Tuesday, December 22, 2015

It Felt Like Monday All Over Again


 It is Wednesday morning, but technically since I have yet to go to bed it is still Tuesday night if that makes any sense.

 We have been without water.... All day Monday. We got it back on Hooray sometime around 3:00am only to have it shut off at 9:00am. I was not happy. Not happy to Not be able to shower, do dishes, cook or even flush the toilets.
 The one bright spot was that my son brought us over a gallon of water which I used to make coffee for this morning.
 Just as I was fixing to get into the shower Jonathan texted me. Another water break... water turned off at 9:00 am.... Yeah it was like 9:05 and no water. Fast forward to a supper of scrambled eggs and gravy and biscuits. (Not Bad At All) but at 10:00 pm I had had enough. I was threatening to go to a Hotel/Motel and charge it to the apartment complex when seconds later Nathan came in to say... We have water...
 Well first things first... Dishwasher has been ready to go for a while now so I made sure the lines were open and flushed and turned that on. It is going to be done soon and I am going to have a shower and hit the hay as they say.

 I wrote a long post this morning and went to enter a link and lost my post. I was ready to spit fire! Attempted to re-write it but by that time I had little energy and had to do some pages for the sites and so I played around with that, did a couple of pages, Frosty above is one of them. The others are of my great niece and another of my sister in law's great grand kids and emailed those out, and tonight I got some new pictures of Celeste so I did a page for her.

 My birds are back so I am happy. I even saw a squirrel scampering about. My cat has become totally finiky and is not eating what I am giving her. She turns up her tail and walks away with her nose in the air.... Ok so obviously she is not as hungry as she claims to be!

 Cisco is fine. Thankfully he is returning to his old self. I am so relieved. And he is looking at me now as if to say "Mom it's time for bed". And he is right... But first there is a matter of a hot shower!

 BB everyone....

 Hi Everyone,

 I am back. It is now 3:00 am and I am still awake. At 2:00 am Cisco was miserable so I had Nathan to give him a bath since he was up with me. He has such dry skin. He didn't like it but you know what, he is sleeping like a baby right now. Plus he just gets dirty like we all do. He goes out and he gets dirt under his nails and then he scratches and that deposits the dirt into his fur and it makes him itch. But he is having a good sleep now. I wish that I was....

 But here I am and I am going to post some pictures that I have been meaning to put on my blog of my Christmas Table. It is fuller now with more gifts and Christmas cards and a few goodies that have been dropped off here and there but these were taken the first day after we shampooed the carpets and set the table by the windows.

That empty spot to the right is now filled with some of the most beautiful Christmas cards that I have received in quiet sometime.

 This is a long view of our bar. I have several small Christmas trees as well as my Angels, and shelf sitters.

 And this is a front shot of the bar. Also now added is candles that I found and some candy canes for the kiddos... So I may not have had a Traditional Christmas Tree this year but I am happy with what I have. I want to get a small tree for next year. Maybe a snow white one or a green flocked one. If I see a Fiber Optic I might even get one of those since I love watching the lights change colors. Perhaps for my room.

 Now I really like this one.. Not everyday that you see a tree like this... Isn't it just gorgeous? Well I think so. And it would be something that if I lived in my own home that I would keep up year around, perhaps just change out the ornaments every once in a while, like hearts for Valentines, and red white and blue for the 4th of July.... Just a thought...

 Now this last photo is from a program on my tablet that lets me color. I color in my book that Edna sent me for my birthday, but at night in bed I color sometimes to help me fall asleep. I thank you so much Edna for re-introducing me to the magic of coloring....

 Isn't this pretty...? Right now in my coloring book I am working on an owl. He is going to be really pretty when I am finished. I did him in shades of gray, brown and blue.

 Now these next set of pictures might take some of you way back... They took me on a trip down memory lane with my grandmother... See if you can guess what they are.....

Can you see what they are? Well it is a little difficult with out any clues so I will give you one more just to help you out.... Gosh I wish with all my heart that they still made these today but my Mother would disagree..... LOL.... but she would have had fond memories of these images.

