Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Productive Day

Hello Everyone,

 It is a cold night at 47 degrees here. I am loving this snuggle weather with my sweet cuddle buddy Cisco. We have had a time of it today too.

 After a long and sleepless night due to the storms that whipped thru the area, and sadly tornadoes were a major part of that. Not where I live now but close to where I use to live, a lot of damage was done. I have not heard of anything here other than some high winds and heavy rain, but in Lufkin which is in East Texas a straight line wind knocked down sever train rail cars. 64 of them at the last count that I had off of an over pass. Thankfully no one was injured and the train cars were empty and I am assuming from what the news is reporting it happened when there was no traffic as it was an early Sunday morning. I am so thankful for that.
 Then a tornado in the same area tore up a restaurant and destroyed a lot of homes but once again no injuries so I am thankful for that as well. These cold fronts coming in and hitting the heat really makes the storms so bad and scary.

 So Cisco and I snuggled a little this morning and then Jonathan, Nathan and I started watching a series on Netflix called ZOO and we really got caught up in that. It is really good. Jonathan had to leave and go and get his hair cut and then he stopped and picked up my meds and some groceries and while he was gone Nathan moved everything out of the living room and we sprayed and cleaned and washed down some hard to get to spots. Actually I say we but it was really Nathan that did all of that. I started a couple of loads of laundry. Then he vacuumed the house and I was really proud of the effort that he put in. Then Jonathan came home and we resumed watching ZOO. We are into episode 6 of season 1.
 Oh and Cisco got a bath... I cheated this time around and did not use doggie flea and tick shampoo... I used Jonathan's Old Spice body wash! Oh Cisco smelled so manly!!!! After he dried he and I cuddled on the sofa while watching our show. So we had a cuddle day and it was really nice.
 The only draw back was one of the new meds that the doctor ordered for me for pain really made me sick to my stomach. Jonathan cooked dinner, a pot roast but I just couldn't eat any of it. Instead I came to my room and scrapped some pages.

 The one that I did tonight for my blog is from a new kit from Pink Paradox Productions. The same place as the one that I did last night just a different freebie, This one is called Geraldine's Winter. The only thing that I added was the little vintage people that I had gotten from another freebie site a while back. I thought that they fit in really well.

 Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Barbara is coming over and she is bringing her sister for me to meet and also she is going to steam clean my carpets! Yay for that and is bringing me some more yarn to see if I would like any of it. Then if the high winds that we are expecting do not happen we are going over to her aunts house and have an all girl party! We will see. Who knows what we will end up doing.

 One of my friends is really depressed. She lost her father this time a couple of years ago. She asked for privacy for this weekend so we all stayed off of the group and let her have her time. Also she worked really hard all day Friday and into the late night doing some overlays and someone insulted her work which only added to her depression. She sent me a quick message and I responded that they were just jealous of her beautiful work and not to pay attention to the rude remarks.... I sent her a long distance hug and told her that I loved her and I was here if she needed me.
 I know that the holidays can be so hard for a lot of people. My mom died December 16th so I know how hard that can be. It will be hard for me as well.

 Well I am headed to bed,,,,,I am feeling sleepy... so until later you all have a great time doing what ever you want to do Hugs!!!BB

1 comment:

  1. Cisco must know that Santa is coming soon. Pogo has been super huggy lately too. I love it!!!

    So glad to hear that you are taking it a bit easier. I heard about that train on the news this morning. It's sad, but not a day goes by now where there isn't something horrific going on somewhere. I'm just thankful that we are all okay.

    I checked out the Pink Paradox blog. What beautiful kits! Hmmm. now I'll have to make a couple more Christmas QP's.

    I have one more box to finish and I'll go to the Post Office later today and mail my last boxes out. This is good timing because after today the rates go up for Christmas delivery.

    We discovered that my new little tree is broken, so I've had to order another one. Meanwhile if it doesn't come soon, I'll set up our angel and put the gifts around her. She's just as pretty.

    Pogo is napping on and off in between keeping an eye on what is going on outside the door. It's a bit cloudy today, but still nice, with a little breeze.

    This week I want to go pick up all my bags of doggie and kitty good plus some treats that I donate to the local shelter. That will complete my shopping.

    There's not a lot happening here just now. So I'm going to have me some hot cocoa and finish my last box. Chat with you later. Give Cisco an extra hug for us. Hugs, Edna B.
