Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Santa's Little Helper

North Pole By Lins_Creations available here:……

 Hi Everyone,

 Hi it has been a few days since I was able to come and say hello. It is getting to be a crazy time right now and it seems that I am going to be busy from here on out. Just as well since it is good to stay busy and I have spent some time doing a few other things that have needed to be done and some for enjoyment.

 This scrap page is the second layout that I have done for my friend Lins over at Lins_Creations. I was a little behind and now she has a brand new kit out called Santa's House. I will do the pages tomorrow and get them done. I have to play catch up so I can do some pages for fun and I want to use some of the gorgeous QP's that Edna has put on her blog and also Kyra has a few kits that I have not had a chance to use. Also I would like to do a few pages just for fun.

 I went to see the podiatrist today and he cut out the beginning of an ingrown toenail. I really didn't suspect it but my big toe was beginning to hurt so he found the problem and OMG I nearly jumped out of the chair. He said he knew that it hurt but had to come out and he was done in 5 minutes... Praise the Goddess for my blood pressure meds lol.

We have an inspection tomorrow. They are coming to sweep the chimmneys and to clean all dryer vents so I need to be up early for that tomorrow and get it cleared away. I usually keep it clear anyway but we sort of moved things around and now I have to have Nathan move them again. Glad to get it done.

 So I guess that this wraps it up for tonight... Y'all have a Blessed Day and Hugs to all.... BB

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty layout. I know what you mean. So many goodies to play with, and only so much time to play. Hopefully, things will slow down a bit and you'll have lots of time for fun stuff.

    I feel so bad for you about your toe nail. But at least it is over now. I have to say though, if a doctor wants to do work on my feet, I hope he is decent enough to put me to sleep first. I don't do well with some kinds of pain.

    In a little while, Pogo and I need to get ready to go out and do a couple of errands. It's warm today, a good day to be outside.

    So now I'm off. You have a wonderful day. Pogo sends a big lick and a woof to Cisco. Hugs, Edna B.
