Sunday, November 5, 2017

Late Is Better Than Never


 It is a gorgeous day here even over cast and misting rain. But the temps are lovely and we are having a family day of sorts. Matthew, Jonathan and I. Sorry to say that Karyn is not feeling well and our plans can wait a bit. Nathan is at work after his days off so it is just the boys, Cisco and I hanging out.
 I have the dishwasher running, Jonathan went to the store for me to get something for lunch and then I caught up on most of my blog reading and now it is time for my blog.

 I know I am horrible at blogging lately. I am sorry for that, but some days just are not meant to be. On Sunday I had a fall in the shower. A week today. I insisted that I was fine but when a bit later when I went to sit down, the room spun, my vision became blurry and I couldn't keep my balance to get to the bathroom because I knew I was going to be sick.
 Jonathan and Karyn insisted then that I needed to go to the hospital. They feared I had a concussion and I did. Even tho I hit my head, it didn't hurt as bad as my neck and right arm. Then I was hurting all over. I was surprised when I learned that yes I did have a concussion. I have never had one before and am in no hurry to have one ever again.
 I had to have a follow up with my doctor the next day and she said that my left eye was not dilated properly and said it was residual effects of the concussion and found I had fluid behind both ear drums and another part of my ears that caused my balance problems and probably led to my fall. My ears were infected as well. So for 2 days I was supposed to just sit or lay down and up only for bathroom breaks and such. I am not 100% just yet. Sometimes I get really dizzy still.

 We are out of hot water. Our water heater went out and it isn't something that they could fix. So the gas company had to shut off the gas and tomorrow they will install the new water heater and Tuesday the gas company will be here to turn the gas back on. We tried to get it earlier but we have to wait on the schedule because they have to come into the house to make sure that there is no gas leak. It is always something with these company's I swear. So since Friday we have been lambasting the fact that we have no hot water. I boiled water, hand washed the dishes then put them in the dishwasher to make sure that they will get another wash, my dishwasher has a heat cycle that will heat the water. The fact that I had not done dishes in a few days made it necessary for me to do some hand washing first.
 I know, I am weird like that. Most people just throw their dishes in and let the machine do the rest. But with cold and flu germs, I take a bit of precaution, including a bit of bleach into the machine. My kids doctor suggested that years ago and I have done it ever since.

 I had a lot of fun with the kids over the Halloween photos I received. They were awesome and also a video from Alex. My baby girl Celeste turned 3 the day before Halloween, and I got new pictures of her too and this morning her daddy was video chatting with her and she had to talk to her Nanna. Such wonderful times for me, these little ones. I am blessed!

 Here is my little goblins.... Well part of them anyway. The one little prisoner you can see is Alex.
I don't know how to share the video. I keep trying but can't figure it out.

 Think that I will find somethings to share then I am getting off and cleaning my room, then laying down to try and read a while. My book is very good that Patsy sent me, but with my vision it is taking me a long time to read it. I hope that I can finish it before my eye injections on the 8th.

 I would be hesitant to start the game too if I was Santa.... lol....

 I thought that this was cute.... awww....

 This is sooooo me... I have a thing for plastic bags. They are so useful and I am always using them.

 One last photo to share. Our local grocery store has these awesome bags for groceries. My daughter is thoughtful and buys them for me when she sees one I might like. We use them so we do not contribute to the pollution of plastic bags. We went green a long time ago, and now we have these bags and the little plastic bags are still allowed until the retailers finally run out of their stock of them.
 This is one that Karyn got me. Day Of The Dead celebration.

 I love it... I am going to use this bag for my library bag. I think that it will be great because it is actually a bit bigger than the usual ones.
 Ok I will close for now. Be Blessed always and be kind to one another and have an awesome Sunday... xx BB


  1. Your little ones are so cute in their costumes. So glad you're feeling a bit better today. Just don't over do things. Gosh, they sure take their time about getting you some hot water, don't they?

    Hopefully, you'll get your teeth before Thanksgiving. Maybe after that, you'll be feeling like a new woman. Wouldn't that be nice!

    It's time now for me to start thinking about what to make Pogo for his supper. I could give him doggie food, but somehow I don't think he'll eat it.

    Pogo did finish up all his Christmas shopping the other day, now I just have to finish up mine. I think tonight I'll address a few more envelopes. Tomorrow I'll start the wrap and pack.

    Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a super night, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Oh Beth, you don;t have much luck this year either with your health. Now you have a concussion. Be careful, take the advice to rest a lot, it will take may be some more days to get rid of it completely, so stay calm and sit and lay down lots of times.
    And with that i hope you will be over it soon without any problems.
    Here things are about the same, Jan still feeling very tired, fluid still too much in the belly, we will have to see Thursday, when he has the appointment at the hospital. I must not forget to write down some questions to ask the doctor. Otherwise I am sure i will forget half of it.
    Take good care of yourself, hopefully after a few days your hot water will be there, it is very annoying not to have it running from the tap.(How spoiled are we?????)
    Sending big hugs.
