Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hello And Good Afternoon From Texas

 I know that it is not Monday but Cisco and I have been feeling a bit down, not as in depressed or sadness, but down under the covers, snuggling and sleeping... I came across this scrap page that I did eons ago and I thought that I would share it today... It just spoke to me so here you go!

 I have not been sleeping well at night. I have been walking quiet a bit, exercising these legs and in addition to that I have been paying the price of muscles that are not use to doing a lot of walking, they hurt at night. I had leg cramps for the last few nights so that is the price that I pay for it. It is a trade off, exercise and use my legs while I have them, or not use them and avoid leg cramps.. So the leg cramps will ease up the more that I walk and move around. So it is a good trade off actually.
 Still I didn't sleep well so that means that I slept in really late today. 1:00 pm before I woke up. Not good. I missed breakfast and my morning insulin.
 My kids are so funny. Set your alarm mom... ha.. I can sleep thru a tornado when I finally do go to sleep so alarms are not the answer for me. Someone needs to come in and make me wake up enough to get up.
 Cisco use to be that "Person" but he sleeps right on thru the alarm as well! In fact I had to wake him up to go potty. He was letting me know that he did not appreciate it at all, but then he reluctantly got out of his bed, sighed and sat at the door for his leash.
 He was rewarded with bits of apple in his kibble this afternoon. Now he is sleeping again... One eye open at times to make sure I am close by.

 The weather here is so perfect. It is 80 degrees outside right now. The sun is shining so brightly and tonight it will only be 70 degrees.
 Yesterday was so gorgeous out. That is why I took the long walk that I did. I was at the Podiatrist office and wow they got me in before my appointment time. I didn't even have time to sit down and go thru a magazine before they called me back. So I was done in less than 15 minutes. My transportation ride was already picking some one else up and so I told him not to worry,  and I decided to walk while I was out waiting. I walked around the building, a very large building twice and just as I was coming around to the front, my ride drove up. It worked out for the both of us.
 What a gorgeous day to admire the pansies, the squirrels, the birds and enjoy the sun shine. I will walk again later on as I have to go to the grocery store tonight.
 Jonathan called and said to make a grocery list. Hmmm, when the cupboards are looking bare do I really need a list haha!

 I promised to stick to this diet and so far I am not having much problems at all. Most of the ingredients that I need I have. Agave is a natural sweetener from the Agave plant. It tastes good and I have been substituting it for things rather than using Splenda or Sweet and Low which I detest... yuk... except for Splenda in my coffee. I really need it for that.
 Grape Seed oil is along the lines of Olive oil etc... The good news about that is that it takes very little to saute and goes a long way.
 Been using Sea Salt for a while now so that is not an issue, I have a large container of that, and the only water I drink is Spring Water so no problems there.
 Lime Juice.... I have always got a lot of limes and a bottle of lime juice in my fridge.
 Spelt flour is easy to find. So is Chickpea flour and of course Garbanzo beans. I make my own hummus so it is really not expensive at all.
 The rest of the veggies are easy to come by and so by this I can easily stick to my diet. The rest is protein and since dairy is really not on my list I discussed this with my Endocrinologist and she said that the diet looks great but I need the protein and some dairy. At least once a day to have a tiny bit of both.
 Last night I found a recipe for Strawberry banana ice cream.... Check it out.

 I hope that if anyone suffers from diabetes, or high blood pressure or kidney disease that this is helpful to you.

 Dr. Sebi has a lot of follower's. Of course he is not alive anymore, but on YouTube you can find a lot of video's and I really like the one from Ty's Conscience Kitchen. The video's are short and he is the most accurate.
 My son Nathan has been telling me of this man, Dr. Sebi for several years and has encouraged me many times to go onto his diet.
 I blew him off because I figured the cost would be too much and it was from the Internet and I figured another scam.
 But actually I started doing my own research. Anyway there are people out there that are trying to sell his products so I stay away from all of that. But I do watch the video's and am learning as I go. Everything so far is delicious.

 I am off here for now. I need to eat and I have to get some things done... BB

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