Friday, September 16, 2016

Hi From Me

 My friend Robyne Butts from Whispers In The Wind made this wonderful kit for me called Proverbial Angel. I made this page from it today and I entered it into a challenge. I was so excited for the kit. She is a very sweet lady and I have never meet one that faces the things that she faces with Strength and Dignity and always has something to smile about. Her faith is strong and I love her to bits! I also order from her for a few other reasons too. She has serious health issues and it is my pleasure to have her make custom kits for me. And I can give away 10 copies so that is a sweet thing to do. I don't know any other designers that will do that for you.

 So exciting news on my end. Tomorrow I have a date with my son Jonathan. We are going to go and look at an apartment!! Then we are heading out to the library, then to lunch and then a stop for some boxes hopefully! Time to start cleaning out the junk drawers my friends and get this place packed up and get on with it. I know that it is going to be tough going but in the long run end my stress a lot so for that I can now relax just a little.
 Things magnify for me. I have to have a back up plan. I have to know that there is a Point A and work for it but I also need that Point B. It is just how I work. Just knowing that we are going out tomorrow and start looking, knowing that he has finally found a place that we can at least check on is such a relief. Actually there are 2 places.
 One is in the same beautiful complex my daughter Karyn lives in. The other is just right next door. The upside is that the complex my daughter lives in has 2 openings that she knows of for sure. The down side to that is that they are on the second floor. But we don't know if they have any bottom floor apartments until we go and see and talk to them.
 So Okay we might have to bite the bullet and get a second floor apartment, But we will find out tomorrow what is available.. It is not easy going up and down the stairs for me, but it is not impossible either. I wouldn't have as many problems here if this place didn't have so many gates to get my walker thru when I need to use it.
 Another great thing is the bus stop is right in front of the building. I wouldn't feel so isolated if I can at least get on a bus and go someplace. Plus there is a convenience store across the street, a couple of places to eat, and is on the bus line to Walmart and to my favorite grocery store. It isn't far from the dollar stores and they have several places to eat as well. I know that I would be more active if I lived in that apartment complex. Here I am stuck. I can't just go and get on the bus and go. The walk is just to far.
 So those are the plans for tomorrow. I am so relieved that I do believe that I will be able to sleep tonight. I sure hope so. It was 8 this morning before I could sleep, and I did sleep and sleep hard but only because my body finally said enough. It was an exhausted sleep but I slept until 2:30 this afternoon.

 I have been waiting for a phone call. I finally got a text message saying I would get a call later on tonight. I text back. It is nearly midnight here and I am going bed. I wish I had known earlier. I could have taken my meds and at least tried to sleep. Oh well. Tomorrow I am not sure I will have my phone on. We are going to be busy and then in the library so I will probably just have it muted or the ringer and sound turned off so if we are talking to someone about an apartment or in the library my phone will not be going off. I find that so annoying. Your trying to take care of business and constantly getting notifications or texts or calls.

 Okay so my meds are taken and I am going to curl up beside my sweet dog Cisco and turn out the lights and try for some much needed sleep..... Sweet dreams I hope...  Wish us luck tomorrow ok? BB

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty page. Beth, I hope you get a good sleep. And I hope you get the apartment that you want. Moving is always a bit difficult and lots of times quite expensive, but in the long run, you'll all be much happier.

    Pogo says to give Cisco a great big lick before you go to sleep. Here's woofs for Cisco, and hugs for you, Edna B.
