Thursday, October 5, 2017

Dead Blog!!!!

 This is an older page of my grandson Alex. I just love this photo of him and I played around with it one day and this is what I came up with. Thanks for looking.

 Well once again I have been away from my blog. I had to have eye surgery so I can't see to type on the computer or anything so I have to wait for my eyes to heal from the surgery and then I am very sensitive to the light. It is because of the drops that they use in both eyes to take the pictures to see how the injections are working. The doctor said on my last visit my right eye is looking really good.
 I have another one coming up again October 11th, which is my birthday so I may be absent again. I have to have 3 more of these type of  "Procedures".... Then we will do laser surgery and hopefully I won't have to have any more of them, but he warned me it was not a guarantee.

Miss Edna said the other day that I have a dead blog and she is right. Hopefully it wont be as long before I post but I had a situation that required me to pack up some things and one of them was my computer and then I had no real place to put it so I finally found a place with a bit of moving the living room around.

 The boys are at work. Cisco has already been out and he is back in his favorite spot, snoozing. He is like me and doesn't like getting up early in the mornings. I wanted up early this morning because I have to go to the dentist and just didn't want to have a rushed morning. It sets my entire day off when I have to jump up, dress and go to the doctor. I try for afternoon appointments but sometimes I have to take early ones.
 And that is when I cannot sleep for fear of over sleeping. I need one of the old fashioned wind up clocks that scare the jaheebies out of you! Gosh I remember as a kid my mom and dad had one in their room and every morning at 3:30 it would go off and wake me up. I could hear mom and dad talking as they had their coffee and I learned a great deal from their talks. Of course they thought that I was asleep! I didn't eaves drop on purpose but sometimes I couldn't help but to over hear things.
 I wasn't always attentive but if I heard my name I was all ears lol.

 This morning I was checking my phone and I had a message from my Google photos and it said doggie movie and so I clicked on it and it was a video of Cisco.... I thought that it was cute so I watched it a couple of times... I tried to post the link but it didn't work. I need to figure this out so I can share these cute little videos....

 Also while I was at the doctor yesterday I was thumbing thru a magazine and came across a new soup I would like to try.

 I took this photo so I could show it to my kids and said if you see this while your out, pick me up a can so I can try it. I have not seen it.
 I also made a huge mistake yesterday.
 Jonathan bought me some frozen fruit. Strawberries, banana's, blueberries, raspberries etc... so I took a quarter of a cup of fruit, and 4 oz of milk and made a smoothie.... Well that was not a good idea. My sugar shot up to 385. And that was with low fat, skim milk. I couldn't get it to come down, so I went on a water binge and Nathan, Cisco and I took off and went for a long walk. Then I retested my sugar and and adjusted my insulin. The fruit and milk are on my diet. 1/4 of a cup of fruit, and 4 oz of milk. I am going to have to talk to my diabetic coach about that. I will see her on the 19th of this month.
So dinner last night was one of those smart choice meals. Then I was afraid to go to sleep last night so I tossed and turned until 4:00 am and was up at 7:00 am. I am always afraid I will go into a diabetic coma so I fight sleep if I am worried about my sugar.
 I don't know what shot it up so high. For breakfast I had a piece of toast and a scrambled egg. For lunch I had a cup of soup and 2 saltine crackers.
 I know stress has a lot to do with my sugar levels and I have had a lot of stress this past few weeks.

 I had to see my cardiologist yesterday for the results of my echo-cardiogram so I was apprehensive about that, plus my driver got me to the clinic/hospital an hour early. They have to do that to make sure that I am not late for my appointments depending upon where in the city I am going because traffic can be horrible. Especially on the interstate which is how we have to go to get to where we are going, but yesterday was a breeze. I was very early but I really didn't mind as it was quiet in the waiting room. I read a couple of articles in the magazines and after my appointment I went outside and sat in the gorgeous sunshine and called Miss Edna, and when we hung up I went back up to the front of the building.

