Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Autumn Magic

 Hi There,
 A scrap page of my grandkids taken last year about this time. It was one of those gorgeous Indian Summer days. I miss my little stinkers... They have really grown this past year. I wish I could see them. Maybe one of these days I can.

 The weather is just beautiful here. Gorgeous blue skies and puffy white clouds. A brisk 53 degrees with a slight chance of rain. I love it. I have sit out on my patio and have just drank in the gorgeous trees, the cool breeze and the happiness of the birds chirping. Happy sounds and Happy moments.

 So yesterday was a very busy day for me. I started out by receiving a call from my doctor. Just checking on me since I had last been in and I am feeling better yay! Then calls to Walgreen's to check on a couple of my prescriptions. No they had been delayed due to being pre-authorized for a year and the year is up. Now they will either over ride them or they will change me to something else. What a pain that has been. I am still waiting on one call back for one medication that I really do need. It is for my diabetic neuropathy, which is nerve pain in the hands and feet. They had me on another kind but it really hurt my stomach so they changed it to a milder form, now the insurance wants me to go back to the original.
 Then my doctor said for me not to wait until the last minute to call in for refills on a medication so when I opened my last bottle guess what.... I checked and had no refills, so I called it in. Her nurse informed me yesterday it is to early to call in for refills.... I will be so glad when this doctor leaves!! I only have a couple more months to deal with her then I will see my new doctor that is taking her place and I am happy about that. I have seen this other woman before and love her. She was so kind to me when I was in the hospital once.

 Things have been hectic around here. In between scheduling a crap load of doctor appointments for specialists, and dealing with medications, I have also been dealing with no hot water. Good to inform you that I now have hot water. I am not sure who was in the biggest rush to have a hot shower. I did the dishes first then I won the first shower ha ha. I am not sure how people like my mom and her brothers and sisters managed with boiling water growing up and such but they did. Our generation is just spoiled me thinks. I am so use to just turning on the water and having hot water come out. Then I think of all those poor people hit by hurricanes and think... at least I have clean water to drink and to clean even if I had to boil it for a few days.

 I always have something to say that is not good news and today is no different. I think that it was Friday that I got a call from my doctor's nurse. I had a 24 hour urine/protein test done a couple of weeks ago and I have stage 3 kidney disease.
 Basically that means that my kidney is failing, it is at a moderate level of damage. It cannot be cured but it can be slowed down. I have to give up a lot of things that I am spoiled over, but it will be worth it.
 There is a diet that is from a man that was killed in prison. His crime was helping people with illness. It is a long story, but the main thing is that it has been proven to work for those that adhere to it. Basic foods, cut out all fats, dairy and protein and caffeine.  I did find out that chicken and fish are ok. But to limit the chicken to once or twice a week. Much easier than the other diet that I was doing. I have lost weight on the other one, but it was hard. This time it is a family effort, not just me. We are all going to eat the same foods. Most of them I actually like. There are a few that is off limits, such as garlic, tomato sauce, or canned tomoatos and or anything acidic except for the tiny key limes. I can have those in moderation. Cherry or plum tomatoes are ok too. Special flour that is whole grains and most all vegetables are on the list. Broccoli, cauliflower and iceberg lettuce is not as well as any corn products, that includes corn tortillas, cereals and such. And low protein since protein can over load the kidney.
 Karyn and Nathan went on YouTube yesterday and found a lot of the recipes that look good and are easy to make. They are going to do come over and help me and we are going to prepare meals for breakfast lunch and dinner and some snacks I can have. One thing for sure, there is no way to be hungry on this diet.

 I go for my denture fitting today. I hope that they fit and I hope that they get them built soon. This has been the most awful experience that I have endured for so long and no reason for it. I could beg and plead but I cannot change the way the insurance company does things. Some times I feel like another head of cattle being led thru the nose by a ring to jump thru their hoops.

 It is getting time to get into the shower so I will get off here for now and start my day. Here is a few goodies to share. Have a great day to all.....

 LOL.... I think that could happen to me... ha ha.........

 Awwww never thought of it this way........ I guess it would be a horror movie....

 Yep.... this is me and my Cisco.... now there is only one of him but no matter the size of my bed he would take the entire thing. Thankfully he has his own now and we are both sleeping much better.

 And the last one I borrowed from the internet.... Enjoy, smile, laugh and love..... BB

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I'll be interested in seeing the complete list of "can do" foods. We'll have to adjust some of the menus when Florida time arrives. I hope it works well for you.

    Your grandchildren are beautiful. I hope you to get to see them soon too. I only get to see some of mine, but I'm thankful for my time with them.

    Good luck at the dentist today. I hope you have your new dentures soon. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
