Saturday, October 7, 2017

Arabian Nights

 Happy Saturday to everyone,
 I wanted to share this page that I did yesterday. This is called Arabian Nights by Lynn Anzlec. I do not normally buy kits, but this one caught my eye and I bought it. I could say that I bought it to treat myself to an early birthday present, but the truth is I liked it, and it was on sale, a nice enough sale that I really couldn't resist and I also got some really pretty fashion dolls from 1910. So all in all I spent less than $5.00.

 Today Cisco, Nathan and I slept late. I couldn't sleep for anything last night. It might have been because I took a nap and slept really well during the nap, but I think that it was for another reason entirely. The reason is that I was sleepy but I kept thinking of my daughter and my grandchildren. I wish so much that she would just call me. I saw some new photos on her Facebook page and it made me start to miss them so much.
 Some days/nights are harder than others. But it is what it is and all I can do is hope that for what ever reason she has for not calling me that she will at one day pick up the phone and call me.

 Another reason that I couldn't sleep was that I couldn't get comfortable. Hot one minute and cold the next. At one point I was almost asleep when Cisco started rolling and rolled himself and tucked himself inside the blanket. It was so funny. I had to turn on the light to take a picture of him. He was rolled up tighter than a burrito.

 He never moved, was snoring really heavily. Little stinker. So I just got my robe and pulled it over on me and used that. It was easy to pull on and toss off when needed. I love it when he snuggles up the way that he does. He is such a wonderful little doggie. He just brightens my day and my nights.

 I am happy to report that my family members are going to be alright from their motorcycle accident. They were very fortunate and I am so very pleased that they are ok. Still have a long road to recovery but they will recover and that is the most important thing.

 News is rather short on my end. Nathan is home today and his schedule has changed. He is working doubles now, 4 days and off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. So it is going to be a change for us. Jonathan and Karyn are still working on Hurricane relief. But it is getting better now as they are finally able to see the end of the tunnel on their end. Now they have to start working on the other cases that they have backed up. They are dedicated tho that is for sure. The hours have been long for them.

 I need to go and make a birthday page for my sister. Today is her birthday so I will close for now. Take care everyone and have a great weekend. BB

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