 There was 2 women in front of me. One was an ambulance who wheeled out a lady who was in terrible pain. Her leg was bandaged all the way to the top. She looked to be in a lot of pain.But the attendants were caring for her.

 Then there was another lady who was behind the ambulance but no where to let her out at. The driver came and helped her out. She was on crutches and had to make her way all the way to the front doors while the driver who turned out to be her husband went to find a parking spot. I waited for her and opened the door and told her that if she would take a seat I would go and get her a wheelchair. So she did. Her leg was black, blue and purple! And swollen like you would not believe.

 I got her a wheel chair as the other lady in the ambulance had the one in the lobby. It turns out she was just across the hall from my doctors office. Her husband had come in another way and had gone to orthopedics and had gotten her a wheelchair, so we transferred her so I could take the other one back to where I had gotten it from... not far, just across the hall lol.

 By the time I got to the elevator, there was the woman, a man and a woman with her. I am assuming her family and I spoke to her and the lady said, she can't hear you. She lost her hearing a few years back. At that moment I felt such empathy and gave her a hug. I gave the other lady a hug too earlier.
 This lady actually fell and broke her hip and her leg in 3 places. They were on their way to orthopedics as well.

 Finally I made it to the lobby. A woman came in that I had recognized from the SSA office a few weeks back. She had a service dog with her. Ohhhhhhh what a beauty. A Black German Shepherd. Her name is one I can't spell.   She explained that she had severe seizures and her dog could sense a seizure coming on and could alert her so she could press the button on her necklace for medical help. In case she couldn't then her service dog could take her paw and do it for her. WOW!!!!! I was amazed. Pets are so good for us. They are so smart too. I had always wanted to work with animals but I knew that it would be too hard for me to let them go when it was time.

 I see a lot of people here in the city that have service animals. Especially the blind, but I had not seen one for seizures before. I had a neighbor who had a service dog. Her name was Sheila. She was a therapy dog. She suffered from severe anxiety and she was a companion dog. She wore the jacket that said "Service Animal"  so she could take her any where in our complex in and out. I asked her, how did she manage to get her as a companion dog. She said that she had her doctor write a letter stating that the dog helped her cope with anxiety.
 If my Cisco played well with others I could do the same, but he doesn't. He would cause me to have a panic attack lol.

 Yesterday when we went for a walk, we kept him on the other side of the street because it was the smart thing to do. He saw a man and a woman with a little poodle across the way and right then he started kicking his feet, straining on the leash and fur standing up! Then as we were continuing our walk a young man was walking past. We had to stop and hold him still so he wouldn't strain the leash getting to him.
 He misses out on so much because of his attitude. He was this way as a baby. But he became really bad after we had him neutered. He still goes crazy when people come over that he knows. Then he settles down. Then he wants to be petted and will bring his toys to them. Family is different but that is about it.
There was one man that would come over and he never liked him. One of Nathan's friends. I told Nathan, listen if Cisco repeatedly does not like this man then there is a reason. He may bark at first but he doesn't carry on and on like he does with this guy. You need to know more about this guy. I have always been told if your dog doesn't like a person, you shouldn't either.
 Turns out that Cisco was a great judge of character. This guy ended up being bad news. Nathan stopped having anything to do with him and he finally quit coming around, and I was glad when we moved and he didn't know where.

 Well it is time that I get up and do a few things before I have to leave and go to my dental appointment.
 Take care and I hope that everyone has a nice day! BB

1 comment:

  1. Good morning. I got a really start today. The sleep felt so good during the night that I did not want it to end this morning. Finally I had to get up await the burner clean out men. If they are not here soon, I'll have to call to see if they want to come another day or I'll have to change my plans for today to tomorrow.

    I have to give you credit for having to go through all these eye procedures. I know I wouldn't be so cheerful if it were me. I hope it all turns out well for you.

    I heard the phone this morning, but I was out in the house and could not get to it. I'll give you a call later my friend. Right now, I think I need to call the heating company to see if I'm still on the list for today.

    Give Cisco a big hug from us. You try to have a good day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
