Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Couple of CT Pages For Today…

 Good Morning to all, Oppp's not morning here anymore. It is 1:00 pm. but it is morning for me. I had a very wide awake night last night all because I slept late yesterday and then Cisco and I cuddled up and took a really long nap. Hence I was not sleepy at bed time.
 So I decided that I would make a couple of scrap pages for my friend Patsy. She is just starting to design and she is one of my dearest friends so of course I will help her out. Best of all she knows my health situation and is tolerant, but I told her I really don't know where my scrapping desire has gone to. It ran away to never land or someplace. But I think that these two pages turned out really pretty. I am not sure which one I like best.

 Jonathan is going over to the front office today. My fridge is going out. I noticed it yesterday so I kept an eye on it thru out the night and it is getting warmer and warmer. I have a lot of food in it and my insulin so they will have to call someone to come and get it and this time I am insisting on a new one because this is not the first time I have had problems with it.
 It is odd how I discovered it. I opened it to get a bottle of water out of the fridge, the light popped out and then a loud pop. Sounded like a gun shot. My son Nathan came in and asked "What was that?" I told him the fridge and he looked at it and said it was making a odd noise the night before.
 We will find out what the office says today. I can at least put my insulin and food over in Karyn's fridge but I would rather not. I know it is Sunday but still they have someone on call and they need to come and get it and bring me a new one. The office has just opened so I reminded Jonathan to go to the office. He said he had to go anyway so he will in a bit. Right now he is playing with Cisco.

 Speaking of Cisco... I feel so bad. Lately he has been trying to charge under my feet and last night he was quicker than I was and I stepped on him. Not once but twice. I felt horrible that I hurt my fur baby but it couldn't be avoided. I almost fell but thankfully I was able to catch myself before I fell on top of him. I would have hurt the both of us if I had. I don't know why he is doing this. He use to wait for me to go ahead or he would go ahead of me. Now he sees me get up or walking to another room and he is like a streak of lightening right under my feet. I just pray that I don't hurt him again. That really broke my heart.

 We have grocery shopping on the agenda today. I am not really interested in going but I need to get out of the house and exercise a bit so shopping it will be. I need to make a list of the things on my diet. It is going to be a challenge in a lot of ways but it is good for me to come up with new ideas and try different foods. It is working out alright but wow yesterday I really had an urge for an old fashioned cheeseburger. It was not on my list so......
 I had some roasted veggies and baked chicken with a sprinkle of allspice and cinnamon and some onion powder, sea salt  and pepper, day before yesterday. It turned out  really good.
 Then for dinner, Karyn ordered me a Ginger salad and a kabob skewer of chicken and vegetables. I would love it if my chicken turned out like the chicken I had from where she ordered it from.  Cisco had the broccoli and Carrots haha... He wanted a piece of chicken too but that was not to be because I was enjoying it a lot.

 We really have some fall weather today. Miss Edna would say that it is warm haha... It is 52 degrees this morning. I was going outside with my coffee but decided to work on my blog instead. I was going to do it last night but I decided to chat with Patsy and scrap some pages for her.
 Patsy is a wonderful friend to me. We have had our up's and down's but you know, we don't always have to agree to be friends. She is such a sweet lady. She told me that I could share this picture so I will do that now.

 Last Sunday she was Baptized and she is the one in the white with the smile. I don't know if you can tell but she has a severe disease that I cannot pronounce but her hands are curved inwards. She has good days and bad days and I have worried about her. The disease she has causes her skin and organs to toughen like leather, and some cases of this disease causes organs to turn to stone. She is a fighter tho. A few years ago she couldn't walk or get out of bed and was in tremendous pain, but she fought it hard. Today she is driving, going to her church and bible studies, very active with her granddaughter and I was thrilled when she came to visit me for a week a year ago in October.
 Now she has started making her own kits. I support her. Her courage and faith has brought her so far.
 I should have cropped the picture before I posted it, but I didn't. My computer is funny like that. Sometimes it lets me and other times it doesn't, but that is okay. I just wanted to share her smile.

 Also my son in law and I have a date next Sunday. We are going to the new library. As last time we are just going to have one of the kids drop us off and then.... Ok so we are going to be a bit naughty. We plan to find a bar or a pub and have a beer or two and shoot some pool. My idea. I am wanting to get out and play. I use to be really good. As kids we had a pool table at home and our dad taught all 3 of us girls how to shoot pool. I had my own cue stick and could hold my own against anyone, but the last time I shot pool I got my butt kicked and hard. By my sister... she showed me no mercy. But you know the saying and it is so true, if you don't use it, you lose it. I lost it... But still I had so much fun.

 I asked my doctor if I could have a drink occasionally and she said yes but limit it to 2. I can do that. I will have a dark ale, like Samuel Adams because it is dark and good for my kidney. I will also take into account my sugar levels too.
 I will eat a healthy lunch before we go and take something with me in case I need it. I have one book that I want to re-check out. Maybe 2 but the others can go back.

 Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham and Hedge Witch by Silver raven wolf. I have not gotten to read these just yet so I want to keep them a while longer if I can. If not then there is always next time.

 Well it is almost time to get out of the house and do some food shopping and get in some of this brisk cooler weather and some exercise. Jonathan is getting ready to head to the office and I need to think about getting dressed.
 Have an awesome day from Cisco and I.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Every now and then, we need to sleep away all day. I think it's wonderful that you are going back to the library, but I don't know about the two beers. I'm sure your doctor did not mean for you to have all that extra sugar. I think if you really must go to the bar, just have one glass of beer. Not the whole bottle!!! And don't eat anything there! It's not on your diet!

    Oh wow, sound like your mother? I'm serious though. You really should not go off your diet. It would be nice to keep you around for a long time.

    As for the scrapping and designing, my urge was lost a long time ago. But, every now and then I do get the urge to make some quick pages. They relax me.

    Your friend Patsy is looking really good. Here's wishing her a long life too. I feel bad for Cisco though. Sometimes Pogo does this too, and I have almost fallen a few times but have caught myself in time. Gosh, if I fell on him, I would crush the poor little guy.

    This morning, we had to get up really early, because Joe took the day off and Pogo knows that he is home. Of course, he wants his turkey treat right away. So that's what we were doing at 7:30 this morning.

    Now I think I should get busy and type my own blog. Pogo sends woofs to Cisco. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.
