Thursday, November 9, 2017

Ohhh Where Did That Cold Come From????

 Autumn Friends, a page I made a couple of years ago. Thanks for looking...!

 Hi There,

 Well I am not sure where our Autumn went yesterday. It was cold, or at least cold for us. 43 degrees most of the day and the wind and rain made it even colder. I just wore pants and a long sleeved shirt. I should have taken a sweater with me to knock off the chill but I didn't. I really didn't think I would need it but that wind and rain was cold. Not the warm kind that we usually have here in South Texas.

 My day started early. I worked on my blog post and then my daughter was here to get me to the dentist by 11:00 am. I didn't have to wait at all. My dentist told me I wont have them by Thanksgiving but he is going to try really hard to have them for me by Christmas. He said that it is the lab that is the hold up since they have many dentures to do a day but he is going to put a rush on mine due to the fact that I need mine for medical issues. He is I swear the nicest man. Extremely gentle and considerate. I wish I had him all along instead of the last few months I would already have my dentures.

 Then we took my son Matthew lunch and then decided we needed food ourselves. The rain and traffic was really bad and so we missed our exit to get to a place that had food that I could eat. We tried to back track but we got tangled up into some really unbelievable traffic so I told Karyn that we were running out of time to get to my eye appointment so we stopped at a fish place and just ordered a fish and chicken plate and ate just a few bites before we had to leave. I brought the rest home with me for my dinner. I am sorry but it is going to take me a long time to enjoy baked fish. YUK but I ate some of it and then we made it to the eye doctor where we waited for over an hour and a half.
 The place was so packed we did not have a place to sit for the first 10 to 15 minutes when we got there.

 They had a premature baby that was a priority so they had to shut one part of the waiting room down so as not to expose the infant to anything. After the baby was seen and they left we were able to disperse into the other area. It is always sanitized for the preemies. They took pictures yesterday. Something that they don't always do, and years ago it never bothered me to have my eyes dilated but now, I can't see a foot in front of me when they do it. They put me in a dark room so that helps but I had to go to the bathroom so that meant I had to go out into the light. Once back in the dark room I had to only wait a few minutes before they called me back.
 I took a pain pill when they dilated my eyes so it had time to work before the actual injections started. The good news is I didn't cry but Ohhhh I darn near passed out. I go next month for the next treatment and then I can start going every 8 weeks. My sugars are coming down, so less bleeding in the vessels so that is great news.

 I came home and of course went to bed. Jonathan came in before he went to bed and put the drops in my eyes and flushed the other one with saline so he was able to get the gel out of my right eye. Then again this morning before work so that is what is enabling me to see a little this morning. I really can't see what I am typing really well, but I know my keyboard so that helps. So forgive any mistakes.
 They eye patch is not very comfortable today. As a matter of fact it is really bothering me so I wont be long on here.

 Before I forget I just wanted to say that I know a lot of you leave comments on my blog by notifications. I appreciate that but could I also ask that you leave a comment in the comment box? It really does help me know who is who and I can respond in kind. It is harder with the notifications. Not that I don't appreciate you stopping by and I do appreciate it, but this is just a request.

 Christmas is just around the corner so I am almost done. I have 5 gifts left to buy and I am finished. I want to get them in the mail the first week of December so there is plenty of time to arrive for Christmas Day. I have 3 that is really a hard decision for me to make on what to get. One is for a teenager. To me that one is going to be the hardest. I know it should be the easiest but for me it is going to be the hardest.

 I think that we are going to go to my sister's in Dallas for Christmas but not Christmas Day. We plan to go on the 16th which is going to be a rough day for our family but bittersweet as well. It was the day our mother passed away. This will also be the first Christmas without our brother. My sister chose this date because it is the only time that she can do it due to her work schedule. And it is going to be a pot luck. Most of the time it is a formal thing with the china and works, but this year it is going to be everyone bring a dish and paper plates and plastic utensils and plastic cups. We want to spend time together, not worry about kitchen cleanup and cooking.

 We are staying home for our Thanksgiving. Not a traditional meal either here as we are going to be watching our new diet. It is going to be alright regardless. Last night for dinner I had the left over fish, 1 slice, 1/2 avocado and cherry tomatoes with a light drizzle of vinaigrette, and you know, that was plenty for me. Cisco had the chicken!!!!

 I wasn't really hungry anyway but I had to eat for my insulin. So I did. My sugars are coming down so I am pleased. Today is steamed cabbage and squash with a romaine salad and cantaloupe. We will use my Ninja to chop some of the salad ingredients. We just pulse them to make it easier for me to eat. I can use a whole list of herbs for seasoning so it will be fine.

 Guess I will close for now because it is getting hard for me to see. I think that I am straining my good eye so I will close for now. Have an awesome day my friends... BB

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I don't envy you these trips to the eye doctor. I have an appointment coming up but it is just a routine check up. My eyes are just fine.

    It's good that your sugar is coming down. I have to say though, that your diet leaves me very wanting. I don't like fish (only haddock) and I don't do well on diets. I wish you much good luck with yours.

    There is a little sparrow sitting just outside my window trying to let me know that they are wanting some food. So I think I'll get some food and a bowl of peanuts to take out to them.

    Beth, you take it easy today. I'll chat with you later. Pogo sends woofs to Cisco. You have a good day, hugs, Edna B.
