Friday, September 9, 2016

The King

 Hi Everyone,

 I really enjoy posting the music to my blog. I hope that you all are enjoying it. I never know what I am going to come up with when I go to You Tube. I suppose that since I am such a fan of all kinds of music and artists it will depend on what I am wanting to hear and today it is Elvis. If you didn't get a chance to listen to the one that I posted yesterday I really hope that you will go back and listen to it. It is called Mary Did You Know. There are many versions of this song, but the one that I posted is my favorite. The one by Ceelo Green is very awesome. It was featured in the Passion of the Christ. But it is so sad for me that I just can't watch it.
 So tell me who would you like to hear? Like I said I have tons of favorites! Except Opera. Sorry but that is not for me. I can do classical but I really had my fill of it too.
 When my daughter Karyn came home from school, every day she put on a cd in the computer of classical music. It helped her study so of course I did what every good mom would do and let her listen to it without complaint. I actually became used to hearing it and it is relaxing and at the same time I found that I was much better at getting a few chores done and dinner while she studied to her music.
 Studies were hard for Karyn so if it helped then I am glad. Jonathan and Laurie really never had to crack a book open. In fact Jonathan always complained that his assignments were to easy so he started taking AP classes in the 8th grade. He also joined several teams that challenged him. Especially the math and science team. They called him a human calculator because he could take columns of numbers and do them in his head. He took his team to State 3 years in a row. A big big honor. His dad has all of his trophies and ribbons and all of his certificates. I asked Jon if he wanted them back and he said no that he didn't need the physical reminders to know his accomplishments. Me thinks that he just doesn't want to dust them haha.
 Jonathan also took his team to state with Creative Writing. Laurie joined teams in history and science.Especially anything to do with Archaeology. Our home was a built in lab on occasions as she was always doing some kind of experiment. She completed a course in Roman history and competed in teams that were really amazing.
  Karyn joined teams in Creative Writing, Poetry and Story Telling. But she was more interested in One Act Play and Drama but she did win Writer Of The Year in her Senior Year. No one was more surprised as she was. They told her that the banquet that they were hosting was just a end of the year awards banquet. Imagine her surprise when she found out that she was the Guest Of Honor! All 3 kids won scholarships for College. We were and are still very proud of their achievements.
 Matthew and Nathan I home schooled. Matthew needed hands on teaching and the school wouldn't help me there so I pulled him out. Same with Nathan. Then later they went on to enroll in Job Corp. They did very well there as they could work with their hands. Matt took painting and Landscaping and Nathan took Carpentry. They excelled and today they can maintain livings doing what they enjoy. Funny tho, Matt now works for the railroad and Nathan in the food industry. But they have the skills that if they ever decided to use they have them.

 I have medical things to do today. I have to fill my medicine box for one and arrange for a test that I have to take. I have been putting it off so I need to get it done. I have had so much going on for me that I just didn't feel up to doing all of the requirements for the test. I  really don't think that this test is all that important to begin with. But I will do it to keep the doctor happy. Jump thru their hoops so to speak.

 Cisco is sprawled out on my bed on top of 3 pillows snoring. He is not eating breakfast. In fact he doesn't really want to eat until after lunch. He will let me know when he is hungry. Speaking of lunch I better find something to eat myself, so everyone have an awesome day. Sorry there is no scrap page to offer today. I just have been hurting too much to do anything. I will try and get something out today. BB

1 comment:

  1. Your music is wonderful, and your childrens' accomplishments are awesome. You did a great job, mama.

    Pogo wants to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CISCO. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! Woof Woof Woof to you!

    I'm hoping for a bit of rain to fall today. It looks like it might, but we shall see. Meanwhile, I have tons more papers and magazines to go through. Gosh, they pile up rally fast.

    You have a wonderful day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
