not getting dressed to slip out without him. There's no flies on our fur guys!!

    It sounds like your lunch was delicious!! I'm amazed at how you can come up with so many tasty meals on your diet. Good for you!!

    Now I think I need to see about making some supper for Pogo and me. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick (right up his nose!). You have a super night, hugs, Edna B.
