Saturday, October 28, 2017

Happy Birthday Brandy!

Hello and Good morning,
 It is a really chilly morning here at 45 degrees. It was windy yesterday and we never got over 53 degrees which wasn't cold, but with the wind blowing it felt colder than it actually was. 
 Today is my beautiful niece Brandy's birthday. I hope that she has a wonderful birthday. I miss her. She lives in Tennessee and it has been quiet a few years since I have seen her, but thanks to Facebook we can keep up with each other.

 This is my Brandy girl. Always a smile on her face. Ever since she was a baby she has been smiling. I happen to have very beautiful niece's and handsome nephews. I was the last to have kids of my own, so they were all mine whether their parents agreed or not lol.

 Well yesterday was not a productive day for me. I still am not feeling well from this flu and tire out rather easily. I wake up feeling okay but then I feel tired and weak again. I talked to my doctor the other day, a second opinion on this viral syndrome as I keep running fevers at night. She is in agreement with my previous doctor. There really is a thing called viral syndrome. Last time that I had it, I ran fevers every night for 3 months. It has to go away on it's own. It is not contagious but it really is no fun. Chills and sweats, and then it breaks to come back during the night. 

 Cisco woke me up at 3:00 a.m. this morning. Somehow my door became shut, probably by Cisco. Sometimes he shuts it accidentally with his paw. He was thirsty so I let him out so he could get a drink and he went back to sleep. 
 I did too but it wasn't restful. I tossed and turned and had these crazy snippets of dreams. I dreamed of my mother, and I dreamed of my kids when they were little and my brother. I don't know where some of the things that I dream about come from, but sometimes they make me restless. 

 Patsy ordered me a three book series that I have been wanting to read for my birthday. I haven't even finished the first chapter. I want to work on my blanket for Cisco, but every time I start I have to stop. 
 The other day Karyn came in so I stopped, then yesterday I started and fell asleep, so I got it again last night to work on and couldn't keep my eyes open. I feel so guilty sleeping when I should be doing something, but it is beyond my control. I am that tired. And I am not one to go to bed really early but the last 2 nights that is just what I did. Yesterday I yawned all the way thru making dinner and didn't even eat much of it before I just cleaned off my plate and rinsed it off and came back to bed. 
 It is unusual for me to be cold, but I couldn't get warm. I even asked Jonathan to turn on the heat. Anyone that knows me, knows I am very hot nature'd and I beg for cooler air and he said "Mom you really are sick aren't you/" 
 I am not actually sick tho, that is the thing. I was but I feel so much better. I still have the sniffles and sneezes and such but I can breathe and I am not achy and sore like I was, I just can't get warm and have a general sense of not feeling myself. 

 I am trying to think of something fun to write about but really don't have that much to tell you. I did get a new picture of my grandson Dante in his Halloween Costume. He is going to be a Spider.... He is so cute...

 Now isn't that an adorable little spider? I cannot believe he will be 4 in January. I sure wish I could see him and the other kids. At least talk to them on the phone. Well I can talk to Alex, Celeste and the other kids so that is something.

 The lady upstairs from us had her baby. She is handicapped so it is hard for her to take care of her family and I just don't understand why the apartment building rents out upstairs units to families with multiple children and handicapped people. It is so sad to see her sitting on her bottom trying to go up and down the stairs one step at a time. Is the world so greedy that they have to rent out these upstairs apartments without regard to a persons physical handicap? And where is the ramps or elevator? I understand that they have a policy that cannot discriminate, but when we were looking for apartments, the manager told us up front that we would enter thru the garage and go up the stairs. We turned the apartment down not really because of the stairs but of how steep they were. I had no trouble going up but coming down was very hard for me because they went straight down and I got dizzy trying to come down. Jonathan was adamant about a down stairs unit anyway. 

 I have to cut Cisco back on his apples and carrots. They are probably giving him too much fiber in his diet and he had an upset tummy yesterday. So I will cut him back a little. I only give him a small portion anyway but I need to skip a day or two instead of every day I think. Yesterday he had several accidents so that is very unusual for him. 
 You should see him stretched out in his bed. He is my Prince so I let him sleep when he wants to. He knows where he is comfortable at. 

 Today is most definitely laundry day. I didn't make it yesterday. Matthew has a huge sore on the top of his foot. His shoes are rubbing it and it is getting infected. I put some cream on it and a bandage but he may have to go to the doctor and get an oral antibiotic since it isn't looking much better. He has also been working nights and he was really wiped out yesterday. He didn't even get up to eat dinner last night after telling me he was starving. 
 Karyn isn't coming around. She has been exposed to strep throat so she is staying far away from me! Good girl that she is.

 Just found out about a coupon for some yarn so I am going to go and check it out.  I hope that everyone has a fabulous Saturday and will talk to you all later on... Hugs, BB

1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon, Beth. Your niece and your grandson are beautiful. I agree, be happy with the children that you can communicate with. I have that too, but I'm okay with it.

    So sorry that you aren't feeling so good. It's good that Karen isn't coming to your house. You certainly don't need to be exposed to any more viruses.

    Have fun shopping for yarn. I can't wait to get my next yarn order so I can start another afghan. Now I'm off to make me and the Pogo some lunch. Give Cisco a big hug from us. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