 If you guessed Flour sacks then you would be correct! My grandmother use to make me the cutest sundresses from them when I was little. I use to have several of them when  I was a teenager, but we lost our home in a tornado when I was 12 or 13 and they were lost, but I can still remember them...
 And I suppose that this ends my trip into the past one more time. I hope that you enjoyed these pictures as much as I have in sharing them. Now I can clean out my folder that I have had them stored in to make room for new memories from long ago or a couple of funnies to share.

 How do you plan on celebrating New Years Eve? I have been invited to ring in the New Year with a friend of mine at a party at her church... food, music and fellowship. We will be home around 1:00 am or so, and it is close by so we will not have far to go.
 Now these plans are tentative. She works for the Police Department and could be called into work if an emergency arrives. But we went ahead and made these plans and we will just have to wait and see what the night brings. It will be fun to get out and socialize with new people. Me and my New Wheels are ready to go.
 Also she and I are planning to go downtown to the Capital after the first of the year. She is usually off on Tuesday and Wednesdays so we are making plans. Her name is Erica so you will probably hear me speak of her often.
 In fact let me share one of my favorite scrap pages with you that I did of her. What an awesome lady!

This is my friend Erica who doesn't weigh more than 100 pounds soaking wet with a pocket full of rocks... She is such a tiny little thing. 
She lives here in my apartment complex and she would walk her dog and we would say hello to each other on occassion. 
 One day I was really worried about my incision. This is before the visiting nurses came along and I knew that I needed some help in covering the wound. It was draining really badly and I was out front and she came around the corner. 
Something told me to just ask her to help me and I did and she said "Mam you have been on my mind for several days. Of course I will help you". And just like that, we hit it off and try to get together for a little while one day a week that she is off. One day she invited me over for Chicken and Dumplings and last week I took her a bowl of chili and she was like... "Oh your not going to believe this" and she pulled out a can of chili... "This is what I was going to eat." Funny how things happen and they really seem to happen to both Erica and I frequently. I will be thinking of her and the phone rings and it is her. Or she has a feeling that I need to talk to her and she will send me a text saying,  "Are you alright"?  Anyway I did these pages for her and it is funny how that happend. She wanted to know about my scrapbooking and I showed her a couple of pages and she was very interested in learning how to do them. I took her into my bathroom and took 2 pictures of her. She had big time doubts that I could do anything with those 2 ratty pictures as she liked to call them....  Ha... she has shown everyone these scrap book pages that I made of her and even sent them to her fiance. LOL.. 

Well this post just seemed to grow out of no where and now I suppose that I really should get off the computer and try to get some kind of sleep. I have to start a rough draft of the newsletter for Audrajscraps tomorrow and get that out of the way and then email it to her. Or try. Her computer bit the dust today. Oddly both of my designers lost their computers today. Lins has a computer tech trying to rescue her data from her hard drive. The good news there is that if not then everything is already in the stores and I think that she has the cloud as a back up as well, but she needs data for her game that she is playing. I know what it is like to lose everything.  And Heather... well her computer just up and died... So very strange that it happened to 2 designers on the very same night. I thought that perhaps they were hacked but both of them told me that it was past time that they needed to be replaced. It is just a really hard time of the year right at Christmas for both of them to come up with the extra money. 
 Anyway I have work for them to do tomorrow so I will say goodnight/good morning to everyone. Stay safe, stay happy and stay well. BB

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm finally getting caught up here. I think sometimes you post two at a time. Usually I check here every day and I haven't seen any posts lately. I love all the photos. You have a lovely Christmas collection. It all looks really nice.

    I think it's great that you have a new friend. Erika seems quite nice. The pages you made for her are beautiful.

    I love the grain sacks. Gosh, so many beautiful patterns. They make really pretty backgrounds for scrap pages too.

    Pogo is scratching, so I think I'll go and give him a bath. Then I'll be back to check your next post. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
